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3-D home windows that record the shot you see and play it on the windows later

Image credit: Muntzir via Pixabay

Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic Jan 27, 2022
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3-D home windows that record the shot you see from inside the house, enabling you to play the image on the windows later.
Relive the day that you want. Some people prefer to have an illusion of certain weather, and the windows play previously recorded footage of the day you choose.
If you don't want to look at the snow outside and prefer to reminisce about summer, play footage of summer days outside your home on the windows.
How it works
The windows record the image you see from every angle inside the house. You select the day you want played on the windows from a control unit.
Possible variant
The window cameras are audible, so they capture the ambiance outside and play it through speakers. If you like hearing cars drive past or birds chirping but you've closed the windows, that would capture the outdoor atmosphere.
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Use as a safety feature

Spook Louw
Spook Louw Feb 16, 2022
Something similar could be used looking into the mirrors from outside to make it appear as if there are people in the house as a safety feature.
Criminals are more likely to target a house when nobody or only a vulnerable person is at home. This feature will allow you to make it appear as if there are multiple people inside the house to deter criminals.
How it works
During the day a sequence can be played of people moving around in the house, set to be randomized so that people who might be watching the house don't notice the patterns, but still chronological, so that the same person doesn't appear in more than one room at the same time. At night, this would even be easier, as you would only need to project the silhouettes of people on closed curtains. The system could even be programmed to sporadically switch certain lights in and around the house on and off.
Who would use it?
People who live alone, people who feel unsafe, older people or people who often leave their homes unattended would all benefit from something like this.
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Use it in the office for increased productivity

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Feb 17, 2022
I might sound like a slave driver for this one but here it goes.
Several studies show that there is an increase in productivity when there is rainy or any other type of cold weather.
The most productive temprature range is 15 to 25 degrees. Although it is possible to control the temprature in a workspace, there is still an issue of the placebo effect. People still enjoy looking outside, resting their eyes of just needing a change of view to help idea flow. But once you see the thermals rising outside you internalize the fact that it is still hot and you become affected.
By making the ambience outside match the artificial room temprature, you could mentain peak productivity all day. Also Lunch breaks could be easier to keep on time since the work place stops feeling exhausting.
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Michaela D
Michaela D3 years ago
I think the reason productivity is increased on rainy, cold, or cloudy days is that people feel there is not much more they could be doing with such weather. When it is sunny and 25-30C everyone wants to be at the park or the beach. So, yes, by showing rain people won't be thinking of what they are missing out. But I would make this optional; not everyone would like "fake weather".
Also, I agree that you could trick people that it is not as cold/warm they feel but up to a certain extent. If someone feels warm or cold depends mostly on physiological factors that you cannot change.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
I agree with the placebo effect and its application in the offices. That will totally work... until the employees figure it out and go outside just to check the real weather. After that, it will be like a game - to check the inside weather and guess the weather outside. Also, I like to prepare myself for the weather while going outside. If it is raining, I tend to wait for some time and leave later when it stops or slows down. That may not be possible in the proposed scenario.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni a terrible boss would say check the weather on your own time, but you do have a point there, people like to be prepared. What if the system got disabled an hour before leaving time. That wouldn't affect much and would allow you to plan your departure.
I like the weather guessing game too, but since it's a guess and not a confirmed event, I think the placebo effect wouldn't work quite as well.
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Use projection films for display on windows

Michaela D
Michaela D Jan 28, 2022
Projection films are made to do just that: project on different materials including glass. You cover the surface with the film and you use a projector to display whatever you want. There are two types of projection films based on where the projector is placed: rear and front projection films.
More in the comments below!
Image credit: By Wikiwikiyarou - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12493144
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Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
Nice. I like this.
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General comments

Danny Weir
Danny Weir3 years ago
How about smart glass that can switch between clear and frosted at the touch of a button? I believe the frosted version would be projectable upon. You can see some details about it here.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
How would the image be projected on the windows?
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Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
Povilas S I pictured the windows to be like the ones in a sci-fi movie where the screen is transparent. I'd love to hear alternatives and a way to make this better.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Goran Radanovic That's exactly why I asked, I'm wondering if those are feasible given the current technology? I doubt it, because you need a non-transparent background to project an image onto, if the background is transparent, the two images (the real landscape seen through the window outside and the projected one) will clash and you'll get a mess as a result, unless it's dark and there are no lights shining outside.
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Michaela D
Michaela D3 years ago
I also thought it would not be feasible but then I found this article. Apparently, it is possible to project on glass with front or rear projection films. It seems like these films have a "frosting" effect on the window so the background would be blurred and would not interfere with the projected image. That means though that you cannot enjoy the view from that window. If there are many big windows in one's house they could use just one for image projection.
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