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Creative ways to overcome the tourism crisis for empty hotels

Image credit: Monika Kostera

Eddy Bren
Eddy Bren Jan 12, 2021
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Can we figure out some new creative ideas that could help hotels draw more guests during this crisis?
Creative contributions

Turn hotels into luxurious homes for the elderly

jnikola Jan 17, 2021
Many people want to live alone, far from their parents, but at the same time know that they are safe and being taken care of. The waiting lists for the nursing homes are long and people wait up to a few years to be accepted.

The solution is obvious. Empty hotels could become nursing homes. All they need is nursing personnel, which would be paid by the person being nursed (or their family, relatives). The luxurious hotels could offer better care, massages, therapies, and other kinds of activities that would raise the standard of nursing care and possibly prolong the lifespan of the elderly.

Although it seems like a long-term conversion, hotels could convert just some parts of their available rooms into nursing homes, just enough to cover the losses during the world crisis.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Even if the hotel is for the elderly, it should keep the hotel theme and function so that anyone can book a room and stay for a while. This serves three important functions:

- the relatives of the permanent elderly guests can come and stay with them for a while
- people who are considering a relocation to such a place can come and stay for a while as guests to evaluate how they feel about it
- being around different people might make the elderly feel less excluded from society
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jnikola4 years ago
Darko Savic Thank you for pointing out these really useful and game-changing solutions. This way, the traditional hotel would completely change and widen its purpose and bring the money and solutions to various problems you mentioned.

Also, a big plus of having the elderly in your hotel is that they are usually clean, respectful towards the property, and will follow the hotel`s program and rules without discussion (which is not always the case with high school children, students or people on vacation).
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
The solution could also be temporary (1-year contract). By high tourism season 2022, the covid crisis should be solved and hotels can resume regular operations.
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Insource guests

Spook Louw
Spook Louw Apr 07, 2021
I know of a couple of hotels here in South Africa that offered the rooms to the families and friends of the hotel staff at discounted prices. The idea was that the families get to enjoy the hotels which they might not have been able to afford while keeping their loved ones employed.

As far as I know, this idea worked out pretty well.

Obviously, the prices would have to be reduced considerably, this shouldn't be a time of maximising profits. But if the staff's families could keep the lights on and help cover their salaries it's a good way for a company to boost employee morale and minimize their loss as they go into dormancy.
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Work from home away from home

Dragan Otasevic
Dragan Otasevic Jan 12, 2021
Reduce the prices and offer the rooms as temporary offices to people who need to get some peace and quiet for work, away from the kids and family.

Create some packages including room service, gym in a disinfected environment (schedule one person at a time), even massages while people work on their computers.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Yes, a workation!
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Temporarily turn hotel rooms into luxury quarantine rooms for covid patients

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Jan 13, 2021
Where applicable turn hotel rooms into luxury quarantine rooms where patients feel more comfortable than in hospitals. Do this in partnership with hospitals or doctors who otherwise operate private practices.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
I don't know how many countries did this but this idea was implemented in India. For travelers who entered the country during the pandemic, there was a 14-day quarantine in hotels in the city where the person landed. These hotels were government-sanctioned quarantine places and not all hotels were allowed to do that. There was an app that needed to be downloaded that monitored the activity of the person, restricting their movement to the hotel premises. These were not for patients though, only for travelers from foreign countries.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni I saw a documentary on youtube describing something similar in Wuhan, China
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Temporary kindergarten rooms

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Jan 17, 2021
Turn the rooms into amazing playrooms for kids then offer private child care during the covid crisis. Some parents can't work because they have no one to look after the kids while kindergartens are closed. Some parents might need a break every now and then. Some kids might need a break from always being stuck in the same familiar environment.

  • one professional nanny per room per child (or siblings)
  • the nanny should either be vaccinated or have antibodies from having made it through covid
  • daily disinfected rooms
  • webcam in the room so that the parents can check up on the child via a phone app
  • make every room unique with different themes
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Convalescence sector

Anja M
Anja M Feb 05, 2021
Aside from the idea above to use empty hotels for charging less and attracting digital nomads to book their stay and work, which some countries have already been using and which is great, it has just crossed my mind that some hotels, especially those with spas and big gardens, etc. but where not many people can go now, both due to the covid situation, plus perhaps due to the high prices (in some of these hotels) can be used for post-infection resting.
There is a substantial number of people who are suffering visible post-covid symptoms, such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, tiredness, cardiac problems, etc., from younger to older, and they would most likely benefit from something like this. If I remember correctly, UK has opened such centers last year to track and monitor changes occurring on a long-term level in such patients. Governments could, in addition to a financial boost to the touristic sector in general, give some additional "financial injection" to the owners willing to for a certain amount of time concede their lodging. In the longest run, medical data gathering from those convalescents benefiting from such a thing could be established and monitored, ultimately being shared in a world database on the topic.
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