How old were you when you started watching dumpster diving videos? Perhaps it was a mid- life crisis, or in my case a quarter life crisis.
Everyone鈥檚 initial reaction is ewe, but seriously the expiration date is when the store cannot sell it anymore, not when you cannot eat the food. Meat in deep freeze can last 6 months to a year without becoming freezer burned.
Dumpster divers can tolerate risk. Cops could arrest them for trespassing, the food could be contaminated or spoiled, and they face public humiliation. Personally, the only dumpster diving I have done has been for cans and bottles. As I have heard stories of my grandfather doing the same thing, it is a spiritual experience for me, facing the same public humiliation that he might have.
I remember one time out in my garden, I talked to another person facing hard times making 5 dollars a day looking for bottles. I gave him these bottles that I had foraged for through the university trash cans, as I was secure in my financial life. Here is a pro tip: at community colleges and public colleges there are trash bags just for recycling. Most likely no one will stop you from picking up the bottles deposited by the whole university!
My brilliant idea is to create a cryptocurrency that is paid out to dumpster divers. In return, the host business gets environmental green credits to offset their yearly pollution and environmental impact. The dumpster divers can then sell the food that they forage for to a secondary market for more coins, thereby creating a more stable economy.
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