Imagine you are being mugged and the criminals demanded you transfer money to them. If you argue, you might lose your life and if you agree you lose the money you worked for. Now imagine a feature where if you write your pin in reverse, the banking service receives the money instead and then they send a message to the criminals of a complete transaction. Then after an hour, once you are out of harm's way they follow up to determine what transpired.
When you register account information, you also provide a distress transaction password, it couldn't be the same for everyone as that would be too obvious and get you killed. The default recommendation would be your actual password but in reverse. Now once you use it, the bank completes the transaction with itself as the recipient but sends due notification to the party that was supposed to receive it. After a while, it reports the situation to relevant authorities and they follow it up from there. If your life was not in danger and the idea was to use it to defraud someone, you then get charged with fraud. That would serve as a deterrent to misuse.
Please leave the feedback on this idea