The problem with material is that if you want it to be failure proof from corrosion then you make it more brittle, If you want to make it less brittle then you make it more susceptible to corrosion.. Then you make it out of some sort of plastic based product which is flexible but open to bursting due to the flexibility of the material being plastic based and not hardened metal like material. You also need the internal bore to withstand the friction of the product inside.. Water will erode materials as well.. Look at lanscapes and rivers flowing over rocks vs time.
The only way around this will be a life cycle of the piping like they do in subsea oil and gas. Put a time limit on the pipes and decomission it after said time period to guarantee no pipe bursts.
This brings us back to the whole may as well install it until it bursts.. As its not dangerous product like oil etc than its not going to cause loss of life etc.
If they could work out how to suspend water inside electricity then you could funnel the product down an electric pipe but that would be basically sending water via wifi..
Water or fluids and electricity do not mix.
Like the age old problem of when your wife is angry and you try and help her out by telling her to calm down and you cant work out why that doesnt work..... Well, This is also one of those mysteries in life to be solved
Please leave the feedback on this idea