An app or (better) a built-in feature of smartphone operating systems that creates a Bluetooth-enabled session connecting many smartphones to display the content of any of them through a multimedia projector or on a TV or computer screen. There's a quick and convenient on/off "button" to activate your phone for sharing whenever you want and deactivate it afterwards.
This would be useful in both casual (a house party, a family meeting, etc.) and official (university seminar, work meeting, etc.) gatherings. Whenever anyone in the group gets inspired/needs to show something on their phone (be it on the internet or local files like pictures), they "bring their phone forward" with a simple tap of an icon and its content appears on a TV or a projector screen.
No need to circle the phone around for everyone to check it out or gather around that person and try to see/read something on the small screen. Such cases usually end up in that person showing the content to one or a few people sitting closest to them or to those they know the most or those willing to see it the most. Or it might be that the person drops the idea to share something with others entirely because of the latter.
Having convenient means to enable anyone willing to show something and others to be guaranteed to see it encourages people to be willing to share.
Connecting and disconnecting the phone through Bluetooth takes time and even though it's usually just a few seconds, doing this often would soon get annoying. Also, Bluetooth connections often tend to malfunction once one device is disconnected and another is trying to connect.
All the participants of the gathering connect their phones to a multimedia display device through Bluetooth. An icon in the drop-down menu of each phone then appears tapping on which activates the displaying of the content of your phone's screen on a TV, computer, or projector screen.
Once the person showed whatever they wanted to, they tap the icon again and their phone's screen gets "muted". Now any other person can do the same. The phones stay connected to the common multimedia display device throughout the gathering.
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