Overcoming the hurdle of cosmic radiation to safely inhabit Mars
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[1]Howell, E. (December 10, 2013). How Much Radiation Would You Get During A Mars Mission? Universe Today. Retrieved from: https://www.universetoday.com/107093/how-much-radiation-would-you-get-during-a-mars-mission/#:~:text=Radiation%20on%20Mars%20comes%20from%20two%20sources%3A%20galactic,affecting%20the%20expected%20amount%20of%20particles%20on%20Mars.
[2]Williams, M. (May 28, 2016). The Orbit of Mars. How Long is a Year on Mars?. Universe Today. Retrieved from: https://www.universetoday.com/14718/how-long-is-a-year-on-mars/
[3]Cucinotta, F. A., Hu, S., Schwadron, N. A., Kozarev, K., Townsend, L. W., and Kim, M.‐H. Y. (2010), Space radiation risk limits and Earth‐Moon‐Mars environmental models, Space Weather, 8, S00E09, doi:10.1029/2010SW000572.
[4]Veyajan, VVR (May 1, 2017). What creates Earth’s magnetic field? The Science of Everything: COSMOS. Retrieved from: https://cosmosmagazine.com/geoscience/what-creates-earth-s-magnetic-field/
[5]Dockrill, P. (March 6, 2017). NASA Wants to Launch a Giant Magnetic Field to Make Mars Habitable. Science Alert. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-wants-to-launch-a-giant-magnetic-shield-to-make-mars-habitable
[6]Thibeault, S. (February 16, 2014). Radiation Shielding Materials Containing Hydrogen, Boron, and Nitrogen: Systematic Computational and Experimental Study. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Retrieved from: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/niac/2011_radiation_shielding/
[7]Martian regolith as space radiation shielding L. C. Simonsen, J. E. Nealy, L. W. Townsend, and J. W. Wilson Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 1991 28:1, 7-8
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