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How to make a noise-capturing bubble for outdoor parties

Image credit: Downloaded and edited from https://unsplash.com/photos/bn-D2bCvpik

jnikola Oct 20, 2021
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No, here we do not need the noise-canceling system, because we actually want the sound (and we want it loud!). What we want is the noise-CAPTURING bubble for outdoor parties, which will let us enjoy loud music in our backyard without disturbing our neighbors.
This idea should be applicable to small backyard parties, but also in the cities for festivals such as Ultra Miami, which happens in the heart of Miami. The technology could potentially be adapted to isolate traffic sounds, streets, trains, engines, etc.

The ideas

The first idea was a giant bubble made of acoustic panels or sound absorbing material, but it's not practical due to the wind, the heat, the size of the bubble, and still the low noise-capturing features.
The second idea was the network of noise-canceling devices, which would be expensive and would undoubtedly affect the volume of the music at the festival (unless put in a smart, still unknown layout.
Do you have any ideas on how to create one? Which materials to use?
Creative contributions

Strong wind blown in between 2 layers of vacuum insulated glass

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Oct 20, 2021
Wind direction significantly affects sound propagation.
What if there was a tripple vacuum insulated triple glazed dome that has two layers of glass gapped by 50cm of air. Strong fans could blow in the gap between the layers of glass.
The air would be directed into an underground chamber that is layered with sound insulation foam panels. The sound vibrations would die down in the chamber.
The strong wind could be partially used for air ventilation to reduce the chances of party people in the dome infecting each-other with viruses and what not:)
This opens up a new problem to solve. Industrial fans are loud themselves.
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jnikola3 years ago
Very cool idea with the wind and the insulated chamber. The only problem, in my opinion, would be the dome construction at the site. It should be able to just pop up for a party/festival and pop down in a few hours. Also, if the construction is too heavy, it could hurt people if it gets damaged somehow.
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Using directional speakers

Povilas S
Povilas S Oct 20, 2021
Instead of cancelling the sound another option is to use directional speakers to create a system that provides the sound limited only to a certain area (the area of the party/festival or even just the area near the stage where people dance/listen to music). However, this might be technically too complicated or/and expensive. I imagine that given the current state of the art, sound quality of directional speakers might not amount to the quality of ordinary speakers when it comes to playing music, especially when having in mind events that require high quality sound systems capable of producing very loud sound.
This contribution was inspired by this idea.
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jnikola3 years ago
Whoa! I didn't know this actually exist. Very cool, but as you say, not sure if, at the current state of the art, it is suitable for festivals and outdoor parties. But I will definitely look into it.
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Have everyone wear a spacesuit.

More Ideas Oct 23, 2021
Have everyone dress like Daft Punk, effectively putting the bubble around everyone's head.
Bluetooth and Wifi would enable communication between suits.
It could also be pandemic-proof.

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jnikola3 years ago
I like your cretivity, but I think I would feel pretty unconfortable wearing a bubble around my head while on a festival. Also, it's not so different from wearing the headphones - you lose the feeling of loudness and groomy bass which makes the whole festival area vibrate.
But your idea got me thinking. Maybe we should somehow keep the music around everyone's heads. In other words, a system that would keep the sound from going up in the air by reflecting the soundwaves back could help. Imagine an effective soundproof layer like a ceiling above your heads. It could even be the net of micro ventilators that blow the air towards the ground strong enough to block the sound. Would that be effective and in what shape? Another option could be the horizontal setting of connected directional speakers like Povilas S mentioned.
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Vacuum insulated layers of glass or some other rigid material

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Oct 20, 2021
Sound can't travel through a total vacuum. Even if the vacuum is not total, the sound is heavily reduced. A triple or quadruple glazed dome should be tested. Maybe such a dome can be found somewhere. The owner could be contacted and asked about their experience with sound insulation.
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Using strong directional fans to create a "spot sound" effect

jnikola Oct 21, 2021
Since the wind strongly affects the sound, what if we used large fans to direct sound away from the neighbors and surrounding buildings? What if we directed many fans towards the "heart" of the festival and created a "spot sound" effect (inspired by the "spotlight")? Would that be enough to keep the sound in the festival area only?
As Darko Savic mentioned when talking about industrial fans, they also create a loud sound when turned on. In my opinion, as long as the sound of the fan isn't louder than the music, we're good.
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