The internet has done us a world of good and has advanced human society significantly. It is as important, if not more than the domestication of fire, the invention of the plough, the invention of writing, and the invention of the wheel, among other achievements that progressed the human race.
One of the biggest benefits of the internet is that it has placed information right at our fingertips. You can find the answer to virtually anything by doing a simple search on Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other search engines.
Unfortunately, this benefit has its downsides.
When I started brainstorming this idea, the two downsides that were top of mind are:
The proliferation of false, inaccurate information on the internet, written by uninformed persons.
The sheer volume of information, most of which are rather unnecessary, that consistently leads to time wasting, distractions, and can adversely affect productivity, decision making, innovation, and even well-being. For instance, this study hypothesizes that internet use may be associated with the development of ADHD symptoms.
Information overload is a real thing and it ranges from e-mail and text messages to social media, forums, and search engines.
In a recent post, I proposed a solution to the problems of social media use and addiction. In the same vein, there are workable solutions to some of the sources of this information overload, such as email management systems that help people escape the cycle of email addiction.
However, what other ways can be combat this problem; how can we use the internet more positively, while limiting its negative aspects?
Please leave the feedback on this idea