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Come up with ways to innovate graveyards and make them more interesting and beautiful

Image credit: Linda Gerbec on Unsplash; https://urnabios.com/bios-parks/

Povilas S
Povilas S Aug 13, 2022
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Come up with ideas for novel design, landscape, technological, etc. elements for cemeteries to make them more interesting and beautiful.
For most people cemetery is not a nice place to be in. It's partly due to associations with death and suffering, but it has a lot to do with what the cemeteries look like and how you feel while being there. For example, a park-like cemetery with green lawn and nice, minimalistic tombstones is arguably a nicer place to be in than that with a lot of dark and bulky granite and trees around to cast a shadow.
Most cemeteries virtually didn't change over several hundred and, perhaps, even thousands of years. While respecting traditions is a value, it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make them more interesting/beautiful to raise the mood of people who visit them and make those nearing death more willing to bury their body/ashes there.
As settlements around the world are running out of burial space and cremation is getting more popular , some creative ideas regarding the topic appear, such as the bios park.
We have at least a few related ideas on the platform too.
Can we come up with more creative ways to make modern cemeteries more interesting, beautiful, and environmentally friendly?







Creative contributions

Peaceful cemeteries with different artistic sections

Michaela D
Michaela D Aug 18, 2022
The artistic cemetery will have a "painting section”, “sculpture section”, "dome with stars section", “plant/tree section”, etc. The possibilities are endless and can be adapted to tradition, religion, etc.
Cemeteries are places of peace and respect and the artistic cemetery will be no different. For each section, there will be specific requirements and guidelines to ensure that it remains homogeneous and aesthetically pleasing. Every tombstone will need to be approved before placing.
People or their families could choose which section they would prefer to be buried in based on the person’s life or interests. People may even want to design or paint their own tombstones.
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Tombstones with projectors installed to project holograms

Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain Aug 19, 2022
A cemetery where the tombstones have projecting devices installed which project the deceased person's life story, key moments and chief achievements on the birthdays and the death anniversaries.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Good one. The holograms should be activated only upon request, in order not to turn the cemetery into a permanent hologram cinema and save energy. Also, to prevent kids from playing around with the holograms, it might be a good idea to make access to the holograms more difficult, for example, one might need to go to the cemetery website, find a particular deceased and get a code for activating the hologram on their tombstone. Or you might even need to request permission from relatives.
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Dome-shaped tombstone indicating the position of stars and constellations at the time of one's death/burial

Povilas S
Povilas S Aug 15, 2022
A cemetery full of dome-shaped tombstones. Each tombstone has a mini-map of a night sky depicted on it. All the major stars and constellations and their positions on the tombstone match those seen in the sky at the time of death or burial of the deceased.
The full idea is described here.
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Paint graffiti and murals on tombstones

Oguntola Tobi
Oguntola Tobi Aug 15, 2022
While death is almost always a tragic occurence, most of us do eventually learn to accept and appreciate it as a vital part of the cycle of life.
An interesting and innovative cemetery would be one where family members can express their grief, acceptance, and celebration of the deceased's life through art. It doesn't even have to be immediately. You can bury your loved one in the cemetery without painting anything. Then, when you eventually come to terms with their loss, you can honor their memory with a mural or graffiti.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
This poses danger to attract vandals who will start painting random graffiti on tombstones, it's in a sense like giving them permission or invitation. So people who initially paint something on tombstones should make sure it's done really well and any additional painting would only ruin it and dishonor the deceased.
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Oguntola Tobi
Oguntola Tobi3 years ago
Povilas S You are right about vandals. However, the absence of graffiti or murals hasn't stopped the vandalization of graveyards. So, I don't think it should be enough reason to not explore the idea. Besides, such graveyards can take measures to protect against vandalism, like the use of security cameras.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Oguntola Tobi That's right, the point I was trying to make is simply that the intentional paintings on the tombstones should be of high enough quality or somehow easy to differentiate from graffitis made by outsiders, e.g. there might be standards set by the superiors of the cemetery to which you should comply when making such paintings.
Otherwise, if illegal graffiti artists started operating there as well, soon walking through such a cemetery one might get confused about who made what on certain tombstones.
I imagine a cemetery full of painted tombstones would be a vital attractant for illegal graffiti artists. It's the same situation as when a graffiti vandal sees a wall that already has some graffiti tags on it vs if they see a blank one. In the first case, they feel like they have permission to continue.
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General comments

Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković3 years ago
This Merry Cemetary in Romania has done it amazingly and it was started and mostly conducted by a single man. Colourful tombstones, funny limericks, paintings depicting the deceased's life or how they died, jokes... It's a great way to prolong the memories of the departed. As you have a strong incentive to look at it even if you're just a passerby in the village.
The question is, can you scale this or will that cause the loss of originality that makes it stand out? Most people won't have the creativity of that Romanian creator. It will be mostly copy and paste situation.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Miloš Stanković Nice find! Even if you scale it and it becomes a usual thing, such cemeteries still would be more interesting and fun places to be in than the usual ones. But we can surely come up with more original ideas on how to improve the situation without copy-pasting one type of cemetery.
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