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How to popularize your idea and attract support to it without financial resources?

Image credit: https://dosjotas.blogspot.com/2010/08/place-your-ad-here-toronto.html

Povilas S
Povilas S Jan 23, 2021
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In an economic system where advertising-based business model is prevailing, the rule to success might appear as boiling down to this - the more you invest in advertising and information spread the more likely you'll succeed. Is there a way for someone with no or limited resources to still do it? How to best popularize your idea and attract support to it while being short of finances?

I don't specifically mean ideas that one wants to profit from, just any idea you'd like to see realized.
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Use free SEO tools

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 25, 2021
Writing on the internet is the best way to reach customers globally. Use free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools to place your articles/ blogs/ website, etc. in the top feed.
Here are a few lists of the free SEO tools:
  1. https://ahrefs.com/blog/free-seo-tools/
  2. https://buffer.com/library/free-seo-tools/
  3. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/top-free-seo-tools/302553/
Use these tools while writing (choosing the right words), thinking about what to write (choose the right topics), and publishing it.
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Become an "evangelist" for the idea

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 17, 2021
Go all in and dedicate your life to the idea. Go out of your comfort zone, practice public speaking. Create talks, videos, lectures about the idea. Keep doing it for as long as it takes. Take Aubrey de Grey as an example.

The bigger the idea, the bigger your personal sacrifice.
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
I agree. However, this would work only for the top idea which you admire the most, but you might have many good ideas and can't become an evangelist for them all, nevertheless, you'd still be glad if they became realized, so it's good to know some "marketing tricks" for your "side ideas":) Even if someone else (or sometimes especially if someone else) would realize them you'd be glad to see it happen:)
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Use the free resources for spread of information

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 25, 2021
Marketing today is basically spoon-feeding your product or information regarding your product to your target customers. Customers do not, usually, spend time looking for the best products. They choose from whatever they are hit with. So, like most salespersons, start spoon-feeding. When you don't want to spend money, use the free resources.
  1. Write about it on platforms like medium. Medium is an open platform, which will also pay you according to the number of views your articles receive. So, you don't spend at all and you may earn, too.
  2. If you have a small-niched product, there may exist platforms that target that particular community. You need to find such a platform and start writing about your product.
  3. If such a platform is not available, create your own free website (free option - Google sites).
  4. If your product is information, write about it and sell it on amazon. Amazon may actively sell your idea if you choose that option. They will charge you extra for that but it is a percentage of your sale, so you don't have to pay initially.
  5. Market your stuff for free on social media. You can, probably, use every social medium available out there.
  6. Design a course that teaches/ explains your idea.
  7. User reviews and user feedbacks are two really important things. Always ask your clients for that. Place rewards for writing reviews on different platforms and feedbacks. The rewards should bring back the customer. For example, if you have a course, the rewards can be a discount on the customer's enrollment in your advanced course. The rewards bring back the customers and the reviews bring in new ones.
  8. Hire a marketing expert and pay them in terms of a profit share.
  9. Make short videos and share them on Youtube.
  10. Always cite self stuff. If you are making a video for Youtube, add links to your articles on Medium and your website. Do the same on all the platforms you have your presence on.
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
Really useful challange. I would suggest creating a system that solves this problem systematically. A lot of people of a suitable profile should be involved in the system by a virus marketing system. They criticize and complement the idea, develop the concept, present it effectively and effectively, determine the target audience, who can implement or contribute to the implementation, send the concept to the representatives of the target audience, motivate them, and if possible, sell authoring services with a pool of ideas.
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
I don't quite get the nr. 4 about the Amazon. "If your product is information, write about it and sell it on amazon" - what do you mean by that? Amazon sells predominantly material things. You mean, for example, to write a book about your idea and sell it there? Also, what do you mean by "Amazon may actively sell your idea if you choose that option."? If they sell, for example, your book, the idea is being sold with it, how else can they actively sell it? Do you mean ads on Amazon?

About social media - isn't it that there are rules against posts that are marketing things unless you make a "deal" with the website?
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Povilas S Yes, I meant write a book and sell it there. Yes, I meant the ads on Amazon. The thing is they don't charge you for that. They simply claim an additional percentage of your sale, which is a good thing if you don't want to spend money.

About social media - for example, on Facebook, you can create a page and showcase your talent there. Those are free. On Instagram, you can post photos and those who are interested can message you for details.
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A passive approach - let others find you/r idea

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 25, 2021
A different approach is to keep working on your idea and keep writing about it on the internet, but not using any of the marketing approaches. Maintain a simple website where you can express your views and keep writing. Maybe have a comments section for feedback. You can spend all your time working on your brilliant idea but only hope for a great and rare researcher to find you. It will take time for people to hear about your idea but when they hear about it from another expert, it sounds more genuine (this is what I think). This is not a chance process; you always get heard sooner or later.

Maybe share it only with the experts from the field.
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Maintain an online presence

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 25, 2021
Public memory is very weak since we all are hit by new ideas very frequently. If you want your idea to reach more people, you need to constantly maintain an online presence. you lose your spot in that top feed if you do not have newer things to share. Keep updating your content and also, your idea. Collaborate with others who you think can improve your idea. Indirectly, their followers become your followers. Add new aspects to your idea that make more and more people feel the need to hear you out - basically, increase your target audience.
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The very idea to popularize your idea is wrong

Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov Sep 23, 2022
If you want your idea to be implemented, you would rather better concentrate on the target audience who can do that, not a general public. Then you will need much less time and money to push it into reality.
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Povilas S
Povilas S2 years ago
That's still popularizing, just on a smaller scale, to certain people. Another thing is that it's not always easy to identify the correct target audience, some ideas might get implemented by solo enthusiasts or small groups of people. It's not easy to guess in advance who would get interested enough in a specific idea to want to realize it.
It depends on the idea. If it's massive and requires a lot of resources then yes, the target audience would be some big enough companies specializing in that field, but if it's something more on a DIY scale, spreading the net wide might bring about better results.
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General comments

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Just to clarify -
1. Do you expect marketing tips as suggestions?
2. When you say "attract support", you mean financial, too or just agreement within the society?
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni I'll start with the second one - yes, financial, but also to attract people who would want to help make the idea a reality by either working on it themselves or providing other means to help realize it (if not money, then other necessary resources). So not just agreement.

I'm a bit resistant towards marketing. There's a thin line between marketing and information spread. I'm more viewing it from the point of information spread and not trying to spoon-feed (to use your expression) people. Actually, when making this session I was thinking more not about business ideas, but simply something you came up with yourself and would like to see it realized in one way or another, but then again business ideas also, why not. So any suggestions, I guess.
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