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How can early and late risers live together without disrupting each other's sleep?

Image credit: Splatoon / Splatfest

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 17, 2021
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How can people who wake up early not mess with the sleep of other household members who like to wake up late?

Got this problem from a tweet.
Creative contributions

Quiet alarm clocks that only wake up specific individuals

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 19, 2021
Shubhankar proposed a single-person alarm that quietly taps the back of your hand to wake you up.

Another solution along the same lines would be to integrate a small vibration motor into a ring. Unlike having your phone vibrate on the bed, the ring-wearer would likely be the only person feeling the vibration.

This image features the Oura ring. It's battery-powered and full of sensors. I'm guessing a slightly bigger version could fit a vibrator as well.

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Acoustic studio panels layered on the walls

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 17, 2021
Layer the late sleeper bedrooms with self-adhesive acoustic studio panels. They will prevent any noise from going in or out.

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salemandreus4 years ago
I researched a bunch of other soundproofing materials for different types of noise reduction depending on what you're going for and posted about them as part of this CC (https://brainstorming.com/a-soundproof-covering-around-a-single-person-where-they-can-work-without-disturbance-from-the-outside-sounds/378?highlighted-solution-id=1255).
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Use a vibrating alarm on the smartwatch

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Aug 18, 2021
A vibrating alarm does not wake others who are not sleeping on the same bed.
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Make a Law

Daami A.
Daami A. Aug 19, 2021
Lol! Yeah!

I think a great method for this would be to have a serious conversation and submit reasons for mutual reasoning.

After this, everyone in the household will learn to be considerate.

I am of the opinion that an early riser should learn to be quiet when they wake up. They should not turn any volume up or sing loudly. Everything can be done in quietness and subtlety.

A late sleeper should follow this same rule.

I am certain that this wouldn't work perfectly for the first at least month. However, in a good household where there's and true love and friendship, it will certainly work out with constant reminder, fight and mutual understanding.

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salemandreus4 years ago
I do agree, however, I've discovered that some people are incredibly light sleepers and jumpy wakers at the slightest of sounds, and some houses have absolutely terrible acoustics and thin walls. I had a housemate who would hear me and be woken up if I came home late, (which I had to due to work), no matter how slowly and carefully I opened the door and how quietly I tiptoed into the house carrying my shoes!
I once stayed in a student residence of about thirty rooms in one long corridor where one had to speak in a low voice in the corridor when talking to someone almost at the other end because the sound carried so well, so I had to unlearn the usual habit slightly projecting my voice due to distance!

Also I myself find it far easier to work at night time (when I can best focus) and try to nap during the day when I can. The traffic is incredibly loud outside my window even though I am not that close to the road, and like increasing numbers of people, I have to live in a complex where there are neighbours all around as well as a housemate.
For my case, given there are so many noises that can come from so many directions, I'd be particularly keen on a solution that insulates all sounds rather than specific people.

Having said that, these walls are better than other places I've lived in for blocking communication from neighbours although neighbours above and below each other tend to have to communicate regarding noise. I have been finding myself managing to cope despite my noise sensitivity, through an amiable communication relationship with my housemate and our consideration towards each other goes a long way. Medication managing my anxiety has also gone a long way to reducing my noise sensitivity from the traffic so I suppose things like that could work in tandem, one doesn't always need a home renovation to solve the problem. And even in the incredibly acoustic student residence I mentioned, people learned to be surprisingly considerate and keep their voices low or to not talk at all in the corridor, so it can be done in a surprising number of cases!
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Michaela D
Michaela D3 years ago
Earplugs have changed my life (for traffic, house noises, etc). Some people also like white noise (through the phone or other white noise generators).
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An encapsulation for the vibrating smartwatch or even the Oura ring.

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Aug 20, 2021
If the vibrating device does not touch the bed and pillows, etc., it would not make much noise that could wake up the person sleeping beside you. Therefore, it could be encapsulated in an outer covering of the same shape.

The cover could be detachable so that it could be removed during the day.
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