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What are the jobs of the future?

Image credit: Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Sep 18, 2020
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What jobs do you think will be retained and what new kind of jobs will open up in the future?

Some twenty-thirty years ago, "cheese straightener" used to be a job. It was exactly as the name suggested, to straighten the cubes of cheese on the assembly line. Today, almost all factories use machines for such jobs. Human interference is minimal.

What do you think will happen in the future? What jobs will we lose to the machines (including artificial intelligence? I recently saw a fresh pizza vending machine! So you get the idea. The current pandemic, too, has rendered some jobs obsolete. Farming (both plant and animal) will continue, I think. Even though we are moving towards manufacturing all-nutrition pills, there is still a large proportion of us who enjoy food, the way it currently is - with its taste, texture, and smell. Sometimes, the calories don't even matter. So farming-related jobs will continue to operate for many more years.

Also, what new roles will be created along the way? This list will be useful to the current high school students and also to those looking for a switch or a new role in their career.
Creative contributions

Cybersecurity Companies for Customer´s Online Safety

jnikola Sep 18, 2020
If you are a public person or somebody rich/meaningful, you often need security while walking the street. But what happens when coronavirus pandemics restricts your mobility? You go online. Is it more dangerous than walking down the street? Do we need personal security there? In case we want to stay anonymous, protected, and keep all our personal data safe from hackers or cookie collectors, we could hire personal cybersecurity companies to help us. They would set up the system and requirements needed for anonymous browsing (hardware and software), monitor the flow of the information, and alert us on possible breaches or weak points. They would also act like PR companies and scan the internet in search of all the places where a customer´s name or data is mentioned, restrict the third parties to use the info, or sue them if they illegally use our private data. The big difference between them and e.g Google´s safety protocols would be that the private security companies would have the safety of their customer in the first place, and not the money they can earn from selling the private data.
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Meta-managerial jobs of all kind

Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain Sep 22, 2020
Since the advent of tech and AI is escalating at an unprecedented scale, I think the jobs that can handle many jobs- meta in this sense- are the jobs of the future. Take for example a job in the medical industry. It is highly probable that the systems will be automated and there will be heavy robotic production (which already is the case to some extent). This alleviates the need for tokenized, specialized jobs. Pharmacists, medical lab technicians and radiologists might run obsolete in the future. However, the jobs that need generalized skills of management of these technologies might rise. When there are automated AI systems that can take care of most of the specialized jobs, we would still need someone to oversee the operation of the AI based work-flow. Hence, the meta-manager of the medical industry will manage how the AI pharmacist prescribes the drugs, how the AI lab technician diagnoses the diseases. This can extend to all other fields of finances, education and public services where the basic paperwork will be automated but meta-managers will strictly oversee all of this processes.
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Monitoring Robots

Jamila Sep 23, 2020
I think jobs that monitor robotic devices will be on the rise. Starship Technologies have developed bots that can deliver takeaway meals and groceries in different cities. There are also things like driverless pods and delivery drones (amazon prime air) which will be become prominent in the future. These technological advancements will require developers to build the idea in the first place and then there will be jobs for people to monitor and maintain these bots when they are in the public domain. Starship technologies are advertising for a “field assistant” role which is to basically monitor the bot. So these roles are already on the rise.
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Data detective

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 16, 2021
The person will have to develop an investigative problem-solving ability and will be called upon on having data piracy problems or to identify and fix data leaks.
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Data broker

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 12, 2021
Since personal data is gaining more and more importance and free usage of personal data is seen as an infringement of privacy, data will no more be public. Users may be able to record and use their own data. There will be those who would not mind some part of their data being viewed and used by others. There will be companies looking for such people. Data brokers (or equivalent websites) will help connect those who want to share ABC data and those who are looking for it. The data broker will help them build a contract and mediate the negotiation of terms and conditions.
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Air drone traffic controller

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 12, 2021
As the name suggests, the person will monitor and guide drone owners to fly their drones safely. The person will manage the traffic of both public drones (owned by companies that will deliver products, monitor surroundings, etc.) and private drones (owned by people for personal use, recreation, etc.)
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Virtual reality architect

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 16, 2021
The person will consult with patients/ participants to generate specifications for their virtual reality experiences. If others are involved - like psychologists/ psychiatrists, they will be consulted, too. The person will then collaborate with engineers and artists to develop a personalized program for the clients. The person will be responsible for building a story behind the experience/ game.

Something like https://secondlife.com/, but much more personalized.
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Genetic diversity officer

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 16, 2021
This person will ensure genetic inclusion within the organization. The person will be experienced in genetic equality and will also ensure genetic equality within the organization.
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Companion for the old

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jan 16, 2021
The person will provide a warm environment for their aged companions and help them with their daily activities.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
What can people do that AI and robots can't in the foreseeable future?
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Darko Savic Based on how we let the field of AI progress and what we define as foreseeable, I think a number of jobs mentioned above will go to humans initially. I think the ultimate goal of AI is to replace anything and everything a person can do. It is debated whether the AI can/ should achieve it.
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