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A patrol or security system that uses empty, self-driven police cars to create the same effect that a police car filled with officers will have

Image credit: https://unsplash.com/@mattpopovich

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Jul 28, 2021
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This is like playing roulette with the police cars. The police cars should be designed so that one can not tell the empty cars from the ones full of police officers. The aim is to put a lot of cars on patrol so that criminals feel threatened by both the empty cars and the cars that are occupied. Since most criminals are not likely to wait and find out if the police car is filled with personnel or just an empty car, such a method will make the patroled area safer. The policemen will seem to cover a lot more ground if the method is applied.
I would like to call this a scarecrow security approach. Just like animals do not want to land on a farm that has a scarecrow, because they can not tell the harmless scarecrows apart from humans, the criminals are repelled because they cannot tell the empty cars from dangerous ones.
This can also be used in security systems where there are not enough resources to cover the whole place. The technique can also be used at war, in cases where the soldiers are outnumbered or they get to be concentrated at strategic points but the details of their distribution are hidden from the enemy.
Creative contributions

Cameras can be fitted on the cars for surveillance

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jul 29, 2021
The camera footage can be surveyed in real-time to monitor crimes.

Also, the footage can be viewed later on to identify the criminals if a crime was committed and the scarecrow car happened to be there by accident.
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jnikola4 years ago
The problem with cameras on the car would be that the criminals would know that the car is empty if there are cameras on top of it. That way they could still do the crime but put the hoody on. Either all the police cars should have the same integrated camera system or the cameras should be hidden inside the car. Also, what's the use of police passing by if it will not react at the moment the crime happened?

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Surveillance cameras on all the vehicles

jnikola Jul 29, 2021
What if we put safety cameras on all the vehicles that want to have them?

The cameras could be built and integrated on top of the car as a thin "taxi" sign. City surveillance companies/police could offer everybody an option to put the cameras on their car. That way, every car would become a patrolling police vehicle and the people owning the car could get some money for it. It's like marketing, but for safety. The companies having many cars could have their entire fleet upgraded with cameras and get a nice amount of money for it. The cameras could also be used by companies or persons to protect their cars from car thefts.

If I was about the offer you one of these cameras, I would present it as an investment into safer cities, your personal car security, and an additional source of money (due to the money you get).
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Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello4 years ago
This is not a bad idea. What I have in mind is something that will reduce crime rates. Criminals may not be scared of having a few more mobile cameras in town if they are sure the police are not nearby. They can always wear masks and conceal their plate numbers when they move around and the surveillance cars may only be useful when the police are chasing criminals.
More surveillance in the community is always a good thing for law enforcement agencies and will help improve the safety of citizens.
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jnikola4 years ago
Samuel Bello That's true. My solution would be less effective than patrolling autonomous police vehicles.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Due to tinted windows, a drone car would be indistinguishable from one that has people inside.
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