I like the idea. More filters are necessary for high quality-low noise content. The user should be able to set a "year of publication" filter, if they want, for example, data from publications from the last 5 years or only between 1980 and 2000.
Authenticity filters for the papers can also be another feature. For example, the user should be able to decide to include data from papers published in journals with an impact factor greater than X or by authors with an H-index greater than X.
I agree that highly citated papers and high H-index authors can also make mistakes. However, publications in top-ranking journals are scrutinized and judged far more and faster than the others leading to retraction of the papers with fabricated results (or non-reprodicuble results) and maintaining the quality of the journals. Hence, filtering papers using such indices is not the worst idea. Also, the rate of retraction is less for such journals, so, most of the information contained in these papers is true at that time.
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