This app will be able to give the user possible arrangements of their room by taking measurements of the room's dimension and the size and physical quantities, and the usefulness of the room's content. The possible arrangements will be generated to give the user an optimal efficiency for their activities in the room.
Not everyone can come up with efficient arrangements for their room or workspace. Some people have a knack for imagining the room's arrangements and intuitively put things in places where they are easiest to access when they are needed. They can even make sure some furniture is arranged so that some of them can do double work.
There are existing apps like "room scan pro" and "floor plan creator" that help users visualize arrangements of their pieces of furniture in a room before they are moved in. They are usually limited when it comes to rearranging the room and they are most efficient in visualizing the arrangement of furniture and objects that have similar dimensions. These apps focus primarily on the dimensions of the objects without considering their use or aesthetic effects. The proposed app will make up for the mentioned shortcomings of such systems.
The proposed app will be able to arrange things more efficiently since it will consider the purposes of objects and the parts of the room that they are usually needed. For this to work, the app will require powerful image search algorithms and will be able to measure the dimensions of objects in the room. Lastly, it will require a lot of computing power since projecting and analyzing the possible arrangements will require accurate three-dimensional modeling. It should be practical to outsource the modeling servers over the internet instead of making the phone do the heavy lifting. This will save time and energy from the user's end.
There is also the convenience that comes with being able to go to the user's arrangement history to look for things if they forget where something is placed. The app will also suggest things that could be added to the room to improve the room's beauty or the user's comfort.
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