An app that keeps track of how you feel about each encounter with people in your life. Patterns/graphs emerge. Are there toxic people around you? Are you toxic?
Determine whether you or the people in your life are toxic. This is valuable information in the quest for a better/happier life.
Figure out who needs to be cut from your life or at least avoided as much as possible.
In the app, you create a profile for each person you often encounter. The app can import people's profiles from your phonebook or social media platforms.
Every time you are done talking to someone, take out your phone and give the ineraction a rating from 1 to 10. This is conceptually similar to this idea. The app will keep a log/stats and produce a graph based on this information.
After a while, you will have interaction quality graphs for each person.
The app also calculates the average interaction quality of each day, so you also have cummulative daily graphs.
If specific people consistently get low ratings, cut them from your life, or minimize your encounters with them.
If on the other hand, the majority of encounters are rated poorly, something might be wrong with you. You might need to work on yourself.
Compare your stats with other people's averages
The app makes it possible to compare the quality of your encounters with the average of those that match your your parameters (age, sex, status, etc).
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