Can we achieve "pure" altruism?
Image credit: @gruntzooki
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Existence of sociopathy - argument against altruism being in our nature
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Altruism is an advanced form of natural selection among the same species
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Feinberg's egoist vs. psychological egoism
[1]Joel Feinberg. "Psychological Egoism." in "Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy" 3rd ed. Joel Feinberg, ed. Enciono, CA: Dickenson, 1975. 501-512.505.
[2] Duncan-Jones, Austin. Butler's Moral Philosophy. London: Penguin, 1952.,p.96
[3]Feinberg, Joel. "Psychological Egoism." In Reason & Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy, edited by Joel Feinberg and Russ Shafer-Landau, 520-532. California: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008., p.521
[4]Garvin, Lucius F. C. A Modern Introduction to Ethics. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953.,p.512f
[5]Ibid, ref.3, p.522
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Judith Lichtenberg and “the possibility of pure altruism”
- In this short article, J.L. offers a very summarized and convincing view of the problem of temporary discussions that focus on evolutionary explanations. The most famous stances there are:
- Reciprocal altruism – thesis that evolution favours those sacrificing their good for others to earn a favour in return
- Kin selection – a.k.a the “selfish gene” theory, that altruism occurs toward others sharing the gene and that this maximizes the chances of reproducing that gene
- Psychological
- Logical
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The debate can only survive if we consider an individual to be separate from the whole
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Most probably multifactorial; there can be no 'pure altruism'
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