Is Rapamycin the first step towards a longer life?
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[1]Rožman, P., How Could We Slow or Reverse the Human Aging Process and Extend the Healthy Life Span with Heterochronous Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Rejuvenation Res, 2020. 23(2): p. 159-170.
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[5]Harrison, D.E., et al., Rapamycin fed late in life extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice. Nature, 2009. 460(7253): p. 392-5.
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[10]Blagosklonny, M.V., Rapamycin for longevity: opinion article. Aging (Albany NY), 2019. 11(19): p. 8048-8067.
Creative contributions
2. Intermittent doses of Rapamycin
[1]Kraig E, Linehan LA, Liang H, Romo TQ, Liu Q, Wu Y, et al. A randomized control trial to establish the feasibility and safety of rapamycin treatment in an older human cohort: Immunological, physical performance, and cognitive effects. Exp Gerontol [Internet]. 2018 May;105:53–69. Available from:
[2]Mannick JB, Morris M, Hockey H-UP, Roma G, Beibel M, Kulmatycki K, et al. TORC1 inhibition enhances immune function and reduces infections in the elderly. Sci Transl Med [Internet]. 2018 Jul 11;10(449):eaaq1564. Available from:
[3]Arriola Apelo SI, Pumper CP, Baar EL, Cummings NE, Lamming DW. Intermittent Administration of Rapamycin Extends the Life Span of Female C57BL/6J Mice. Journals Gerontol Ser A Biol Sci Med Sci [Internet]. 2016 Jul;71(7):876–81. Available from:
[4]Blagosklonny M V. Aging, Stem Cells, and Mammalian Target of Rapamycin: A Prospect of Pharmacologic Rejuvenation of Aging Stem Cells. Rejuvenation Res [Internet]. 2008 Aug;11(4):801–8. Available from:
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mTOR is involved in biosynthesis of lipids and related to telomeres

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3. Rapamycin eliminates hyper-immunity
[1]Svatek RS, Ji N, de Leon E, Mukherjee NZ, Kabra A, Hurez V, et al. Rapamycin Prevents Surgery-Induced Immune Dysfunction in Patients with Bladder Cancer. Cancer Immunol Res [Internet]. 2018 Dec 18; Available from:
[2]Mannick JB, Del Giudice G, Lattanzi M, Valiante NM, Praestgaard J, Huang B, et al. mTOR inhibition improves immune function in the elderly. Sci Transl Med [Internet]. 2014 Dec 24;6(268):268ra179-268ra179. Available from:
[3]Keating R, Hertz T, Wehenkel M, Harris TL, Edwards BA, McClaren JL, et al. The kinase mTOR modulates the antibody response to provide cross-protective immunity to lethal infection with influenza virus. Nat Immunol [Internet]. 2013 Dec 20;14(12):1266–76. Available from:
[4]Blagosklonny M V. Aging and Immortality: Quasi-Programmed Senescence and Its Pharmacologic Inhibition. Cell Cycle [Internet]. 2006 Sep 15;5(18):2087–102. Available from:
[5]Blagosklonny M V. Rapamycin for longevity: opinion article. Aging (Albany NY) [Internet]. 2019 Oct 4;11(19):8048–67. Available from:
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4. TOR is beneficial early and damaging later on in life
[1]Demidenko ZN, Blagosklonny M V. Growth stimulation leads to cellular senescence when the cell cycle is blocked. Cell Cycle [Internet]. 2008 Nov 5;7(21):3355–61. Available from:
[2]Murakami M, Ichisaka T, Maeda M, Oshiro N, Hara K, Edenhofer F, et al. mTOR Is Essential for Growth and Proliferation in Early Mouse Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cells. Mol Cell Biol [Internet]. 2004 Aug 1;24(15):6710–8. Available from:
[3]Murakami M, Ichisaka T, Maeda M, Oshiro N, Hara K, Edenhofer F, et al. mTOR Is Essential for Growth and Proliferation in Early Mouse Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cells. Mol Cell Biol [Internet]. 2004 Aug 1;24(15):6710–8. Available from:
[4]Blagosklonny M V. Aging: ROS or TOR. Cell Cycle [Internet]. 2008 Nov 5;7(21):3344–54. Available from:
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