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Personalized dance parties

Image credit: https://cdn2.thelineofbestfit.com/media/2014/Bishop_Allen_-_Lights_Out.jpg

Povilas S
Povilas S Nov 20, 2021
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The idea is for a club to hold parties with the music adapted very specifically to the taste of the visitors. This would be achieved by analyzing the selection of people's favorite music on online streaming platforms (with their consent), grouping people into different categories accordingly, and inviting each group to a different party specifically designed to match the taste of its guests.
Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to say that people who like pop and house more will be invited to a pop-house party and people who like drum & bass and dubstep will be invited to the party playing those genres. Different clubs/events exist for this purpose. The idea is to make it way more specific.
If you like techno and go to the club that plays predominantly that genre, you can still either enjoy the music at a certain party or not really, this depends on the playing Djs and the specific sets they chose for that evening. The way to make the set more personalized is by adapting it to the defining parameters of your favorite music.
How would it work: The club advertises that they will be holding personalized parties and invites people to participate. For this, you'd have to register on the club's website and link your profile(s) of an online music streaming platform(s). You could then indicate your favorite dance music by linking specific playlists, artists, albums, and solitary songs. The more favorite music you'd provide for the algorithm to analyze, the better understanding of your general taste the organizers will be able to get.
Software similar to this could be used for music analysis. It would analyze all the music indicated by the user as their favorite and then dredge out the defining parameters, such as BPM range, dominating keys, dominating mood of the songs, etc. All the registered participants would then be grouped into categories according to the best matching/approximation of those parameters.
The Dj(s) would see the defining parameters of a certain group and would adapt the evening's set accordingly. Also, different Djs could be assigned to certain groups by the organizers according to the parameters of the sets that they usually play.
Different groups of people could either be invited to the same club on different dates or, if the club had a few venues, they could be invited on the same day to different venues.
The benefits of this:
  • An opportunity for a novel club business.
  • Attract more people to the venue(s) by increasing the chances that they will enjoy the played music.
  • Visitors can be more certain that they will like the sets played at the party, therefore less frustration trying to decide if you want to go there or not.
  • At the party, you are more likely to connect with people whose taste in music is similar to yours in a specific sense.
  • The anticipation of being assigned to a specific (initially unknown) group ads a gamification element and is an attractive concept marketing-wise.
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Themed parties

Povilas S
Povilas S Nov 20, 2021
To make the gamification element even more vivid, the party of each group could be assigned a specific theme. A specific dress code is also an option, but this might discourage some people from going there. A certain title of the party somehow relating to the specific type of music the participants like would be created. Invitations could be adapted to the theme of the party and sent to each participant separately by email or other means. The decorations and lighting of the venue would also be adapted accordingly.
This summer I've been to an electronic music festival and it had a similar personalized gamification element everybody liked. Before going to the festival, together with the ticket to your email you received a questionnaire, the results of which let the organizers assign you to one of a few categories, based on your personality, inclinations towards certain things, etc. The theme of the festival was named "secret societies". So as a participant, you were assigned to one of the "societies".
Those who bought their ticket at the gate or didn't fill the initial questionnaire could go to the dedicated stations at the festival, converse with the staff, and get assigned to a certain society there. Each society had its own party going on at a certain time and a certain place of the festival that they could access. You could invite members of other societies to your party by giving them tokens that you got from the staff. There were also games/puzzles assigned to each society that you could engage in.
So in the context of this idea the analysis of your favorite music would replace the questionnaire.
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General comments

jnikola3 years ago
Hi Povilas S! I find the part of automatic searching and creating playlists a very interesting add-on to your previous idea about the collective DJ-ing cafe. Although it could be tricky to ask people for 3rd-party access to your Spotify playlists due to the increased caution and privacy measures, the idea would definitely result in more customized parties, a deeper psychological connection with the place, and a better clubbing experience. As the creators of the CrowdDJ app said, "Consumers will remember their song when they are sitting in that restaurant or that bar. It's not the song that defines the brand, it's the experience that you have in that brand."
For the people to not decide if they will go out or not based on the algorithm results, the key thing is, in my opinion, for people to not know the playlists until they arrive at the club. Many people will just have an ordinary music taste and, due to the law of numbers, the party could result in similar songs (that are currently popular) playing every time. That's where your "themed party contributions" should jump in and guide the guests towards sharing only the "theme-matching" playlists.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Juran I think you misconceived the idea a bit. The result of music analysis performed on favorite music of the visitors wouldn't be about suggesting particular songs that the DJ should play. It would only give different parameters, like dominating BPM range, dominating tonality, genre, percentage of valence, percentage of average "energy", "danceability", etc. of the favorite music of each participant. If you enter the URL of your favorite playlist here and press "analyze", you'll see what I'm talking about. Of course, the professional music analysis software is more complicated than that, this is just a simplified version for public view.
The music analysis software that I linked above also shows most repeating artists and all that, but the main focus would be on the defining musical parameters, not the concrete artists or songs. All the visitors registered as wanting to attend a personalized party would then be split into a few (I don't know how many groups this would take, the more groups you make the more personalized it can be, this would perhaps depend on the size of the initial crowd) groups depending on the resulting parameters of analysis of their fav music. People with the most similar parameters of their fav music would belong to the same group.
The DJ would pick the songs to include in the set according to the parameters of the group, he/she would have total free will what exact songs to pick, but they'd have to be more or less within the range of the defining musical parameters of that group. In practice, successful personalization might be much more complicated than it sounds, but I think a successful system can be developed using this principle by simply trying and testing the result (satisfaction of the people in a personalized group) many times.
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