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Come up with an idea how to legally pay no taxes having income and raising your capital

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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov May 24, 2022
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How to LEGALLY pay no taxes doing your business and non-commercial projects? Cryptocurrencies are not sufficiently good by themselves, because legally you may have problems in many countries in case somebody finds out you have a capital of this kind paying no taxes. You have a risk. It is possible to hide things, but it would be more reliable to have a way to pay no taxes fully openly and legally, hiding nothing.
Also, I do not mean ways reducing taxes. The ideal result is 0 taxes and no relations with tax authorities.
Also, I do not mean not being pro-social! But when you start or do a project that will be of a great benefit to all humanity, paying taxes may be unethical toward sponsors and other people: they give money not to your state but to you, so that you can implement your idea.
It may be good to pay taxes, when you have no better ways to help humanity or your country except giving out the money to people who know better. But when you know for sure, you will be more efficient in doing good for this money, it is unethical and unefficient in term of public good to give out these money to governments.
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separating operations from personality

Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov May 24, 2022
Doing operations under offshore company where you have no legal property but a physical way to control funds. Moreover, this company may serve and accept payments for numerous project owners. All these funds do not belong to these people. These people do a free work/service/deliver free products for this company's clients. In exchange, the company agrees to accept (free!) advises of these people how to use the funds. Also, it provides a technical mechanism that allows the people to have a control over funds: without their concent, the funds cannot be paid to anyone else.
As a result, the people have the same function as if owned the money, but without legal property.
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General comments

Shireesh Apte
Shireesh Apte3 years ago
On a slightly different note, if I have 30 days to roll over a 401K plan without paying capital gains, why can I not do that with any investment? Example: I sell cryptocurrency, and within 30 days, I purchase other investment assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate or REITs. Why then, do I have to pay a capital gains tax on the cryptocurrency when I ploughed the money directly back into other investments within a specified time period?
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jnikola3 years ago
The best thing would be to create your own state with zero tax policies. However, then you would not be able to freely travel, use health services, cashless systems, etc. I am not sure how beneficial would it be.
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
J. Nikola Yes, I would like to create a State of God on the Earth. Is not this too costy in terms of time, efforts and money? Well... Territory may be in people's souls. Given enough people, they may come to some place, and make a referendum to get independance. But won't it take too much time, money and efforts? What about living in any existing country without having to pay taxes?
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jnikola3 years ago
Mikhail Korsanov I think even in the State of God, you would eventually have to pay taxes. Concerning the question, people use roads, traffic lights, water from the pipes, electricity, etc. If you would like to use it (and I see no way of avoiding using it), taxes are the fee.
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
J. Nikola In the State of God, there must be another way to fulfill the common good, not through taxes and even managing the common wealth not through money.
Money is an artificially limited system, while the world and opportunities for development are relatively unlimited. Money restrains development and human initiative.
Besides, the State should exist without taking taxes. It can issue the rewards, that's enough. God can reward people who do good, issuing the reward Himself, without taking taxes. Issuing money and taking taxes is like giving money to someone, then taking some part of it back to make a purchase. Is not it easier to give the right amount from the start?
In fact even with money system there is an opportunity to make it simpler: creating a controlled and predictable inflation. This is so called "inflation tax". Government just issues more money each year, everyone knows that inflation is 20% a year, for example. Economy can function well with it, when inflation is predictable. But still, it creates unneeded limits to development, as long as money exist.
In the State of God everyone needs to listen to God, what to do, not his rationality and economical reasons. That will lead to the maximum common and personal good. Listening to God is possible through the feeling of conscience, to some extent, or opening (understanding) the Spirit, which gives more quality results. Yes, for that we need reliable methods to fastly overcome egoism and closeness from people, lack of love. But that is just what the Realm of God is about: to build this, we need to implement such methods as a basis of the State.
As with communism: you can't build it, until you have enough of people with the right motivational structure, altruistic enough to be enthusiastic without money.
How to make economical decisions when you do not have quantitative estimations of value? Again: getting the answers from God through the Spirit (or the feeling of conscience, at least). How to find alternatives and variants? Through revelations, God-inspired ideas. We, ideators, are acquainted with the process of ideas flashing in our heads, right? The difference is being Saint enough by soul to ensure truthfullness of the ideas.
You do not need economical analysis to make a right decision, providing that you have direct government from God, and you are ready to hear His voice clearly enough.
But to start with, I would enjoy a way to avoid taxes and relations with tax agency in a usual earthly state :)
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