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How to motivate ideators to actively participate in challenges besides money?

Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov Jun 05, 2022
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How to motivate ideators to actively participate in challenges besides money?
Creative contributions

Ideator Competitions where the Winning Idea is Implemented

Oguntola Tobi
Oguntola Tobi Jun 06, 2022
From a personal perspective, ideators love knowing that their ideas are worth something and are making a difference. This is in part due to wanting a better world and also wanting to be important.
To fulfil this need, I propose ideator competitions where ideators brainstorm to solve a particular problem at a time. Then, a panel compiles the most feasible ideas after which the general public is asked to vote on their favorite. Upon completion of this, the platform can then push to implement this idea while giving credit to the ideator.
In my opinion, this is an excellent way, asides money, to get people to actively participate in challenges.
By the way, the winning idea shouldn't necessarily be the only idea that gets implemented. There might be other ideas that don't win that are equally worth a shot and should be tried out. In a way, such competitions can turn up gems that will help solve societal problems.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Brainstorming.com could tie up with companies that help realize ideas. Darko Savic There was this company you mentioned previously that helps ideators bring out their ideas. I don't remember the name. Could you please post the link here?
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni I am curious, if anyone is going to tie up brainstorming.com with those companies... and also, whether any companies can help with that. I suppose, it will take more efforts than just tying up to make an idea accepted by a company.
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
And not only social problems... any kind of problems.
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Consider what people want

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Jun 06, 2022
From my experience, people generally want to:
  • get exposure/publicity for whatever they are doing (their projects, followers on their social media profiles, more customers, etc)
  • be entertained
  • be inspired
  • be educated
  • have their problems solved (get ahead)
  • get feedback on whatever they are working on
  • demonstrate their skills/knowledge
  • what else?
Why do people want all of the above?
  • for economic gain
  • to grow their reach and thereby potential future opportunities (building leverage)
  • for the release of feel-good chemicals (serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline)
  • what else?
Different people want different things - depending on where their life circumstances are on the Maslow's pyramid of needs:

Keeping all of the above in mind... except for money, what can this platform provide?
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Spook Louw
Spook Louw3 years ago
I think we can easily get a bit bogged down by the notion that we have complete ideas and all we need is funding, I'm sure, with a big enough base and enough activity on the platform, there will be many people who find a lot of value in the opportunity to discuss their ideas, gaining input from other people and working out kinks.
As to your question Darko Savic, I'm sure one of the biggest things Brainstorming can provide is the collection of happy hormones connected to the creative process, perhaps this is something we can find a way to highlight more? Perhaps we can run sponsored bounties that promote creativity, but do not necessarily have to solve some real-world problem?
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Shireesh Apte
Shireesh Apte3 years ago
Critical mass. Akin to an impact factor for a journal or a score on ResearchGate or a Hirsch (H-index) for individual publication citations. Award brainstorming points not only for users posting ideas or challenges, but also for comments, suggestions, posting content from Brainstorming.com on their website(s). In addition, award points to tik-tok videos that solve problems - however mundane or infinitesimally incremental, provided they post the BS-score (intentionally open to another interpretation) on subsequent tik-tok videos. Make the BS-score ubiquitously recognizable and accepted.
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
They also want to feel they are cool. Also, they want easiness, no complications. I think easiness is something that the platform can give ideators, in case of implementation of sprashivalka.com principle of managing attention. As for being cool - what about site rating for each participant? As for having fun - what about gamification? As for solving their problems: what about proposing to help each other in solving life problems in exchange for help in solving problems of others? Next, these problems and solutions may go to a system of standard problems and solutions to help other people. As for publicity: can you promote topics in external target audiences to help participants in pablicity and at the same time you will promote brainstorming as a whole.
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Incentivize the personal (non-monetary) aspirations of the ideators

Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain Jun 07, 2022
Though money motivates people in general, some ideators might be already well-off so they don't participate in ideation just for money. For these people, if we can find what they value personally and focus on how we can incentivize them within that domain, we may better motivate them. For example, as an early-stage researcher, if I ever got a chance to work on a relevant idea and turn it into a scientifically sound idea so as to get in through the peer review, it would mean more to me than some hundred dollars. I would feel motivated if my ideation pays me back by making me better equipped (in terms of networking, critical analysis and other related skills) to defend any idea scientifically. For some others, it would be other kinds of help. People have different hobbies that we can cater to. If an ideator has, for example, photography as his/her hobby, how can we help him/her better at it? In return of their ideation, we need to find ways to compensate them with beyond-money stuffs.
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Mikhail Korsanov
Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
Is not this buyable for money?
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Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain3 years ago
Mikhail Korsanov it might be for some. But otherwise, there are enough creative people who are simply put off by the direct monetary approach.
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Making the platform an arena for proving characteristics needed for modern jobs

Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković Jun 07, 2022
Creativity is found as a proclaimed trait on the majority of CVs, yet few people can back it up with proof. Especially those starting their careers.
Hence, Brainstorming can become a platform that leads them to that creative job that they want so bad by proving their creative traits. On the other end, a lot of job ads also state creativity as a requirement for the position. So the platform would serve a double service.
Basically, you claim that you are someone who is a great team player? Show me a creative contribution where you enhanced someone else's idea. Show me your track record of doing that over time and with different people. Badges, bounties, and my other proposition on this challenge can all help to prove this.
For what other traits can it be done without hard pivoting of the platform? Out of the box thinking, versatility, good communication (conciseness comes into play as a metric)... What else?
The way we get a ball on this rolling is by the users posting about their Brainstorming actions on their job applications, Linkedin, AngelList... But more actions are needed on the platform level too.
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Ideators can subscribe to exclusive "ideator content"

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jun 10, 2022
To motivate ideators using something else than money, give ideators (after they acquire a certain level on the platform, not newbie ideators) access to exclusive "ideator content", which will include:
  1. Podcasts/ videos by advanced and successful ideators, entrepreneurs, and researchers from different fields.
  2. One-on-one meetings with successful ideators and entrepreneurs. The successful ideators should be doing it for free as charity/ help for the platform where they grew.
  3. Connectivity - connect the ideators with different people from the field of their ongoing idea/ invention. The platform could tie up with Coffeemug.ai for the infrastructure needed for improved connectivity.
Other accolades:
  1. Indirect money like scholarships
  2. Name and fame: If the idea is realized, the ideator's name is attached to it.
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Make the incentive not about the ideators but about their loved ones

Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain Jun 07, 2022
Person A is an ideator in the platform XYZ. Whenever A comes up with a brilliant idea, rather than just paying him monetarily, the platform XYZ arranges a thoughtful reward for A's family (or a friend, or any other person that matters to A). This way, A will feel genuinely moved by XYZ's gesture for valuing what s/he values. What could be such rewards? -A short vacation? -A ticket to a concert? -A ticket to a sporting event? -A gorgeous piece of art?
What else? (Note that though all of these stuffs can be bought directly with money, the idea here is to make the ideator A feel respected and valued - that drives motivation. Hence, rewarding his closed ones for the virtue of his intellectual/creative capacity will surely motivate him/her to be even better at it.)
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Have a point rankings for users on display

Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković Jun 07, 2022
We have a point system on the website, yet it is only visible when you go on the profile of an individual user.
But we should have a rankings table somewhere on the platform as a separate page.
Furthermore, we could have monthly rankings as well. Or per field with the use of tags. So you would have the leader for "fitness" or "business" topics. It would make it easier to land a job in that field if you can refer the recruiter to your stature on Brainstorming.
This also ties into my other contribution to this challenge.
Tables would serve the purpose of the release of feel-good chemicals.
  • dopamine - motivation to do better on the table.
  • serotonin - the feeling of superiority from being on top of a list.
  • oxytocin - the feeling of bonding by being accepted by the users on the platform as their reactions (likes) give you the table rank.
  • adrenaline - excitement as it makes the platform a bit more competitive.
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Give them random assignments for self-growth

jnikola Jun 09, 2022
Help the ideators to grow by giving them special tasks created by a dedicated company department.
Most ideators use their fields of knowledge to come up with the best ideas and be rated as creative. In contrast, you could support the ideators' growth by giving them tasks which force them to leave their comfort zones and swim in an open sea. That's how we make progress, right?
How would it work?
  • The company could create a dedicated department made of psychologists, soft skill professionals and programmers. They would track every ideator on the platform and search his/her patterns of behaviour, progress, and time spent on the platform.
  • Ideators would fill pools from time to time which would give the team a personal feedback, time the ideators want to spend on the platform in the future, money they want to earn, motivation, field of knowledge, etc.
  • The team would then create special tasks for the ideators. Examples of the tasks: give a constructive comment on XY idea (which is out of your filed of research), create traffic on XY session, reshape your old session, find interesting topic from XY user and support its contributions by adding constructive comments, incentivize team work on XY topic, or some other, more game-like, mentioned here.
  • By finishing the tasks, the ideators would help content moderation, platform problem solving, traffic increase, and, the most importantly, learn new skills, badges and grow as an ideators.
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Money is the number one trade stack

Marco Agudelo
Marco Agudelo Jun 15, 2022
Although money is the evolution of trade, I think there wouldn’t be anything to replace a money payment, but the other thing to consider is that if it is not a thing that will be traded for the ideation process during the brainstorming, then what remains (to my appreciation) is the singularity. The emotions in the process. I guess we all have been in that sense of awe upon a unique moment, a unique step on our doings.
I suppose you can train your brain to ideate at will upon any subject, like not been emotionally attached to the thing ideating for. And do not take me for wrong, it is good if you train yourself to ideate upon anything, this would mean you get bussy in ideation itself, but maybe in the majority of cases there a need to connect to that thing one as ideator have think about at least once, more even better if it happens more than once. You pursue that idea until it flushes a solution, until you tackle a way to use it on a daily basis. If the ideator is emotionally attached (will release those feel-good chemicals) will care about the singularity, uniquity stage of an idea. I already commented on another contribution about the idea of singularity, maybe you could take a look and comment on this
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