The idea is to develop an app or even hardware that can be used to motivate children to do their chores. I have 2 approaches in mind for this, I'll post the second as a contribution.
The first is simply to build an app that has a photo verification system, where the children (most kids have smartphones nowadays) need to take photos of themselves completing certain tasks. These photos can then either be verified by an AI recognition software or simply be checked manually through an app on the parents' phones.
There are also 3 possibilities for the reward system:
Children simply collect points by completing tasks, these points can be used to buy privileges like game/tv time, snacks, or even "vouchers" that allow them to skip a certain chore or stay up later one evening or things like that.
It could be connected to tasks in a real game. Where the kids either need to complete a task to get to the next level, or, similar to the previous idea, can build up points that can be used for in-game purchases.
It could be connected to a virtual pet, like Tamagotchis, where the children need to complete tasks for the sake of their digital pet. For instance, if a child doesn't brush their teeth for two days, their pet will get toothache.
This approach has a couple of benefits. Firstly, children will learn the value of work, or, in the case of the third gamifying idea, the consequences of their actions (before they get the real physical consequences themselves). Secondly, as with anything that is gamified, it will appeal to their competitive instincts and children will try to outperform each other (basically trying to be the best behaved). Thirdly, with the proposed photo verification system, parents will get dozens of photos of their children.
One problem I have with this system is that it seems very vulnerable to hacking, you might not necessarily want your child to be uploading that many photos to any platform. It could be a safety risk for them, as well as being an opportunity for criminals to get a detailed description of your house and valuables. That said, if children are being allowed to upload to Tiktok and Facebook and Instagram already, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
I did some research on similar apps, but I could only find ones like Earn It and Cozi which are pretty much just task manager apps.
Chore monster also works on a reward system, but it also seems to simply list tasks and completed tasks. There is no verification system.
Math for Money seemed interesting, but it turns out it's pretty much just a financial management app for children.