It may be better to use a reinforced poly leaf rake that is designed for pools and these are already on the market. The leaf rake has a long handle that is usually collapsible and a head that is made up of a ring and a poly net that is extended inward so that it can contain a lot of dirt. The net has small holes so that it does not only collect leaves but smaller objects like squids and dirt particles that are big enough to be seen by the human eye.
The advantage of such a collection system over the one proposed in this idea is the noiselessness. Since the leaf rake is lighter, smaller, and does not need any source of energy to work, it is the more practical option for cleaning pools for objects on the surface and near the surface.
The other tool that functions in a similar way to the one suggested in this session is the vacuum hose. This device sucks the water into its sieve so that the water returns to the pool without dirt particles. This is suitable for cleaning the bottom parts of a pool and is already on the market too.
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