If you open the fridge or pantry during times when you're not usually hungry, a message appears on an internal LCD screen that tries to talk you out of eating.
A few cameras running facial recognition software cover the entire kitchen. They recognize each household member. The system keeps track of how often each individual reaches for food (fridge, pantry, cupboards).
Deep learning software follows each person for a while to figure out at which times they always reach for food (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Those are considered essential meals. Other times that are random or sporadic are considered non-essential meals.
LCD monitors are mounted on the inside of fridges, pantries, cupboards - where ever food or snacks are stored.
During non-essential times, the LCD screen inside the fridge/pantry plays a message intended to dissuade a person from eating. For example something along this line:
Chances are your brain is hungry for dopamine rather than food. Snacks are an easy way to get a little dopamine but over time result in more damage to your health. There are other easy ways to get some dopamine. For example: (proceed with a list of easy ways).
Optionally, Alexa type voice could try to talk you out of eating in addition to the on-screen attempts.