If you are not earning money from good looks, training in gyms could be replaced by functional workouts while doing useful community work.
People pay to do workouts in gyms, while there are tons of heavy-duty jobs that need to be done
Meeting your local community
Helping neighbours
Fixing things in your neighbourhood
Fresh air instead of sweaty gym air
Using energy for something else except pumping muscles
Using muscles for something else than just showing off
Saving money
An app where anybody can post a job that needs to be done. Jobs first need to be reviewed by the moderators. If the job has repetitive actions, heavy duty work (lifting, carrying) or requires endurance, it gets approved. Jobs that don't require brainwork are preferred. Whoever posts a job with description, includes the number of people necessary to do it. An applicant can make the job harder by doing it in a harder way (longer route, more repetitions, adding weight).
Gardening (an example of how much calories you can burn by gardening compared to the gym), wood splitting, digging holes in the ground (manpower instead of the excavator), loading/unloading the truck, moving, furniture delivery on high floors in the building, breaking down of walls, houses, etc.
Do you have more ideas on how to improve the service? More examples?