Ambush attacks as a service. You pay a monthly fee, then develop a lifestyle of constantly looking over your shoulder to tighten your personal security. When you least expect it, someone will pretend-attack, kidnap, or mug you.
You can think of it as homework for people training in self-defense-oriented martial arts.
Extracuriculum practice for anyone interested in tightening their personal security.
Develop a lifestyle that makes you a difficult target to attack.
Martial arts club organized service
People from the same martial arts club could provide this service to each other for free. At unpredictable times, they would ambush attack each other in a dark alley, hallway, etc. They would do muggings, plastic knife attacks, beatings, kidnapping, etc. The play attack would be brief enough for the "victim" to either react properly or fail and learn.
Shared files on each "victim"
Every member would have a google docs file that is shared among everyone except the person the file is about. Club members would collaboratively add the details about the person the file is about. Where they sleep, eat, work, who they live with, where they can be found at specific times of day/week, etc. Any kind of useful pointers so that people can plan their play-attacks.
Every attack would be logged by the attacker. What happened, where, when, etc. People would rarely attack the same person in the same circumstances. They would seek new ways/opportunities but not exclude previous places so as to keep the "victim" vigilant.
The goal is for each person to develop a lifestyle that makes them a difficult target to attack.
The same service could be provided to anyone who wishes to tighten their personal security. Private detectives would be suitable for something like this.
People would pay a monthly fee and then sleep with one eye open:)
If the "victim" reacts properly and manages to play-subdue the attacker on every occasion in a given month, the service is free for that month. Likewise, the victim also doesn't pay if there are no attacks that month.
Please leave the feedback on this idea