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Sports and Skills "Tinder"

Image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/professional-athletes-watching-video-on-smartphone-3763870/

jnikola Aug 30, 2021
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Have you ever decided to try a new sport, have already bought all the necessary equipment, but didn't know who is the best club/coach for you? There are so many clubs and personal trainers these days and often you can’t decide where you'd like to go. Also, if you are shy and introverted, you wouldn't want to spend time with a coach you know nothing about.

What if you have the skill, the experience and are ready to teach/train someone privately or perhaps even in groups? You need to attract customers who know nothing about you and you are sure you can win them over with your personality?

The idea is to create an application that would easily and quickly connect the coach with the future athlete/recreationalist. The application would, as on Tinder, offer the ability to search for coaches or future athletes/recreational athletes by simply scrolling/swiping. Filters that could help you to easily find the desired person are: sport, location, gender, age, interests, ...

When registering, a person should fill certain data on physical characteristics: age, gender, height, weight, what sport he/she wants to do, where he/she lives, how often he/she can train and finally write something about him/herself to make the coach get to know the person better before matching. Also, the same goes for coaches.

The app aims to speed up the search for the desired coach so that people who have just started to think more intensely or have decided to start playing sports do not give up too soon just because they have not found the "right coach". The app also wants to make it easier for coaches just starting out to find clients who would they enjoy teaching7training.
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The fun and doable way to get people off the couch

Clarissa Braun Sep 02, 2021
This is a really great idea and similar to what I had very often in mind to get people off the couch. Especially nowadays, where we all had to skip as many contacts as possible, options such as finding a coach in your local sports team/gym/circle of friends by personal communication are just dimmed. The nearer future would be a good time to update people online on who can coach who in your local environment/in your city and what would be required to just get up and have fun with sports.

Of course, the application can be expanded for outdoor/indoor activities and further necessary details. What I would like to mention is to exclude insurance concerns in advance if trainers are not completely honest about their qualifications. Also, the cost-benefit relationship (i.e. what you have to do to register and get started) should not be too high because the potential client might give up too soon. That’s why a “simply scrolling/swiping” approach sounds really good.

I would support the idea to generate a sports-only platform and separate other skill platforms (maybe within the application itself) for reasons of simplicity.

If an application like this is done properly and in an attractive way, it would be a win-win situation for everybody! Bravo!
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jnikola3 years ago
Hi Clarissa Braun! Thank you for your feedback.

I agree with you. The application should have flexible location-based suggestions as a mandatory thing so that you would not need to go 30 km away to meet your future trainer.

You also raised few important questions.
The insurance-related problems would be tackled similarly to the ones on Tinder, I guess. Nobody says that a person behind a profile is exactly like it represents, but when you log in, you need to leave your info and pass the verification step. That way, if something goes terribly wrong, you could find a person responsible for it. Considering the level of skill, the user's feedback should be enough to help you get an overall picture of a trainer or the athlete/recreational.

To tackle the cost-benefit and Who-will-pay problems, I think it would be wise to do what Upwork does. It offers coaches/service givers an option to get paid via the platform. That way, they gain experience and users can see their overall score. It helps them to get the next job much easier due to their credibility. The users could also pay more and get more swipes, deeper insights, and additional features, but I wouldn't make it obligatory.

The idea to separate sports from skills sounds great. It would make things a lot clearer. Also, I would add a "semi/professional athlete/coach" filter for those with serious intentions.
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Manel Lladó Santaeularia
Manel Lladó Santaeularia3 years ago
Juran One problem that platforms like Upwork and Kolabtree have is that, while they are great for putting freelancers in contact with potential employers, it's pretty easy to circumvent them once you've reached an agreement with the employer and just get paid outside of the platform. This could happen also in this case, because it would potentially save money for the customer and/or represent higher income for the coach.

can we think of a way to avoid this?

PS: Obviously the platforms offer the "safety" of a controlled payment method, based on objectives, but I don't think the "trust factor" is always enough of an obstacle to go the other route.
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jnikola3 years ago
Manel Lladó Santaeularia yes, yes, I agree, this is the problem we need to solve.
I agree that many people avoid Upwork, but that's because Upwork isn't their primary working platform. Either they have a regular job, which makes the Upwork-mediated work their side job, or they just test the site. If Upwork became their primary worksite, then they would stick to it.
Now is the question of how to make the Sports Tinder platform the primary working site for coaches.

I would suggest building an entire community for them, where they have discounts, opportunities, competitions, and prizes based on their activity, score, and success on the site. That way the platform would feel like a competitive environment to earn, learn and return to every day.
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No strings attached

Spook Louw
Spook Louw Sep 02, 2021
Perhaps a secondary capability of the app could be to help you find people who want to have some casual fun.
For instance, if I'm bored and feel like going to the beach to play some frisbee, soccer or touch rugby, I could make a post on the app and wait for some locals in the area to respond. I can see this working for a number of activities where you need one or more partners.
There are messaging groups and Facebook groups for communities that allow this, but you'd need to be a member already. With this app, you could either search for activities in your area or simply change your availability status to indicate that you would like to be invited if anything happens.
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jnikola3 years ago
Yes, I agree. That would be cool! Users should be able to find other users who want to play/do something. It could be done by separating the app in "FIND A BUDDY" and "FIND A TUTOR/COACH". What you are proposing would be the "FIND A BUDDY" segment and would allow you to post proposals (location, time, type of activity, the number of buddies wanted) or filter the posts by the mentioned criteria. It would be great for anybody willing to play frisbee, golf or need two more candidates for soccer. It would be much easier than being a member of numerous Facebook groups, I agree. Great suggestion!
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Really love the idea

Hamza Guessous
Hamza Guessous Feb 07, 2022
I am a fitness coach and prefer to grow organically rather than going for social media just because I feel like I am wasting my time selling my services rather than refining them.
Thus, a platform like this would be a perfect way to find new clients apart from the conventional from mouth to ear model I work with.
Finally, concerning the business model, I think that people who are selling their services (aka the coach) should pay a monthly fee subscription to appear on the app. They might also have access to rewards given the number of clients they got at the end of the year. This way, it will assure that the coach will stay for at least a year on the platform, and would give incetives tp the coaches to get better and better and refine their craft rather than fall for marketing scams.
Great idea man!
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jnikola3 years ago
I'm glad to hear people like it, especially when it comes from the end-user! Concerning the monthly or annual fee, I would definitely agree with you.
A different problem I see is that when the coach pays for something, it expects something in return, and, in the early phases of the platform, that could be tricky due to a small number of users. How could we go big without using classic marketing methods of mass online/flyer advertisement (it would be the same if people fighting against plastic bags used plastic banners for the protest)?
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Hamza Guessous
Hamza Guessous3 years ago
J. Nikola Honeslt, if the fee is not too high, and the coaches get to display what they know like a website, pictures, or even better get help to market their profile, then it would be worth the price. Offering help with marketing might be an easy way to hook the coach, and thus bring more suppliers then customers.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Sounds like a dating app with a cool backstory:)
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