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Temporary tooth sealant for use by the general public

Image credit: Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-people-office-chef-6809659/

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Mar 30, 2022
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What if you were too busy to schedule a dentist's appointment or had a preferred dentist who was too booked and you had to wait for a month to get an appointment? Imagine a sealant that you could buy at a local pharmacy that could preserve the tooth in its current state and stop further decay and pain until you could schedule a dentist's appointment.
  • Using painkillers to deal with a toothache for an extended period of time could cause your body to build a tolerance against painkillers, which would be inconvenient when you really needed painkillers.
  • In case your tooth got cracked in an accident, the sealant could hold your tooth together preventing it from fracturing before you could get to a dentist.
  • Has the potential to improve the quality of life, by removing worry and pain temporarily.
  • Being able to fix it yourself is also a cheaper substitute for when you can't exactly afford dental services but don't want to loose your tooth.
How it works
Think of it like a set, a disinfection fluid and brush to clean out the cavity or fracture. Once the tooth is absolutely cleaned out, there's a non toxic, quick drying resin that you apply directly to the tooth to encase it wholy preventing bacteria from coming into further contact with the damaged tooth. It also serves as an extra enamel and acts as a buffer from sensitivity when the exposed nerves come into contact with the elements.
Personal notes
Speaking from experience, some people are naturally pre-disposed to having weak teeth. I once lost a tooth to an orange and shattered another on a corn cob. In the latter situation I was nowhere close to a town so i had to go to traditional medicineman. He cleaned the tooth and sealed it off with a mixture of herbs and tree sap. It worked so well I forgot all about it until last night when it came off. It's been 4 years. I can't even complain.
So I thought, wouldn't it be great if eveyone had access to that.
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Existing solutions and room for advancements

jnikola Mar 30, 2022
Since I recently got some serious teeth issues, I profoundly support this idea!
The existing solutions
I did some research and found the products the same as you described them. For example, this temporary tooth filling material repair kit ( or this, too) costs only 8 GBP and can help your lost fillings or secure loose crowns., caps, etc. It's safe to eat, easy to use and there is material for 24+ repairs in the set. Really cheap! Here is a video of a guy demostrating how it works.
However, none of the above-mentioned products are advised by dentists. If the bacteria gets stuck under the filling, it can make the cavity even worse and end up destroying your tooth. If you watched the video, the guy said "the product worked perfectly and it saved him a lot of money" (he didn't go to the dentist, because "he didn't need to"!). Another problem is that if you leave the filling to high, your bite may change, putting more pressure on the broken tooth, causing more damage to the nerve.
Room for advancements
Although the product exists, I would like this topic to continue in any way. Therefore, I propose some of my ideas for you to think and maybe get some cooler and more innovative ideas.
  • when the DIY dentistry kit gets opened, the counter starts whichconstantly reminds you to go to the dentist
  • when the kit gets opened, the dentist receives the notification and send you the date and time of the appointment
  • red fillings remind you everyday to go to the dentist
  • you are able to buy the kit only if you schedule a dentist appointment, too
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
I liked the last one. It could be like a prescription. An actual dentist has to write one for you. It could be disastrous if someone refused to see a professional and the infection reached the jawbones.
I once saw this documentary on matchbox making before the industrial age. workers would get jaw infections and die because they couldn't eat. Maybe let's not bring that back
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General comments

Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
This will work in situations when the tooth cavity/crack is clean (in the sense that there is no deeper decay). I suppose that's why it worked in a personal situation that you referenced. However, in most cases, when we start feeling pain, that's already a sign that there is a deeper decay and in that case, you need to drill the tooth to clean the affected tooth matter. Otherwise, there is no way of "sealing" the tooth, it will rot further.
So I'm not saying this wouldn't be useful, but only for specific cases, when the tooth is freshly cracked, part of it is broken off, etc., in other words - after mechanical damage. It's not going to help if the tooth is damaged by microorganisms and that's the origin of the pain, which is the most common cause.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
Povilas S so there is no way to disinfect a tooth without digging deeper into the cavity? doesn't that mean that if you have a cavity it doesn't matter if you brush the tooth because you can never really clean it?
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Contrived _voice You can not clean the rotten tooth material with a toothbrush. That's why dentists use drills. It's, however, still better to brush your damaged tooth than not - you remove the bacteria and plaque from outside of the tooth and to some extent from the cavity, this helps to slow down the decay a bit.
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