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Who do you look up to the most and why?

Image credit: Rob laughter / unsplash.com

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Sep 18, 2020
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Who do you admire professionally, ideologically, based on their skill, knowledge? Could be anything.

It should be someone that people can read about online. It can't be a family member:)

Name them below. What makes them special?
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Terence McKenna

Povilas S
Povilas S Sep 19, 2020
The ultimate brainstormer. His ideas and topics he spoke and wrote on include wide variety of subjects, the main ones being psychedelics, human culture and nature. His ideas are original to say the least and sometimes so unearthly that it's hard to find another person to compare to. They also balance nicely on the edges between nature, science and spirituality. But what I like about his speech and ideas the most is that they are very freeing and motivating. He was a great public speaker and a very entertaining one. He cared for and worked towards greater good of both humanity and Earth's ecosystem as a whole. The topics and ideas he focused on highly resonate with my own ideas and interests or rather my own ideas and interests were influenced by him, this is intertwined and hard to tell, since I discovered Terence McKenna in my teenage years and am still amazed by him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN-vMMpja30
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Any books of his that you refer?
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
"Food of the Gods" and "The Invisible Landscape". The latter he wrote with his brother Dennis McKenna, who is an ethnopharmacologist and also a cool figure. And he's still alive, so you can listen to his recent interviews like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OQ6wFocx9M. But there are many more books by him, just I'm not so much into books, I usually listen to his audio or video recordings.
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A list that keeps on growing..

Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain Sep 19, 2020
I don't 'idolize' anyone, but there are some people who are my intellectual heroes. 1. Professor Richard Dawkins- I love the man's audacity and wit. I am a big fan of his straightforward storytelling and his argumentative and logical vigour. 2. Sam Harris- Basically, this man taught me the essence of being calm. I have never seen him outraged and outrightly in anger even though he debates a lot of controversial issues from social justice wars to anti-theistic views of the world. 3. Lex Fridman- This MIT AI researcher and podcaster is one person I would love to learn from. Even though he is a technical researcher, his love for philosophy, poetry and romanticism is simply captivating. On top of that, he plays real nice guitar solos. 4. Arundhati Roy- She is probably the first continental Novelist that I fell in love with. Though I have not read all of her books, I like how she speaks upfront in the less-talked-about issues of the rights of minorities and the socio-economically oppressed. I like her fiction, but I love her for being the vocal piece for the justice of the poor and the broken. 5. Professor Richard Feynman - I know, the guy is long dead, still. I look up to this man's biographical stories for his eccentricity, his craziness and his natural passion for the science and enquiry. His humility and humour, his readiness for doing seemingly stupid stuff, his persistence on the face of loss, all are some real virtues to vie for. Surely, you were NOT joking, Mr Feynman. 6. Dr Sanduk Ruit- This philanthropist-opthalmologist is the textbook epitome of human goodness. He is a real hero, the eyesight god for thousands of cataract-ridden aged people worldwide. Dr Ruit invented a very cheap and accessible surgical procedure to cure cataract and has personally travelled all over the world, serving people with his medical expertise for free. He is the best altruist I have ever seen in my life. I look up to him for someday I seek to gather technical expertise and give back to my community as he did. Learn about Dr Ruit and his mission here: https://www.cureblindness.org/who-we-are/founders/dr-sanduk-ruit
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Jimi Hendrix

jnikola Sep 19, 2020
We all remember Jimi as a guitar virtuoso. But if you take into consideration all the mornings he got up and immediately started to play guitar, all the unslept nights spent practicing, envisioning, and personificating his music, he was more than virtuoso. He was a man able to live his passion, share it selflessly, and creatively. He didn't stop living his beliefs. It gets even better when you realize that his career lasted only 4 years and he died at the age of 27. What he might have done if he lived longer?! What should we do with all our years and passions? Jimi would say: „All I’m gonna do is just go on and do what I feel.“
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Elon Musk

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Sep 19, 2020
He dug deep and decided what the world needed the most. Once his mind was made up he went all-in, and never looked back. It didn't stop him that the goal appeared to be out of reach and that he lacked the necessary knowledge or that humanity still lacks the necessary technology. He is in it with full dedication and is solving one problem at a time as they come. Go big or go home.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
I was waiting for you to mention him :)
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
It took me long enough:)
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