Do you know/use any good music-social media app? Would you want one? And I don’t mean Spotify or SoundCloud. I mean an app where people could share their favourite music and get linked with people having similar tastes in music as well as discover new music not with the help of algorithms, but with the help of people. Those that fit the description are either not popular enough yet or already failed or still in development. Why those apps don’t get established? Is there one main reason for this or is it a mixture of factors? Maybe creators need a different kind of approach to solve the problem for establishing those apps?
Even if one or few of those apps would arise and become successful soon, there would still be a valid question - why did it took so long? The need is obvious – people love to share music, love to discover music and one of the main things that connects people is music. So why no widespread apps for that yet? Music streaming services as well as social media apps have been around for a long time already, but not the combination of the two. After researching the topic now and then as time passes, I’m starting to come to the conclusion that it’s not that people didn’t try or don’t try now to establish them, it’s that for some reason(s) those apps fail.
One good app of this category that I used, was called Cymbal. It worked well, the design was good and it had enough users to keep it going and growing, but at one point creators announced that they are shutting down the project , “ its closest equivalent Soundwave it didn’t quite manage to find a mass-audience or successful business model” - the article explains. Creators themselves explain it a bit differently: “We believe there is a lot to be done and not enough people doing it. Yes, music technology is a tough nut to crack. The licensing issues are enough to intimidate developers into giving up. But please don’t be intimidated! Music is too important, and one of the best ways we can support the artists we love is by creating tools that help them succeed. To this day we believe that somewhere in Cymbal’s app is a really beautiful product the world needs. We encourage you to find it.”
But is this what happens to all of the efforts? What could be the core of the problem? Could we come up with some creative solutions or is it just a matter of time and persistence?