"Obligatory" consumption of probiotics as a strategy to enhance general health
Image credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pineapple-next-to-bowl-2064692/

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Extensive quality control and risk-benefit ratio are major restrictions in generalization of probiotics
[1]de Simone C. The Unregulated Probiotic Market. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Apr;17(5):809-817. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2018.01.018. Epub 2018 Mar 14. PMID: 29378309.
[2]Sanders ME, Akkermans LM, Haller D, Hammerman C, Heimbach J, Hörmannsperger G, Huys G, Levy DD, Lutgendorff F, Mack D, Phothirath P, Solano-Aguilar G, Vaughan E. Safety assessment of probiotics for human use. Gut Microbes. 2010 May-Jun;1(3):164-85. doi: 10.4161/gmic.1.3.12127. Epub 2010 Mar 4. PMID: 21327023; PMCID: PMC3023597.
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Will the "obligation" work?
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What about people allergic to certain foods?
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Probiotic foods with specific bacteria
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Categorise diet patterns, geographical and ethnic groups before administering
[1] A.B. MothersheadDining customs around the world Garrett Park Press, Maryland (1982), p. 150
[2] A.B. MothersheadDining customs around the world Garrett Park Press, Maryland (1982), p. 150
[3]Gupta VK, Paul S, Dutta C. Geography, Ethnicity or Subsistence-Specific Variations in Human Microbiome Composition and Diversity. Front Microbiol. 2017;8:1162. Published 2017 Jun 23. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01162
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Probiotics vs depression?

[1]Yang J, Zheng P, Li Y, Wu J, Tan X, Zhou J, Sun Z, Chen X, Zhang G, Zhang H, Huang Y, Chai T, Duan J, Liang W, Yin B, Lai J, Huang T, Du Y, Zhang P, Jiang J, Xi C, Wu L, Lu J, Mou T, Xu Y, Perry SW, Wong ML, Licinio J, Hu S, Wang G, Xie P. Landscapes of bacterial and metabolic signatures and their interaction in major depressive disorders. Sci Adv. 2020 Dec 2;6(49):eaba8555. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba8555. PMID: 33268363; PMCID: PMC7710361.
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Two approaches to tackle the long-term stability of the probiotic products

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L. sporogenes led to probiotic coffee, tea, chocolate, soup, pasta, sugar and much more

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Gut microbiome modulation to fight against COVID-19

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Probiotic-drug complexes as an alternative to traditional pills

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