A platform for outsourcing email copywriting. Professional salespeople/copywriters rewrite your email in real-time, within minutes of initiating the request. You pick the copywriter based on their ratings and sample work.
Some people are not persuasive and might need help reaching out to people via email.
Have a professional salesperson/copywriter write custom cold mails for you.
Non-English natives could use help as well.
A freelancer-like platform focusing solely on writing/editing text communication (emails, texts, etc). You specify what you need done and people who are online can bid for the project. When you select a copywriter for the project, they have a preset number of minutes to complete the mail. They can request time extensions or you can increase the minutes without them asking.
Each case/project gets a Google docs style collaborative writing/editing where both the hired copywriter and the person that's paying see the same document. They get to comment on specific sentences and ask each other questions until the final version of the mail is polished.
Outsource communication case by case
This is a feature that various email clients/sites could incorporate. An ability to grant a 3rd party (copywriter) permission/access to communicate with a specific email address in the payee's name, under payee's email address. Just generate a link and give it to them. Opening the link in a browser brings up an email form. The recipient and sender's address are already filled in. The copywriter comes up with a title and text, then sends it off.
Imagine generating a link that lets a profesisonal copywriter use your Gmail but only to a specific recipient and only this once.
Multiple possible permission settings:
The copywriter can see all replies from the email recipient. When replying, though, the email has to be approved by the payee before it's sent.
No approval necessary. The copywriter can freely communicate with the email recipient under the payee's email address.
The copywriter can't see replies unless the payee approves/forwards them to the copywriter.
All writing is done in real-time. The payee can watch and comment. There is a side chat where the payee and copywriter can communicate and answer each other's questions.