A platform/service that groups people with dreams and actionable ideas together with the goal of acting as a safeguard and supporting anybody whose dream fails.
One of the biggest obstacles that prevent people from pursuing their dreams is the fear of failure. With this idea, we eliminate that fear and:
Give more people an opportunity to pursue their dreams unreservedly and live without regrets
Make the world a better place through the invention of things that would not exist if the fear of failure had hindered the inventors
The platform/service brings different people with different lofty ideas and actionable steps to accomplish their ideas together.
Individual members of a group present their ideas to the other members; the majority then votes on whether the idea has merit.
If the idea has merit, group members make a pact whereby, if anybody's idea fails, despite giving their all, the rest of the group will act as a safeguard.
Acting as a safeguard can take different forms. For example, the other members can employ the person whose venture failed or they can put together a fund for them.
Once everybody has agreed on how to proceed, the pact should be made legally binding.
This idea is inpired by this brainstorming session. Darko Savic mentioned different obstacles that prevent people from pursuing their dreams. In my experience, fear of failure is one of the biggest factors. And it's not so much the fear that you will fail but the fear of what will become of you, your family, and other people who depend on you if you fail.
So, I set out to find a way to remove that fear and that was how I came up with this idea. The rationale is that if you are sure there is a safeguard and failure will not ruin you, you will be motivated to give your all in pursuance of your dream.
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