Facebook PixelAn app that mimics passive data harvesting to build a personality profile that you can use for self-reflection.
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An app that mimics passive data harvesting to build a personality profile that you can use for self-reflection.

Image credit: Photo by Luis Quintero: https://www.pexels.com/photo/monochrome-photo-of-man-holding-a-mirror-1816866/

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Apr 07, 2022
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An app that collects your data without your direct input and shows you what you really look like on the internet. Are you a troll? have you let anonymity blind you to personal responsibility and accountability? Do you actually believe in anything or do you just follow trends and popular opinions? Do you by any chance use memes as a crutch to avoid the fact that you need to see a mental health professional?
  • Data on BuzzFeed quizzes shows that there is a market for self-reflective, interactive content. Every single day there is an average of 7.8 quizzes produced with 96% of the users who start these quizzes finishing them . The next step is changing the topic of discussion from what type of bread are you to what type of person are you.
  • I found it interesting that in 2013, the most read article in the Newyork times wasn't a news article but an interactive segment . I think people are more interested in what is going on inside them than what is going on outside.
  • We have personal biases and justifications, this is why bad people don't believe they are bad . Normalizing terrible habits make them part of our personality making them difficult to self-identify.
  • It could eliminate toxic cancel culture and anxiety by letting everyone take the power to self-correct into their own hands without feeling the need to fall into a mold that robs you of your self-identity.
  • Since data companies aren't going to stop doing what they do best, we should at least be able to maximize the utility from our own passively collected data.
How it works
Once the app is installed, it tracks your online activity. websites, servers, and subreddits visited as well as people you interact with. The app then compares its results with the data stored by big data companies and uses an algorithm to create a personality of you, not as you see and describe yourself but as your actions, interests and online activities describe you.
The users pay a service fee removing the need for the developers to sell the data recorded to third parties. Doing good is not always enough of a motivator most times, monetary compensation goes the rest of the way.
At the beginning of each month, the app shows your statistics and tendencies for the previous month. This data can then be used as a benchmark for self-improvement this month. This way you can slowly cultivate self-responsibility for the things you do and say across the internet.
The slogan for this could be "Be the virtual you that real you wishes you were "




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First, explain what you would like to be

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Apr 11, 2022
I like this self-reflection idea. It is similar to using a biofeedback device to control your bodily (or physiological) processes.
From what I understand, the algorithm will give you a personality profile that it thinks describes your online presence perfectly. To train the algorithm and improve its accuracy in predicting a person's online personality, it should randomly ask your peers questions about your personality and behavior. Their answers will further shape the (your) personality that others see.
So, you have your online personality. Now, you may have some idea of how you should be ideally perceived. For the algorithm to understand that, it should ask you a series of questions about your ideal personality. It can do a quick calculation and tell you (in terms of a percentile) where you stand. For example, your ideal personality should have a score of 100. Based on your current online presence, it may assign you a score of 80. This score will tell you the deficit in the behavior and the efforts you need to take to get closer to your ideal personality. The algorithm should also hint to you, for example, by saying "be gentler with your comments" or "be more honest about your choices" to take you closer to your ideal profile, for example.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice2 years ago
You can skip 'the ask people that know you about you' part, It's not an accurate representation. That would just be the socially acceptable version of you that you created for interacting with other people. The data collection algorithm seems like the best option because of how good it is at figuring people out without being told the personal details about you.
I like the part where it recommends what you need to do better but that could be optional, It would be better if you personally identified what you need to do, the proactive approach is bound to provide better results since it's based on personal drive
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Psychological evaluation

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Apr 11, 2022
Although the motive of this idea is benevolent, there will be users that will take it otherwise. Most users may not know their real personality or the personality that suits them. Also, they may follow influential people and try to be like them, failing which, they might spiral down into anxiety and, probably, depression or other psychological illnesses. How do we stop that from happening?
Introduce psychological evaluation at every step. Ideally, the "online personality" should be evaluated by a psychologist. I am not sure how a psychologist will feel about a computer telling a person what they are. Keeping that point aside, the psychologist will then look at your ideal profile (the one that you think you should be like) and give you pointers on that (starting from is it okay to have an ideal profile in mind; if yes, how to proceed in that direction; is it reasonable to change your online behavior; what effect will that have on your real-life; etc.). The psychologist, using the algorithm, will then guide you.
I understand this might make it constlier and cumbersome for the platform, but seems like the right way to go.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice2 years ago
A valid concern but hear me out, maybe some controlled imitation is not the worst thing. Removing comparable metrics seems like the way to go. If you don't give everyone the same values then they can't directly compete with each other.
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The problem of integration of all the collected data

jnikola May 02, 2022
As I was able to understand, businesses that collect consumer data actually collect four types of it:
  • Personal data - IP addresses, names, gender, social security number, device IDs, etc.
  • Engagement data- Data about the interaction of consumers and a website, app, social media, emails, ads, etc.
  • Behavioral data- Purchase histories, product usage, qualitative data (e.g. mouse movement information)
  • Attitudinal data- Consumer satisfaction, purchase criteria, product desirability, etc.

All of this is managed by many businesses collecting different information. The great task is to gather all of it. So, my question is, how would you manage to collect Instagram, Facebook, TikTok engagement, satisfaction and other data, different browsers' browsing histories, location and other data in one app? You would probably have to buy all these data from every single app/service provider.
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