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Can you come up with a cool new feature for the Brainstorming platform?
Darko Savic Mar 25, 2022
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Is the problem still unsolved?
Is it concisely described?
Bounty for the best solution
Provide a bounty for the best solution
Bounties attract serious brainpower to the challenge.
Come up with a new feature for this Brainstorming platform that perfectly fits the platform's purpose. is aiming to:
- Incentivize collaborative problem-solving between strangers and friends alike.
- Make it enjoyable/rewarding for people to share and upgrade each other's ideas.
- Sustainably reward creative people for time/brainpower spent helping to solve other people's problems.
- The platform is based on the hypothesis that focused collective problem-solving gives rise to an emergent property - superhuman creativity.
Can you think of a fitting new feature that doesn't already exist on other community-based sites?
Creative contributions
A tool to check the uniqueness or similarity of your idea/challenge/problem
jnikola Mar 28, 2022
I suggest having a small search tool on the "create" page, which can quickly perform a search of existing ideas, challenges, or contributions (the same as the search tool), displaying the number of matching or closely matching results with corresponding links.
Users who bump into the platform often land by following a link to a certain challenge or idea posted on some social media or via an ad. However, the users are thrown into the platform without knowing anything. Some of them roam around and explore it, while the others feel inspired and immediately comment on an idea or a session, maybe even post one. Nevertheless, only a small number type in the keywords and search for similar problems that have already been posted in the past.
- to make the platform research more convenient and "natural"
- to make people more interested in roaming around the platform (with bumping notifications)
How would it work?
You start writing an idea or a challenge. At the bottom of the "contribution text" window, there is a small button that says "Similarity search: ON/OFF". By pressing it (or switching to ON), an algorithm used for the standard search function of the platform engages. It checks the title and the keywords first, extracting words and checking for similarity with other sessions/ideas/contributions. For better precision, you may be required to enter the keywords, too.
Additional information
In order to make it really advanced, the algorithm could be engaged for the whole duration of the writing and roam the "idea/challenge/contribution text" too, extracting keywords from the context (or bolded text, with an assumption that it's thus important) and performing similarity search in the background. That way, you could get a notification if the topic you are dealing with has been the subject of discussion before.
The function should have the ability to be turned off, in order to not become irritating.
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Bounty challenge winners live announcements
Miloš Stanković Apr 18, 2022
For challenges with bounties, have a scheduled live animated announcement of the winner(s).
In order for Brainstorming to be more engaging and exciting, make a bigger deal of the bounties, by mimicking the rush of a sports competition draw, like the Champions League knockout stages. Or the Oscars.
How would it work?
After the challenge time has expired, another box would appear below the Bounty Challenge box on the right sidebar. It would have the date and time of the announcement event, adjusted for the user’s location. Also a reminder check button as well that would send the contender or viewer an email reminder five minutes prior.
A standalone page would appear for the announcement.
After a short introduction and welcoming message, you would get all the challengers listed and presented with their avatars (potentially in the future and with their badges). Possibly have the titles of their contributions as well next to their name, or when you hover the mouse over their avatar.
So you would have a text announcement: "the 1st third of the bounty goes to... Matt Stone!"
His avatar would then get greyed out from the contenders' list and shift towards the winner column.
In a similar manner as in the centre of this gif.
Then have a quick short explanation as to what made his contribution valuable.
Then the database could provide a fact about his involvement like "this is his sixth won bounty. Third this month". Or "his second bounty won in the field of fitness." Or even have his total sum of BTC won via Brainstorming. Further promoting the platform.
The presentation can award the winner a badge in real-time too with an animation, play some celebratory sound, gamify the experience in a way online casinos do with their games.
I would suggest having a chat tab during the announcement on the side, so that people can congratulate, give their opinions on whose idea they think was the best and why. Maybe even communicate with the bounty sponsor. The winners could also explain how they came up with the idea. It would add to the engagement and the education factor.
Of course, the bounty sponsor doesn't have to be present for the announcement, he can give his decision to the platform at the first time possible. Fill in the form, and the platform does the rest.
This whole thing can be done only for some, larger bounties, or the ones with multiple winners to make it last longer.
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Shireesh Apte3 years ago
I am thinking about having my students in my Biomedical Innovation class post at least one idea on when they present it in class. Part of the grade on the assignment will depend on the # of upvotes and/or responses to the idea. Obviously, the idea has to be new (no prior art/patents/literature) in the public domain.
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Miloš Stanković3 years ago
In addition to the initial idea, leading to the actual live announcement, the box notifying of the time and date of the draw would also list out all the people who are going to be "attending." That is, those who have clicked the "remind me" button already.
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Miloš Stanković3 years ago
I realized that implementing this would also prolong the shelf-life of the challenge and evoke more interaction on creative contributions after the bounty has ended. For instance, questioning other people's contributions closer to the deadline and after it.
Because I would feel bad questioning someone's proposition without knowing the exact time they will have to respond back to me and give their fair response. If I do it two hours before the deadline with no knowledge of whether the bounty sponsor will make his decision right then, it feels like malpractice. But if I know the exact time of the decision, it's all good.
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A heatmap of domains engaged in the user's profile
Subash Chapagain Apr 28, 2022
In each user's profile, show a heat map (or any other graphical data visualisation tool) that tells about the domains of the ideas/challenges/contributions that the person is most engaged with.
Over time, this will help users to know each others' preferences and expertise. For instance, as a biologist, I find engaging in biology/science-related posts more fun. The heat map can then allow someone to look at my profile and instantly make a decision whether s/he should value my contributions if s/he comes across a challenge and finds my solution there.
The tags used for challenges and ideas can be used to create a personalised heat map. For contributions, keywords can be used.
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jnikola2 years ago
Use the Text Tagging API from DeepAI to identify keywords and form domains.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
This is a good one. Rather than letting people specify their fields of interest (as we do now), let the system figure them out based on what you propose.
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Idea originality reporting system
Miloš Stanković Mar 31, 2022
Incentivize ensuring ideas get checked by having moderators receive a small bounty if they search a posted idea from another user and find that it already exists in the world or on the platform.
We can broaden the eligibility to all users, with a prerequisite of at least 30 days on the platform. An additional prerequisite could be having your own post in the last 30 days in order to report others. That post itself would need to be on the platform for at least 24 hours to ensure validity.
Three moderators have to review the complaint and agree with it in order for the the reporter to get the small bounty.
It's an important aspect of legitimizing the platform. Although it should be a symbolic bounty to ensure not to overly filter for ideas that are similar, but not the same.
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The ability to add credentials
Spook Louw Apr 12, 2022
One of the main benefits of the Brainstorming platform is that you can get contributions from people with extremely varied backgrounds, so I am not suggesting that people would need to be "qualified" to contribute. However, in some cases, it might be beneficial to have the ability to add credentials to your profile, to show that you do have experience in what you are talking about.
I know Quora does this, but I would suggest having a verification process on Brainstorming. Perhaps users would only be allowed to add official credentials if they are accompanied by a picture of the degree/diploma/some kind of photo evidence.
This should not exclude people who do not have the relevant qualifications but do have an opinion/idea. It should merely be a form of reassurance when someone might use some confusing, unknown technical terms that is related to his/her field of expertise.
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Spook Louw3 years ago
Credly offers this as a service.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Researchgate does some verification of credentials
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"Table of contributions" / summarized list of ideas
Michael Apr 12, 2022
Currently you have to scroll through all the contributions one after the other to read about them and find out what's already been suggested. I would propose to add a shortened list of contributions below the challenge description, with only the contributor's name, contribution title, upvote and comment counts. Clicking the title would jump to the full contribution.
This would provide a quick overview of the problem-solving progress, and a way to quickly jump to contributions that catch your interest in any order you like.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
The ability to collapse all contributions to titles is already planned. Since titles are high concept summaries of contributions, this should work well to provide a good overview of what has already been proposed
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Challenges, Ideas and... Initiatives
Michael Apr 13, 2022
Challenges expose a problem, Ideas discuss solutions, but then what? It's time to take action.
A next category could be "Initiatives" - a group of people decide to collaborate to solve a specific challenge, using a specific idea or set of ideas, and will discuss a set of steps that will get this initiative rolling. As "solution", there will be a plan of action (voted by participants, or selected by the creator), which will likely include deciding where to continue the collaboration. It could be a discord channel, or a decentralized organization, or a forum, or a regular meetup.
Initiatives could be linked and highlighted from the challenge or idea that sparked it.
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Povilas S3 years ago
This is the most important part, in my opinion.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Povilas S execution is a whole different game. Yes, it's the logical next step for the person who is passionate about an idea and determined to bring it to life. But that's not necessarily the same person who came up with it. What this contribution is proposing is in the domain of a startup accelerator or a platform where founders find each other and start new projects.
In the distant future when Brainstorming is huge, this might be a cool off-shoot. But for the time being, I think we should remain focused on coming up with ideas/solutions. Doing one thing right is better than doing two things halfway :)
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Povilas S3 years ago
Darko Savic Well, I think what Michael is proposing is not necessarily so strict. It might start just as a linked forum of enthusiasts who want to try doing something about the idea, it doesn't have to really lead somewhere, but it would be nice if there was a separate section to discuss and put efforts towards the execution. This initiative alone (making a feature for it) is already something. It shows that we care about the execution as well, not only the generation and improvement of ideas.
I remember there was some practical value coming out of our discussion in J. Nikola's session about the mean body temperature change. It would have been useful then if there was a dedicated section to separately discuss the steps towards creating something next. We could have created a dedicated channel on slack or anywhere else if we wanted, but it would have been convenient if that was available on that session page with the press of a button.
Just the ability to create a channel for discussions towards the execution would give people additional dopamine hits, if you will. Whether it will lead far enough, that's a different question, but I think that's not the most important thing here.
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A way for investors to connect with ideators
Spook Louw Apr 14, 2022
I'm not sure exactly how to do this, but enabling potential investors to scroll through ideas could be of value to users with ideas for a business but lack the means to turn ideas into reality.
I imagine that this could be achieved by adding the option to mark an idea as open to investment and including a way to contact the author of an idea.
An option could perhaps be created to add a file to ideas, or a link to a business plan, but this won't be essential as the ideas should give potential investors enough of an understanding to be able to decide whether they would be interested or not and the details could be discussed in private.
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Povilas S3 years ago
I think an important part of this should be grouping the ideas into specific fields and then trying to match investors with ideas that are from their field of interest. This could work similarly to how all recommendation algorithms work, by tracking the user's (in this case the investor's) online activity and recommending certain ideas from that match their inclinations.
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Breaking the language barrier
actingcat Apr 14, 2022
Some time ago I came across an idea that was written in a language i couldn't understand{was it russian or japanese}. My thoughts on this were ;the same page can be made available in multiple languages, so that there can be contribution of ideas from a broader field of people, or there can be a tool that translates the idea for the latter outcome. i dont know if this was put into consideration in the making of this forum but it would be so cool to contribute to ideas of people of diverse cultures from different parts of the world. If i'm misinformed i wish to be corrected.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
A good suggestion! This should become more feasible as AI translators get better. Maybe GPT3 aided translations.
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Betting on ideas for a share of the reward: Incentivize voting > Increase the reward using bets > Incentivize high quality contribution > More fun and rewarding experience which creates better ideas
Note: This idea is about Challenges with a Bounty. It assumes that the winner is selected either collectively through votes, or the selection is at least affected by the votes.
- There isn't enough incentive for people to spend their time neither for thinking about challenges
- nor for reading the entries and voting
- Bounties aren’t rewarding and competitive enough
How would it work? (additional rules should be applied to avoid scam, to define percentages, thresholds etc. The items below are to describe the idea in general)
- Users can connect their crypto wallet to bet on ideas
- A transparent way to show total bets (reward) collected
- No way to see the votes until the bounty gets closed so that the voters aren’t be influenced by existing votes
- People who voted for the winning idea get a percentage of the total reward
- Everyone’s vote has the same weight regardless of the amount they bet - so they can’t influence the result with money
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Isil3 years ago
Your friends would also risk their bets since everyone could bring their friends. One way to keep that risk as a deterrent might be to hide the number of votes and total bets collected until the challenge is closed, or just show ranges like high/low reward while increasing minimum bet to participate (min risk to take) based on the total reward collected.
I agree that this might happen but not only in this case. You could do lobying in any voting based competition with a reward (even if voters don't earn anything directly) by promising them part of the reward or any type of gain.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Great points! If people who vote for the winning idea also receive a reward, it would lead to lobying, I think. You could bring your friends over and have them vote for your idea regardless of whether it is better than the other ideas.
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Private discussions and Non-disclosures.
Christopher Lutz Apr 26, 2022
I have been thinking about this platform lately and wondering what if someone has a brilliant idea but needed help to improve on certain aspects of it, that he/she may not want to discuss in full with everyone.
An idea to help people with this could be for a person to place a basic idea or problem they might be facing on the platform, and then select people from comments or possible direct messages that they think might be able to help and add them to a private room where they may be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement before a more in-depth discussion of the problem may be had.
I understand that the idea is to involve everyone and get as many people involved in a discussion but often this is not possible for everyone to do.
I believe this may help more people come to the platform and share more ideas including more private topics of conversations.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Yes, private (invite only) sessions have been planned since before the first version of the platform was launched
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Christopher Lutz3 years ago
Darko Savic thats brilliant!
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"Reach" insights
Spook Louw May 04, 2022
A button that allows an author to see information regarding the reach of their post.
This is not a new idea, obviously many platforms including Twitter, YouTube and Instagram each have their own version of this.
For an average user it would simply be interesting to see how many people have been exposed to his/her idea, and from where they are.
For a business or bounty sponsor, this information is crucial to analyze the effectiveness of their campaign.
This will become more and more relevant as the platform continues to expand.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Yes. This is a cool one
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Shared authorship of the idea/challenge
jnikola Jun 29, 2022
A feature to add another person as an author of the idea/challenge.
- To give credits to someone that had the same idea before you or at the same time, posted it as a contribution or a comment, but didn't manage to write it into a separate challenge/idea.
- To give credits to someone who had the same idea, but on a different platform.
- To collaboratively create, edit and publish an idea/challenge draft with someone.
How would it work?
In the most simple words, you could add an additional author (up to 3) to an already created idea/challenge.
You could also add an author to an idea to give them credits and edit it by yourself.
Ideally, you could create and idea/challenge draft, invite someone to edit it with you and publish it as a collaborative idea/challenge. All authors should mark the draft as ready before publishing it. If the bounty is won for the ideaideait would be split equally between the authors.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
I can imagine a team collaborating and coming up with an idea in a joint session - then choosing to post it as a team. The way we do it now leaves a trace (who came up with bits and pieces and in what order). We already provide references to others whose ideas served as building blocks of our own.
That said if an idea is already described elsewhere, but we still came up with the same ourselves, we shouldn't post it. At that point, we are too late for it. It's already been described by others before.
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Temporarily hiding author's identity for more objective evaluation of the quality of their content
Povilas S Mar 25, 2022
The platform could implement a feature suggested here, which would help solve this problem and at the same time gamify the platform.
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Spook Louw3 years ago
A similar suggestion to this would be to hide the contributions that are bounty contenders from the public until the bounty has been awarded.
This would cause multiple entries to be very similar, as people might have the same ideas, but it could also result in finding slight variants between how different people present the same basic concept which would allow the sponsor to choose the best conceptualization of an idea.
This would stop users from being able to contribute to each other's submissions, but these submissions could become sessions after the bounty has been awarded to the initial best contribution.
It would also ensure that every contribution is completely original and not simply a copy of another contender with a few minor changes.
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Create a section for submission of problems
Barouch Mar 27, 2022
Ideas are solutions for problems. One problem can have many associated ideas. These ideas could be interlinked to a problem that they are trying to solve. Such hub of problems with interlinked ideas could:
- Facilitate generation of ideas as it would provide clear end goals that are trying to be achieved
- Improve the quality of ideas through comparison of similar solutions to the same problem
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Darko Savic3 years ago
A challenge page (as this one we are on right now) is pretty much what you're suggesting. A hub for ideas that solve a similar problem. Anyone can create such challenges
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Adding categories for artistic/philosophical ideas
Spook Louw Mar 30, 2022
Create separate categories for Artistic Sessions and Sociopolitical Sessions.
While Brainstorming has already covered a wide range of different problems and ideas, they have still been focused mostly on providing practical solutions to real-world problems. This is, and I believe should be, the main goal of the site, but allowing Brainstormers to engage in conversation and giving them the opportunity to collaborate on more abstract topics, like, for example, Artistic Sessions or Sociopolitical Sessions could prove to hold multiple benefits for both the contributors and the site.
It is natural that such topics have already entered the conversation on the platform, some ideas will have political uses and consequences as well as practical points, which would make them fit in multiple categories, like this one. Some might be completely artistic ideas, like this one. While others might be completely philosophical, this one for instance.
By officially differentiating between such categories we might reach a wider audience and consequently be exposed to more potential contributors.
- More varied contributions from a wider range of contributors
- Efficient way to warm-up or practise creative thinking
- Philosophical and artistic ideas can benefit from brainstorming exactly the same as practical ideas can.
- Not categorizing ideas like the examples given above makes them seem misplaced when shown next to a list of other ideas that are, for te most part, more practical.
What would be the difference
The existence of these categories in itself should make people feel more comfortable to post more abstract ideas or sessions or ideas with artistic goals and allow other users who are not interested in such topics to navigate away from such content more easily.
That being said, such sections might even have a different design than the current layout, where contributions to a artistic idea might have a more casual, conversational tone which would better fit comments, a discussion on a philosophical idea would benefit more from a structured layout of thesis and antithesis which could take a similar form to the current Creative Contributions section.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Can't this already be done with tags?
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Spook Louw3 years ago
Darko Savic I was imagining more "personalized" layouts for each section, that would be optimized for the specific category. But yes, tags actually do allow you to access the specific category you want.
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Spook Louw3 years ago
Another area that might warrant its own category is coding. This idea and conversations with friends made me realize that coders also brainstorm their code with peers. Typing out code in sessions or pictures of code might not fit in well with the general platform, but creating a separate category for it might encourage coders to engage more.
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Linking/attaching related ideas/challenges shown as miniatures
jnikola Mar 30, 2022
What if we could attach an idea to another idea, or a contribution from one session to another idea, but in a more visually-intriguing way?
- Ideas/challenges or contributions could be related, but linking them via hyperlinks in the text is not very clear and intuitive
- At the moment when a lot of material will be on the platform, it would be easier to keep track, especially for new users
- Encourage platform exploration by following interesting links that catch your eye
- Support, encourage and guide the readers' flow of thoughts by miniatures of other sessions and ideas to provoke spontaneous brainstorming and creative thinking
How would it work?
- Since the platform is very visually appealing, it would be the best if the "attach/link tool" would bring a small miniature of an idea or a challenge, or a title of a creative contribution.
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Merging sessions as a tool against duplicates or sessions which are too similar
jnikola Mar 30, 2022
- When moderators or other users comment on your session that you spent a lot of time writing saying it's already been discussed or is very similar to another one can be very discouraging
- Some sessions are not similar at first, but the similarities pop out when developed
- Seeing ideas/challenges/contributions that talk the same thing can suggest that all the solutions have already been saying and result in a "dead" session
- Merging a new session with an old one with the same topic can help the user of the first one to gain necessary knowledge much faster than expected
How would it work?
Users or moderators could suggest merge of two contents of the same type (ideas with ideas, challenges with challenges, etc). The other moderators should vote. Five or ten votes would end up in a merge. If there would be not enough voices, the moderators should write an explanation.
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"Ignite your brain" platform exploration and creative thinking tool
jnikola Mar 30, 2022
What if the platform had a "ignite your brain" tool, which proposed challenges or games whose main role was to start the brainstorming process in a creative way and provoke creative thinking?
- Users who enjoy the brainstorming platform surely found themselves in the position of not having any ideas --> this tool would help people get new ideas
- Encourage platform exploration
- Potentiate creative thinking by combining seemingly non-combinable problems/ideas
- Activate passive sessions or the ones with no contributions
- Make the platform experience fun and challenging
- Collecting points and earning status
How would it work?
A person would click the "ignite" button and the game begins. The pop up window offers four choices: "impossible combo", "the close call", "improwise" and "guess what".
Impossible combo
When the first option is clicked, the algorithm searches for ideas or challenges with no connections, no common keywords, etc. and challenges a user to find a common thing, brainstorm and contribute to one or another.
The close call
In this option, the algorithm searches for two sessions dealing with problems from the same field, with common keywords, preferably dealing with a common big issue such as climate change, recycling, aging, cancer, social media, etc. The users is asked to contribute based on the similarities or differences.
The third option would be a random selection of a topic which had no contributions and is older than 1 month. The user would be asked to find a solution and contribute.
Guess what
A "game" called "guess the topic" would work by showing only the contributions, could be implemented. These would help people to understand how different or similar are the flows of thoughts of different people, how creative can people be and how well is the problem defined (if the user guesses the topic, the topic creator did a good job explaining it and the contributors did even better job hitting the right spot with solutions.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Yes, we should definitely have features that get people's creativity jump-started. But we should be careful not waste people's time with anything that doesn't achieve the results.
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Private bounty sessions
Miloš Stanković Mar 31, 2022
The bounty sponsor should be able to make the session private and visible only to those users he picked.
Let's say a business figure in the fitness industry is trying to find a competitive edge, he then tries to utilize the power of crowdsourced creativity on Why should he gift his competitors with the same solution solely he paid for?
With private sessions, the bounty sponsor can select the users from the platform he wishes to present with the problem.
If he picks the private option and selects the main tag for his session, the platform could recognize the users with the most posts and comments and most liked posts and comments in that field (fitness) and suggest adding them.
So the rest of the platform would see blurred-out text. While the tags would be visible. Other users can ask the sponsor for permission to view the bounty themselves and participate. Or the sponsor can select that they can't and that only the pre-selected will be able to participate.
The private session could require a symbolic fee that would go directly to the platform.
The private session could also have an expiration date, so after 180 days it would become public. In that case, the sponsor would have had enough time to utilize the head start.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Another feature along the same line of thought is to let anyone submit solutions but make them invisible to the public and other brainstormers alike. That way, anyone can participate but only the bounty giver and the judges can see the results.
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Inviting specific Brainstormers to challenges/bounties
Spook Louw Apr 04, 2022
Direct messaging capabilities will already allow users to bring problems to the attention of whoever they would like, but having the option to send an invitation to help solve a problem or compete for a bounty to specific brainstormers might make them more inclined to invest time in something.
You might like the way someone approached a different problem and would then want them to also think about your challenge, a direct invitation to participate is more likely to get them involved than just waiting and hoping they stumble across your post and decide to contribute.
Similar systems are used on Quora and Upwork, where posts are public, but the author has the option of sending it directly to a number of users as well.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Yes, something like this should be implemented. We also have to think about how to make people not feel spammed if they get invited too often
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Displaying the originality level of your idea compared to both your other ideas as well as all the ideas posted on the platform
Povilas S Apr 04, 2022
Similarly to the system proposed in this idea, the platform could display you the originality level of your idea, before posting it.
The platform currently has the originality score for ideas, but it measures the general originality level, it doesn't tell anything about how original the user is with regards to their own ideas posted before.
The point of doing this is to make the content on the platform more diverse and interesting. For example, the user might post many ideas on the same topic with slight variations between them: a smart chair, a smart table, a smart cupboard, etc. While on the contrary, they might post one idea which is from a field of biochemistry, then another from a field of sociology, and yet another from space exploration, etc., the latter variation of content would be more interesting for the visitors to see and engage with because of the increased variety and unrelatedness.
Comparing your ideas with all other ideas already posted on the platform with regards to originality is also important, because of the same reason. If there are many ideas about environmental pollution and you post another one, the people who follow the activity on the platform regularly will be less likely to engage in that session (unless they have a true passion for that field) because they've already seen similar topics discussed many times and they'd rather read about something new.
How it works:
When the user finishes writing their idea, there's a button "evaluate originality". They can press it to see two scores before they press the "publish" button - one is the originality level of the idea compared to other ideas posted by the same user, the other is the originality level of that idea compared to all the other ideas posted on the platform so far (by all the users).
In fact, it would perhaps be best to show those scores (if the user desired this) throughout the writing process, then that person could improve their idea accordingly.
The same system could be adapted for challenges as well.
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Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
I would rather allow user to evaluate, how interesting that was for him or her to read this idea. Even if the idea is repeated or slightly modified, but it is still interesting to read it for many, let authors to give this value to users and to be appraised high.
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Povilas S3 years ago
Mikhail Korsanov Fair point, but reading about similar topics, however good the writer is, can only be interesting for long to people who are fans of that author. It's like listening to the same band you like whose songs are somewhat similar (with slight variations). Some bands have way greater variation in their songwriting, some even jump radically between different genres, their members engage in completely different projects, etc.
I think I don't need to reason much to show that the latter case is less boring. I'm not saying that creators who find their comfortable niche and are good at a specific narrow field are doing it wrong, this is also good. But if we're talking about attracting more different people and making the totality of the content on the website more interesting and attractive, I'd say this is the way to go.
Stepping out of the comfort zone and trying something totally different is also good for authors themselves, it's good for the growth of the personality and the growth of their work.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Non-original ideas shouldn't be on the platform. Even those that were original at the time of posting but have since been brought to life by someone, belong in an archive. The platform should be strictly about pushing the limits of what exists.
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Badges for top contributors
Spook Louw Apr 05, 2022
Awarding rotating badges to the Brainstormers who had the best/most contributions/ideas over a set period of time could serve as validation to them that they are being recognized and appreciated.
It could motivate people to contribute more in order to qualify for a badge.
Additionally, bounty sponsors might be inclined to pay more attention to contributions from people with a badge next to their names, which means there would be a professional, financial incentive to pursue getting a badge. This will increase the activity of users and the quality of contributions all around.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Badges for people that keep streaks of contributions going. As soon as the streak is broken, the badge has to be re-earned
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Spook Louw3 years ago
Darko Savic That's a great idea, that's the great thing about badges, you can decide what to award them for. So the things that most benefit the goal of the platform should be rewarded. Perhaps there could also be a badge for the average amount of activity inspired by an idea or session. So, if a person has an average of x amount of comments/contributions/likes across all of their ideas and sessions they might be rewarded with a "conversation starter" badge, which would gain their posts even more interest as it is "guaranteed" to be engaging.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Spook Louw that's a good one too👍
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Add the "I don't give a fuck, this is awesome" button
mschiav3 Apr 13, 2022
So the "I don't give a fuck, this is an awesome idea buton" will work like this: The people with however crypto amount in a wallet will click the "I don't give a fuck, this is awesome button" and donate to the idea they are pleging for. the amount can not be higher than a 0.0001 btc.
Why such a low amount: because we want people to invest easily and receive easily.
If somebody gets impressed by ideas that can be bid on, they can bid on small amounts, like just paying people that really care about solving humanity's troubles.
Create a market for bids and ideas...
Those moguls like Bezos and musk could spare a few bucks on ideas, even the crazy ones, just by the mere usage of human brain service. And that is a very revolutionary idea...
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Darko Savic3 years ago
We have both of these planned:
- crowdsourced bounties where anyone can add to the total bounty fund
- tips between people where anyone can instantly tip someone for cool insight
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A dedicated 'troubleshooting' section
Subash Chapagain Apr 14, 2022
This section will be dedicated specifically to researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs.
The idea is to build a separate section where you post a specific detailed issues with your experiments, research or your business growth. When you come to a point of no seeming solution, you send out a 'troubleshoot' signal to all other peers on the platform and they all come together to solve the issue. All of this, of course, will depend on the expertise of each user.
For example, as a virologist, I face an issue with my viral stock that seems to deplete without any reason. Then I come to this troubleshooting section and send out an SOS signal. The algorithm automatically notifies all other users in that domain (biology/virology/experimental molecular biology) and hopefully, someone's advice/guidance can save my experiment.
The same for businesses/other projects.
Though it might sound a bit redundant for now, once the platform grows significantly has enough quorum in individual domains it can be very useful.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
How is this different from formulating your problem as a challenge and circulating it among your peers? The wider the challenge circulates, the higher the chance that someone with a cool view will see it
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Advice quotes pop-ups to improve creativity
Miloš Stanković Apr 20, 2022
Have quotes about jumpstarting creativity and getting good ideas flowing appear and alternate on the platform. Pop-ups that would stay on for several seconds before vanishing.
Statements like: "To improve creativity draw a concise summary of the problems you are trying to solve"
Some video games have loading screens that are enriched with quotes from the time period if they are historic, or from the characters. All to add to the feel of the game, the world you will be residing in once the loading is finished. To teach tactics.
For, it's a way to instil gems from this thread into every day habits of the visitors. It's a great resource on the platform, yet as a standalone page, it might be overwhelming, daunting, and hard to find or recall.
Serving these tips in digestible bites that repeat over time, we could educate the brainstormers pain-free and get the most out of them, while also improving their lifes.
How it works
The quotes can appear in a text box on the homepage while you are browsing ideas. If they are the pop-up variety, when they vanish, they can be replaced by a small "undo" icon that would return them to the page when clicked in case the viewer didn't get to read it whole, as that would be frustrating.
Some of the creative contributions in the thread are quite long, but they can be distilled like Blinkist does for non-fiction books.
You could have them as text messages over the creative contributions line or at the end of the original post, or on the side space.
Now the bounty challenges take a good time to load, you can have them appear in between clicking on the page and the page content appearing.
These quotes can link to a related creative contribution in the thread as they go further into detail.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
The platform's twitter history is also full of such gems
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A creative relay-storytelling section
Subash Chapagain Apr 22, 2022
The idea is to dedicate one section of the platform for purely fictional storytelling, but with a creative tweak to it.
Here is how it would work:
In this section, someone who is on the creative/storytelling/fictional side of the creativity spectrum will start a fictional story with a prompt. S/he will also offer a tentative framework of characters and define the intended genre (to make it a horror or a sci-fi?) and post it like we post any other challenge/idea. This is where the fun begins.
Once the prompt has been posted and the framework defined, then contributors develop the story from thereon. In this way, we let other creative writers use their imagination to take the story to the next stage but within the preset framework. We can set up a fixed word limit for each contributor, and also a limit for how many times a single writer can contribute to the story. This way, we can avoid redundancy and lack of seriousness.
Why do this?
Because it challenges the present-day notions of classical publishing.
It will be a new experimentation in collaborative creative writing. Different perspectives will add value to the story, and it would really be interesting to see the evolution of the story in real-time.
If something worth publishing is generated in this manner, we can build the story into a novel or a novella. Or we can use the plots to write scripts for a brand new TV series.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Something like this - Open collaborative book writing platform?
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Subash Chapagain3 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni Mostly so. But rather than a book, just for shorter stories that allow a certain level of freedom but within a defined plot. For example, you cannot create more characters than a defined number 'X', or something like that.
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Function for idea distribution/promotion
Mikhail Korsanov Apr 25, 2022
Let authors of each idea and supporters, pay to attract more attention to this idea, promote, advertise it to wide audience, or to targeted audience of those who can implement the idea. This will give more chances for good ideas to be implemented. Also, this will attract more users to your project.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
A crowd-sourced fund for each idea. If enough people chip in, a YouTuber creates a cool idea presentation video.
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Povilas S3 years ago
That's a great idea
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Selling the idea to the platform
jnikola Apr 26, 2022
I described this idea in detail here, but, in short, the concept is:
To allow ideators to sell their idea for the platform-defined price as a one-time deal or as an open deal. If the ideator chooses the latter, the price is subject to change according to the platform-defined criteria (hot topics, similarity, interaction, etc.) and can increase or decrease.
This way an ideator can get its ideas tested for originality and similarity (as described in the contributions of me, Povilas S and Miloš Stanković), get information on the value of the idea to the platform and choose the further action. The ideator, at this moment, becomes a trader, that can choose to sell the idea (or, in the start-up dictionary, do the "exit") or keep it because it believes the idea has great potential. It's a risky game, making it a lot more fun than just writing it and selling it as a one-time deal. It could help the ideators get better and better at ideation, rewarding overall platform interactions (comments, contributions, etc.).
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Portfolio function
Spook Louw Apr 28, 2022
It should be possible for users to isolate their top ideas and contributions on a page to create a portfolio to showcase their creativity and problem-solving abilities.
Such a function would be especially useful to people looking to create a career as an ideator or problem-solver.
They would be able to add a link to their Brainstorming portfolio on their CVs to show potential clients what they can do. At the moment, you can see a user's top ideas, sessions and contributions on their profiles, but employers would appreciate a page where the ideator has selected their top ideas/solutions to showcase.
Adding a list of the bounties that an ideator has won to their profile will also help.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
This is almost done. It's coming in the next update.
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Spook Louw3 years ago
This will be especially important if this is your approach to building a career as an ideator.
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Send people branded merchandise on milestone achievements
Darko Savic Apr 29, 2022
Send people t-shirts etc, for achievements such as:
- winning a bounty
- having an uninterrupted streak of ideas going for X days
- growing their account rank: brainstormer > problem solver > thinker > ideator
- what else could be a milestone?
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Statistics page on the ideator's profile
Shubhankar Kulkarni May 04, 2022
Currently, the profile has an introduction of the ideator, their total score, and a list of all their contributions. How about adding -
- Total number of challenges and ideas separately
- Total number of comments posted
- Total upvotes on comments and contributions
- Total upvotes on challenges and ideas separately
- Most upvotes on an idea
- Number of bounties won
- The total bounty amount won
- Highlight their most engaging and/ or upvoted session and idea
- "Brainstorming since <date of joining the platform>"
- Number of followers - when we have that
- All the badges - when we have that
What else?
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Shubhankar Kulkarni2 years ago
A statistics page could be set up for the platform, too. Display:
- Total number of sessions on the platform
- Total of number of challenges
- Total number of ideas
- Total number of bounties
- Total bounty amount paid till date
- Total bounty amount that you can win currently (money in escrow)
- Total number of contributions (separately for bountied sessions)
- Total number of comments (too much?)
- Total user count
More important points when the platform grows:
- Average number of sessions (also challenges and ideas separately) posted daily
- Average bounty amount raised daily
- A chart displaying amount of total bounty won on the Y-axis vs the number of users on the X-axis could be used
- More parameters from Google analytics could be used.
It could be used as a marketing strategy.
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Spook Louw3 years ago
- When the user was last online
- Total amount of shares to external pages (this could also be displayed under each idea)
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Yes, a good one
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Ability for the user to make “playlists” of ideas, challenges, and creative contributions
Povilas S May 04, 2022
Introduce “add to list” function for ideas, challenges, and creative contributions. The user can create and name a new list similarly to how you can create and name new playlists on music streaming platforms. This would not be limited to “read later” function. This way you could save and group separate content pieces according to topics, the connections you see between them, those you want to share with particular people, etc. The options are limitless.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Good one. I can see stumbling upon a cool list being useful. Twitter also has this feature.
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Tools for people who are tasked with selecting bounty winners
Darko Savic May 05, 2022
- The ability to re-arrange contributions (kanban style) so that it shows a personalized view that only you can see. Reading new content you can send it to the top/bottom of the list. Having all the good ones near the top should make selection a bit easier.
- Ability to rate each contribution on feasibility, originality, necessity, and conciseness
- Ability to rate necessity and feasibility on a scale from 1-10
- Ability to mark specific contributions with a star. Starred contributions jump to the top of the list. There you can re-arrange them kanban style to visualize in what order you find them best.
- You can collapse all contributions to titles-only. That way you can get a compact overview
Judging the contributions
- An ability to designate judges (platform users) whose ratings will yield the winners
- If multiple winners are sought after, every judge gets to mark their own picks.
A few things to think about:
How do the judges reach consensus if everyone picks different winners?
Can the judges also be contenters?
Should the judges be able to see each other's votes before a final decision is made?
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Original idea statement
jnikola May 09, 2022
An idea statement that has the author's name, idea description (from the Brainstorming platform), creation date, and Brainstorming's "originality score", and can be exported as a PDF. Due to the complex and comprehensive Brianstorming's originality and similarity check, the document serves as a valid way of proving that your idea is original and unique.
- Ideas are what we are mostly interested in here. This could be a great way to protect it.
- Setting a standard in idea creation and "registration".
- Exportable proof of your idea with all the contributions and comments - a useful business document for the company's brainstorming sessions, CV attachments, etc.
How would it work?
As mentioned in the D. Eagle's contribution, the published idea needs an adequate proof of authorship and publishing. This document would be a PDF proof of your activity on Brainstorming platform, genius idea document that is signed by the platform. The additional value would be the "originality score", which would be calculated as described in one of the contributions here and here, and serve as an additional metrics of your creativity and potentially a legal act that can help prove the uniqueness of your idea. Of course, the algorithm calculating the originality score should be developed to cover the content not only on the platform, but on the whole internet. The score calculation could be an on-demand service that add value to your idea. It's algorithm should be tested and proven to cover certain percentage of internet, with an indicated mistake (similar to p-value statistics).
An example of how it would look like:
Picture taken from here and edited.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
How about this.. the stamp of approval shows up after the Brainstorming platform's verification team does extensive research on your idea and determines that nothing like it exists described elsewhere on the internet. The stamp appears just below the idea, on the corresponding page.
A hash of the idea could be posted on a blockchain which makes it a sort of NFT (that Mikica Ivosevic recently suggested).
At scale, this becomes massive work on the part of the platform. We need a way to financially sustain it.
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jnikola3 years ago
Darko Savic Sounds great! These NFTs could be sold and a percentage of the sale could be taken as a platform fee.
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Live brainstorming sessions on the platform
jnikola Jun 13, 2022
When creating an idea or a session about a certain problem, you could schedule a live brainstorming session using partners like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. You could do it afterwards if needed.
- As described in this idea, the live session would help gather people and brainstorm about the problem more constructively and time-efficient.
- People could meet others ideators (interested in the same topic).
- People could hear each other thoughts and understand each other contributions better.
- Practice teamwork and leadership (through session administration)
- It could help "wake up" some old or inactive sessions with interesting, complicated or highly specific problems.
How would it work?
- The administrator (creator of the session/idea) would schedule a live event and post a link to it. When the time comes, the admin would open a room and allow the entrance of participants.
- With the help of the Brainstorming support team, the admin would prepare a series of topic-related topics or sessions that he/she will go through with the participants. Everybody will comment and simultaneously create drafts of contributions and/or ideas related to the session. Sessions would last from 10 mins up to 1 hour.
- If somebody halts the session, the admin can remove it from the group.
Additional information
- Prizes and badges could be awarded for the best session contributor and the administrator!
- People could rate each other live sessions
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AI picture generator used to instantly make a cover image of an idea to motivate users to work on their idea further
Povilas S Aug 16, 2022
When developed further, the platform could use an instant, AI-powered picture generator to convert an idea title or a short, initial description of it to a cover image for that idea. The same could be used for challenges, you’d simply describe the concept (in a “what is there” manner) which would best represent that challenge.
- Once you can visualize the idea you get a step closer to its realization. I often want to find a proper cover image for the idea first, cause then it feels like I’m halfway through developing it. So I think this would motivate most users to keep working (conceptualizing, writing) on the idea further, cause they’d get an initial satisfaction about its completion (you have an image of how it would look like).
- It’s often hard to find a proper image representing your idea online, especially if the idea is more complex. People who have some proper picture editing, painting, or/and graphic design skills could try to make those themselves, but an ordinary user doesn’t have those skills, and even if you do, making it takes a considerable amount of time which people don’t want to spend.
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Searching with Boolean operators
jnikola Sep 13, 2022
Some platforms I use (for example, PubMed), allow you to search for content by using Boolean operators. Why is it cool?
By using AND, OR, NOT, etc. you can simply add criteria to your search and filter the content more precise. Translated to the platform, if I want to find sessions about bacteria, I would write "bacteria" in a search box. I will get sessions, ideas, contributions and comments as a result. If there is a lot of session with that keyword, I would like to specify another keyword by writing "bacteria" AND "space". Also, it would be cool if I could add "username" or ">date" to filter results, too.
Maybe I made it really complicated, but you can check here how is it done on PubMed.
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Grouping contributions
Goran Radanovic Mar 26, 2022
Channel the solutions through groups. Instead of a contributor and commenters findng a solution, create groups so that their solutions are channelled as one voice.
Allocating compensation based on group rankings motivates contributors to come up with better ideas to move up to a higher-ranked group to receive more money and learn from smarter contributors.
Group work is fun. It lets you bounce ideas off each other and helps you learn from them.
How it works
Based on a person's point count and contributions, users are ranked in groups. They move up to a higher group when they exceed a certain threshold, whether by points or contributions. Group members who are stagnant and/or aren't increasing their points get demoted.
Once the group has finalised the solution, they present their findings. That way, you don't have to read each person's contribution/comment. You get the final solution without all the fluff that happens when you go back and forth.
The winning group splits the contributions amongst themselves.
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Povilas S3 years ago
How would you deal with the problem of different groups submitting similar contributions in the end? I mean there would be a time for brainstorming/discussions/clarifications between group members, they would spend a considerable amount of time for this, then they'd finally polish their solutions.
What if just before submitting their final "product" another group posted a worked-through contribution that is similar to theirs? Or, one group posted their contribution first, but it is less developed, the second group posted a similar contribution that is thought-thru and developed better, which group should get more credit?
The groups should be allowed to communicate between themselves to ensure they are working on significantly different contributions. However, such communication is prone to information theft. In a competitive environment, where money is involved, things might get tense and not very nice sometimes.
The same problem is also valid now (when individuals post their ideas separately), but it's arguably less of a loss when duplicates happen because a group would spend more time and effort collectively than one individual.
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Goran Radanovic3 years ago
Povilas S With bounties, a group will submit a contribution once done, but their contribution will be invisible to others, maybe only visible to the moderator. The post will say that Group A submitted a contribution so that you can keep track of who submitted a proposal, which may motivate other groups to get cracking.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Goran Radanovic Xprize has bounties where only groups can apply. It makes sense for large challenges where an individual isn't likely to solve the problem.
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Affinity groups based on likes and content similarity
Povilas S Mar 27, 2022
This idea is related to the one posted by Goran Radanovic and could serve as an addition to his suggestion.
The system could keep track of your preferences for certain users of the platform, this would be done by monitoring to whose content you give upvotes most frequently and also by comparing topics of your content to topics of the content of other users.
If two users like each other's content frequently enough and in addition, they post somewhat similar content (the latter is not necessary, but could serve as a factor for better affinity), the system would recommend them joining the same group to solve the problems collectively. Since they like each other's ideas they'd likely make a good team.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Would a proper follow feature solve this?
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Social media Brainstorming channels
Michael Apr 12, 2022
While there are buttons to manually share entries to twitter and facebook, it could be interesting to have automated sharing of all challenges and ideas of the brainstorming platform, onto a Brainstorming channel on each major social media platform.
This would give exposure to more people, who would discover the challenges on reddit, twitter etc, then follow a link to this website and potentially become contributors.
Whether they choose to contribute or not, they may still discuss the challenge/idea on the social media platform, upvote, reshare etc, which could further contribute to attracting attention and new contributors.
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Mikhail Korsanov3 years ago
Instagram and Youtube too...
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A 'graphical idea dump-basket'
Subash Chapagain Apr 14, 2022
Not all ideas are clear and structured.
Sometimes, some ideas can come to us in bits and pieces, and not in well-defined formulated manner. For these less-structured, quick ideas and curiosities, I suggest a specific 'graphic idea-dump basket' where we can do a quick sketch of the idea and leave it for a while before we have time and leisure to work on them again. They're like drafts but in graphical form.
Also, we can make these dump-baskets public and do collaborative edits with options to save each individual version.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
So drafts, but better graphically represented. I actually use the platform for this purpose. I "create new" and then just dump my thoughts wherever (title, body). When I have time, I look at the drafts and develop something out of them. Drafts are auto-saved every second, so it doesn't matter if I close or leave the tab open when done.
Maybe there could be a "post-it" note on the front page. You just start typing and it gets saved as a draft (body) you can optionally add a title to the post-it note if you want a better overview when looking at your drafts folder later.
You would just load the platform's front page and start writing.
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Adventure's Guild style ranking.
I read a lot of novels and a common theme of them is an Adventure's Guild. Basically new adventurers or in this case idea contributers have to prove themselves useful by doing easy/small jobs first then climb a ladder type system to get a higher ranking. Eventually the F class adventure becomes S class, and has proven themselves extremely useful to others with their thoughts.
What would be required to accomplish this is sort all requests for ideas by a ranking which will decide what rank of people can contribute to it. If the person who submits the query wants "everyone to participate" then they can just post it under F rank. If the person posting the query wants to filter who can participate such as "specialized people only" they just need to raise the rank. Higher rank has higher rewards too of course.
As for other thins common in the Adventure's Guild theme. People commonly form groups, which can consist of people of any rank. The group leader's rank usually decides what level jobs they are allowed to take.
Bad actors are usually demoted or banned from takin further requests from the guild after an investigation.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
In general, excluding people based on their rank would be like shooting ourselves in the foot because different people bring different views to the table. You never know when someone's view can spark a revelation in another brainstormer.
Maybe as gamification - people could participate in bounties only after building their account's rank to at least X status.
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The weekly public challenge
Contrived _voice Apr 19, 2022
Create a weekly subject page where everyone tries to build on that week's subject. Say this week's topic was agriculture, everyone would try to provide solutions to problems they have picked up on in the field of agriculture.
The challenge could then be shared on other social platforms to encourage the public to pick the best idea. Most upvotes takes the weekly prize. As a side bonus as people try to win the award, they will share the links on their personal socials, bringing more people to the site.
Waiting for a whole month to see if you got a bounty is slow and boring. To create more engagement there needs to be an event that reaches a conclusion sooner and gives a goal for anyone new.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
A weekly bounty (or multiple) achieves pretty much the same results
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Pay leaders from the field to view and comment on specific ideas
Shubhankar Kulkarni Apr 20, 2022
If your idea receives a comment (even a criticizing one) from Elon Musk, that would motivate you further to improve your idea.
Therefore, select a few ideas, probably the ones that have won a bounty, and pay celebrities to view (review) and comment on what they think about them. You could start small - target low-level celebrities (whom you can pay less initially) and then climb the ladder as the platform becomes more popular.
Such comments could have multi-fold effects:
- They motivate the ideator fueling other minds to work on problems on the platform.
- Criticism from leaders in the field will definitely help improve the idea.
- Marketing strategy - the leaders whom you pay to comment will act as brand ambassadors for the platform. You could highlight their comments and have a separate section on "what celebrities have to say about your idea". You could add a clause saying that they have to post their comment on Twitter with a link to the idea on the platform. You will probably pay more than regular marketing, but should be worth it.
- The leaders will get to know about the platform. They may post their problems and apply a bounty to them, helping with the platform's growth.
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A forum to communicate with the developers
Shubhankar Kulkarni Apr 22, 2022
The platform would work in the long-term if the sponsors and ideators communicate with the developers what they feel about the platform. It could be greivences, development suggestions, etc. There should be a forum for them to tell the developers their expectations from the platform.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Or the Brainstorming slack:)
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Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Darko Savic Maybe eliminate dependency on other sources by having our own feature?
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Let the site manage the attention of the user
Mikhail Korsanov Apr 25, 2022
You can set a goal to keep attention of the users. At they have a mechanism that brings a user to the next question automatically. Why not to create a mechanism that will allow to bring attention of the user to threads where he/she participates or that may be intresting for him/her, 1 by 1 issue or comment. Each comment may be processed as
1) reply to it
2) don't reply to it
3) deside later.
Also, you can use an intellectual or statistical algorithm for decision making: which next item is to show to keep attention of each user for the longest time.
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More accurate shared bounty .
BasaroS / Astral_Online Apr 25, 2022
Hello !
Main idea is to make to " Bouty Provider " better Tool to spread bounty accross everyone whos ideas conlusions was helpful , but not to just 1 or first 5 contributors .
As We know from Blockchain each Mh rate must be payed ; as well as Blockchain , Our thougths and Hash Rate of Mind must be payed with Justice .
I guess that to pay bounty to just one best is not fair , because " Bounty Provider "receives ALL Ideas to think about and to have the Solution , but pay only for / to 1 or limited persons , not to All Contributors . Thats breaks main Idea of Brainstorming ( and Blockchained Brainstorming as We see on this Platform ) .
Solution is to :
- Provide " Bounty Provider " to rate each contributors idea from 1 to 100 . Even to make this neccesary and un-avoidable .
- Spread bounty by some special chosen by " Bounty Provider " or Automated by System algorithms that will spread bounties among Every Contributor ; for example :
For everyone who is in 0-25 rate - 1-5 % from whole bounty amount is shared among everyone with this rate ,
25-50 rate - 2-30 % from whole bounty amount is shared among everyone with this rate ,
50-75 rate - 30-50 % from whole bounty amount is shared among everyone with this rate ,
75-100 rate - 50-70 % from whole bounty amount is shared among everyone with this rate .
This will bring equity to everyone who participate , this will bring more Motivation and Inspiration .
This will allow to Scale Brainstorming Platform to infinite size , bcs more contributors -> more SMM -> more " Bounty Providers " -> more money and more equity and fair payments .
Summary - For example in exactly this Bounty Challenge $ 2k spread amoung 5 persons is ~ $ 400 per Contributor , but It could be $ 2k spread amoung 34 Contributors -> $ 60 per Person , that is a way more better that this roullete to be one of 10 to receive a jackpot .
We ALL be very motivated to post Brainstorming Contributions and futher participate in Brainstorming to receive for each Idea 5-10-20-30-50-100 bucks but each time instead of playing roullete with Our Time and Our Brain HashRate , Honestly .
One more - Give Bounty Provider a Tool to place an additional Reward Task to organize all Contributor`s Ideas into 1 cool Presentation for better understanding ( for additional bounty ) .
Best Regards !
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Challenge winners get a branded t-shirt for marketing and testimonial purposes
Miloš Stanković Apr 29, 2022
Every bounty challenge winner gets a t-shirt made by That might be a cool bonus for winners to feel good about themselves even long after they've possibly spent the bounty. It's a reminder to get back on the website too.
For the platform, it's nearly free exposure in real life. Also, a conversation starter that would make the winner boast about his gear, creating word-of-mouth marketing. It's also a way of legitimizing the bounties as we would probably get back photos of people in the t-shirt. Sort of testimonials.
Have a t-shirt in the colours of the platform with the logo, and a line like "Brainstormed this t-shirt into existence." With "" on the back. Other tagline ideas are welcomed.
We could limit the award to one per person, or one design per person if we come out with multiple.
Admins can select non-bounty content, like ideas or creative contributions, to be awarded a t-shirt.
Of course, users would have to enter the shipping address and opt-in for getting the t-shirt in the first place.
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A graphical representation of each session showing its activity
Shubhankar Kulkarni May 03, 2022
Each session can have a graph with nodes and links across the nodes. The center node is the session - idea or challenge. In case of a challenge, each contribution is represented by a surrounding node. Each upvote on the contributions strengthens the link between that contribution and the center challenge node. The strength of a link is represented by the thickness of the link that connects the two nodes.
The size of the node represents the engagement (comments) on that contribution. More comments equal greater node size. Similarly, the size of the center challenge node increases with increase in the number of contributions. If you hover on the contribution node, you see the profile photo of the user who has posted the contribution. Below that are the profile photos of all users that have posted comments on that contribution. Ranked users are differentiated with a golden ring around their profile photo. Users who have won a bounty previously are presented with a red ring around their profile photo or a crown on it. If the users mention other users or link their contributions, links are created between those two contributions.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Good one. Fits with version 3.0 we talked about in Slack a while ago. Darjan Hren made a mockup of it in Figma
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Place “create a new contribution” button at the side of the session page
Povilas S May 04, 2022
Place the “create new” button at the side of the session page (blank space there now). As you scroll down it stays there fixed. Upon pressing it displays a message: “you might want to review all the existing contributions before posting a new one”, it also displays two options below the message “cancel” and “create anyway”. If you press "create anyway" it then opens a text box to type the contribution in. Once you scrolled to the last contribution it lets you create directly and doesn’t display the above-mentioned message and the two options.
This way the users could post the contribution quickly whenever they want without scrolling all the way down but at the same time would be informed and encouraged to check the existing contributions first.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
This is a good one
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A tool to simplify the process of picking or voting for the winner(s) of bounty sessions
Povilas S May 04, 2022
On the pages of bounty sessions add the tool which lets you mark and save certain contributions, group them into categories that you can review later. Having the ability to mark certain contributions on the way as you scroll down through them and add them to lists like “best”, “interesting”, “similar” would make it easier for you to pick the best ones later. This is especially relevant when a session has a lot of contributions (like this one).
You could add the whole “dashboard” dedicated to this on the side of the page. You’d slowly fill the categories up as you go back and check on the new contributions from time to time. In the end, you’d open the categories to review your handpicked contributions there again. You’d then vote or pick the best ones through that dashboard after the deadline of the bounty session.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
A good but complex way of doing it. It should be simpler.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
How about the ability to re-arrange contributions (kanban style) so that it shows a personalized view that only you can see. Reading new content you can send it to the top/bottom of the list. Having all the good ones near the top should make selection a bit easier.
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A tool to isolate implemented Vs non-implemented ideas
Subash Chapagain May 04, 2022
When someone takes an idea from this platform and implements it in the real world, this tool automatically segregates the idea from the pool of unimplemented ideas. This way, it will be much easier for new ideators to focus on what is yet to be done rather than waste time on what has already been done. It will reduce redundancy, and help save a lot of time and mental energy.
The same can be applied to challenges. The tool should be able to isolate the challenges that have already been solved Vs the challenges that are still under the process of solution.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
We basically need a way for people to indicate that this already exists. A moderator (or consensus vote) then confirms that it truly exists in the proposed form. The idea then gets closed/archived. It remains to be found but not suggested by the recommendation algorithm
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Highlight text on the platform with significant addition in word account
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jul 20, 2022
Although not cool, I think this feature could be helpful. With newer and useful contributions, the authors of the sessions tend to edit their challenge/ idea text to accommodate the suggested updates. Identifying new text could be difficult on a session page. Hence, it would be great if the newly added text, beyond a certain word count (say more than 15 words) is highlighted (add a faint background color to the text). The highlight color could be different for the different number of edits. For example, for the first edit, the highlight color could be yellow. It could be blue for the second significant edit and so on.
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Darko Savic2 years ago
A public history of every challenge/idea page is planned. Anyone will be able to see what was edited and when
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A section where you can share drafts of your unfinished content with other users of the platform
Povilas S Sep 07, 2022
Introduce a function that lets you share drafts of your unfinished ideas, challenges, and contributions with other users of the platform.
Drafts keep piling up and you often lose the motivation of developing many of them further. On the other hand, you always seek inspiration for new ideas. What is stalled and boring for one person might serve as a great inspiration for others.
How it works:
When reviewing your drafts, you can tick any that you don't mind sharing with others. You then press "share" and all those drafts appear in the dedicated section for other users to read and edit. That section would be accessed through the platform's homepage and can be called something like "shared content to improve", "shared drafts", "inspiration section", etc.
If someone develops your draft further and publishes it, both the original author and the editor are referenced on the content page. If someone develops the draft into a distant enough idea, then the original draft is referenced as a source of inspiration.
It might be a good idea to give access to the shared drafts section only to the long-term users of the platform (users with a certain point count) so that one could trust that his/her shared drafts will be in good hands.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni2 years ago
Good idea! The last paragraph is very important. That was my first concern.
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Reels or GIFs as cover images
Shubhankar Kulkarni Sep 19, 2022
Enable using very short videos that explain the idea/ challenge as cover images. They would be much more attractive and explanatory. Also, it would increase the time spent on session pages by the users (another source of income?)
Some concepts are best explained via a video. Some ideas might take more words to explain but a 10-second video could explain them easily.
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Darko Savic2 years ago
Yes, video is king as far as content goes
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Collaborative Ideation, Solution & Marketplace as Business Services In the Virtual & Real Worlds (Monetised Value Creation)
Brainstorming, in its current form, is a platform where people help solve each other’s problems and improve on each other’s ideas; in effect, generating a catalogue or depository of solutions and ideas.
While the concept is interesting in principle, so far, there has been endless brainstorming and talking with neither further action nor idea of the platform’s goals. In other words, the question as to what happens beyond the well-intended objectives and outcomes seemed unclear.
However, the new initiative to incentivise idea creators and problem solvers, and promote professional idea creation and problem solving by way of Challenge sponsoring, gives a clear indication of the platform’s direction of travel.
As a result, this rationale deals with the proposed holistic solution to the following two Challenges:
- "Can you come up with a cool new feature for the Brainstorming platform?”
- "How can freelance ideators make a living exclusively by coming up with new ideas?”
With regard to the first Challenge, the proposed solution provide not only a whole suite of cool new features for Brainstorming with sustainable income streams for the platform, professional ideators and problem solvers; but also vision and draft preliminary business plan.
In particular, read section 8.00 in conjunction with sections 3.00, 9.00, 14.00 and 15.00 of the draft document.
As to the second, this value proposition includes potential lucrative income streams for not only Ideators and Problem Solvers, as value creators; but also Brainstorming.
Specifically, read section 4.00 together with sections 3.00, 5.00, 9.00, 14.00 and 15.00.
This value proposition is a holistic business solution to this and other Challenges. It includes not only practical website features and UI design, but also extended multiplatform proposition and viable realsite activities, bridging the virtual and real worlds.
In other words, it provides the blueprint to move Brainstorming forward significantly without any further unnecessary delay.
For full details of the proposed solutions and draft preliminary business plan, please see here.
So, beyond the Challenges, I am interested in helping to unlock the hidden value of Brainstorming, expedite its development and render the platform attractive to key Organisations and Individuals, for high-value rewards, broader Challenges, enhanced platform quality and deeper user experience.
Please feel free to get in touch should you have any query.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
I keep postponing reading your document for when I have time to read it in peace. Now I will have to because you submitted it as a feature upgrade. I hope there are some feature upgrades in it:)
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D. Eagle3 years ago
Darko Savic, section 8.00 of the document provides additional underlying features, some of which are unique and could be implemented immediately, like the challenge and affinity "bulb lighting" indicators (section 8.95).
The indicators are intended as vector simulations and it would be cool to see them operate, since they do not seem to exist anywhere else. I have ideas about the graphics and UI/UX designs, which may be of interest to you.
However, all the proposed features should be read in conjunction with the whole document, noting that the overall value proposition itself - "Brainstorming as a collaborative ideation, solution & marketplace in the virtual & real worlds" is also submitted as a feature.
Let me know your thoughts.
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Spook Louw May 02, 2022
This is inspired in part by the "Ignite your brain" platform exploration and creative thinking tool contribution.
The idea is to have mini-games on the platform that promotes creative thinking.
Puzzles and challenges that require users to solve problems when they are bored or simply when they want to take a break from brainstorming will help them activate the parts of their brains needed for problem-solving.
This could be combined with badges to encourage users to spend more time on the platform, which would lead to more brainstorming, which would lead to better brainstorming, which raises the value of the platform.
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Spook Louw3 years ago
We would not even need to design the games ourselves, there are multiple sources for finding online games that are embeddable on a website. Addicting Games, for example, offer free games that you can add to your website. The trick would be finding games that promote problem-solving and aren't just boredom busters.
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Let people pay for an idea realization
Mikhail Korsanov May 02, 2022
Let anyone just easily pay for an idea to make it come to reality.
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Darko Savic3 years ago
Realization costs are unpredictable and require more than just money. Even if they had the money, a person who comes up with an idea may not be qualified or capable of bringing it to life. An idea's creator may not even be capable of estimating how much it will cost to execute it.
All that could lead to several failures where people donate money and see
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