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Global COVID-19 "after-party"

Image credit: https://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/ts/news/world/europe/2020/08/01/thousands-protest-in-berlin-against-coronavirus-restrictions.html

Povilas S
Povilas S Dec 20, 2020
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When things will finally get back to what it used to be on a global level and large crowd gatherings will be safe to hold, it would be nice to have a globally synchronized event to mark the end of the pandemic. That the end of this will feel like a celebration is what everybody is thinking, but I didn't hear an idea to make an actual event expressed yet. And that is, of course, understandable, because it's not what mental and physical efforts should be focused on right now, but since the vaccination process is slowly picking up speed, I think it's not too early to start thinking about it. Having something to look up to helps withstand the hardship.

Each country could hold its own event, but they all could be centralized, synchronized, and live-streamed online for people around the world to watch. This would add up to strengthening collective humanity's spirit after the common crisis. Maybe a year from now is a reasonable time to consider and if things will go favorably, maybe even the summer of 2021.

Of course, some countries will get out of the crisis later than others, it can take especially long for the least developed countries, but those should receive help from the developed ones especially when the situation will become stable in most of the world. Another obstacle to this might be that people who lost their family members and friends because of the virus might be dissatisfied with such an event, but I think it would all depend on how it is presented, the commemoration of the victims should be a part of it.
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General comments

Anja M
Anja M4 years ago
Purely theorethically speaking, this can perhaps be done after one country reaches some ~500.000 vaccinated (both doses), so those vaccinated get to be the only guests. But judging how vaccination acquisition goes for now on a worldly level, this will take its own time. However, supposedely it's done, it is something that should seem like a good marketing strategy to invite more people to apply for vaccination. Also, after both doses it should be safe enough to gather all those people in one place, in the general festive atmosphere we remember.
Some logistics would have to be done first, since the number of people vaccinated varies from city to city in one country, but for now this is the only way I see plausible and actually feasible, since the curve of pandemics is something that wears off slowly.
On the other hand, I gather perhaps antivax sentiment could cause riots of those kinds, but in this theoretical scenario proposed, there really should be enough evidence to support the opposite (provax) thesis: antibodies tests, etc.
PS. It's a sight for sore eyes to see a session like this. I thought I was the only one imagining scenarios of an orchestrated party in the city center. :)
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
Anja M Finally, some positive notions 😁
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Juran's last question is what I want to focus on. How do you determine the "end" of the pandemic? It is a gradual process, very slow, and has a number of ups and downs. You cannot assign an arbitrary number and say, for example, that when a country has fewer than 10 per 1 million people actively infected with the coronavirus, the country is out of the pandemic. If you look at other diseases - let us consider poliomyelitis as an example - you still see cases in some parts of the world. (https://www.dw.com/en/polio-eradicated-in-all-but-two-countries/a-18809883) Although Germany saw its last case in 1990, global travel has led to some more cases afterward. (https://www.rki.de/EN/Content/infections/Diagnostics/NatRefCentresConsultantLab/POLIO/Polio_node.html#:~:text=In%20Germany%20the%20last%20indigenous,VAPP%20cases%20by%20live%20vaccines). Moreover, new strains emerge creating the need for updated anti-disease measures. In that sense, a disease takes decades to be eradicated. Although the severity of the symptoms might decrease with decreased virulence of the virus and increased immunity against it, coronavirus is here to stay for a long time - long enough for us to be so accustomed to it that having a party, probably, won't make any sense then.
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni Sure, but you are talking more from a radical point of view. If managed well, epidemics usually don't last more than a few years. The disease itself might stay of course, but there's not going to be massive outbursts, that's where we're heading (hopefully). There will be a point when a clear relief will be felt on a large scale. A reference point to consider is when herd immunity is formed. In the case of COVID-19 that takes about 60% of the population to get immunity either naturally or artificially to stop the infection from spreading. That's what vaccination should do. New strains and quick mutations might be a real threat, but so far the existing vaccines appear to work against the new strain too. Time will show.
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jnikola4 years ago
As the people reading this would probably be, I am also deeply divided on this topic.
On the one hand, the celebration is a nice way to psychologically move forward, out of this dark series of events and restore the levels of optimism for further actions.
But from the other perspective, would it be rational to spend money on "partying", while there is not enough money to ensure free vaccination or even diagnostic tests? Who would organize such an event and take the responsibility for possible new epidemic hotspots and victims, after the 2020 experience?

PS Will we ever get out of the this pandemia?
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