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Using car side windows for augmented reality entertainment for kids

Image credit: Panasonic / About cars / Youtube

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Feb 10, 2022
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Project augmented reality elements on car side windows to keep kids entertained during car rides.
Entertain kids during car rides
How it works
Multiple cameras monitor the surroundings (as they already do in Teslas). Multiple cameras also monitor the inside to determine where the passenger's eyes are and at what angle they see the car's surroundings.
Each passenger in the back seats gets stuff animated on their side of the windows. Based on the angle they are looking out the animation complements the outside elements. All side windows are used to project on.
For example:
  • A stick person can be projected as if he's running over the fields, jumping over houses and cars as they go by.
  • At a stoplight, monkeys are projected to climb on and mess with the stoplights, trees, etc.
  • A persistent stick person gets hit by oncoming traffic over and over again.
  • etc.
Creative contributions

Make it interactive as an aid to carsickness

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Feb 11, 2022
I often get carsick riding in the back of a car. As an adult you don't really notice it as much since driving kind of forces you to focus on the horizon. As a kid someone gave me a hack for not getting sick when i rode a bus or car.
He told to imagine a ninja running alongside the car. With an active imagination it is possible to do it automatically every single time you get into a car. The game pauses whenever you get off and resumes as soon as the car starts again. Not every child can mentain such a level of imagination for long without getting bored, so why not make the imagination real?
Making a game where a person runs alongside the car level to the horizon and the objective is to miss obstacles. such a game could be really helpful to kids or anyone with severe motion sickness. It also doubles as a form of entertainment for those long trips.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
An actual game where the passenger controls the ninja sounds cool too.
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Educational features

Spook Louw
Spook Louw Feb 11, 2022
Great idea. Secondary features could also be added to teach children about the area they are in. Historically significant moments could play out superimposed on what they see outside, or fun animations/games dealing with the area's fauna and flora.
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Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković3 years ago
It can also provide kids with interesting information about the car itself, how it's running, show illustrated 3D imaging of the car and its parts.

Show the mileage the car and the passengers travelled in the current ride and contextualizing it to interesting tidbits of information, correlating it to beloved tales.
For instance:
"We travelled 250 miles on this trip so far, that is nothing compared to Sam and Frodo who walked for 1,350 miles!" showing the map of Middle Earth and their trajectory.
Maybe the "are we there yet?" chants at least get turned into funny "are we in Mordor yet?" ones.
Utilizing other popular adventure stories kids love.
It can also teach geography to kids, showing the distance passed on a map of the country. Sharing interesting information about the towns the highway is passing next to.
If it's an electric car, it can be info about solar energy and just how much of it was used for this ride. "Equivalent to watching cartoons on the TV for 100 hours", for instance.
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Can it be educational?

Himanshu Jain
Himanshu Jain Feb 13, 2022
The AR can fulfil the curiosity of the kids to explore the outside world better.
Young kids usually ask their parents about surroundings inside the car which can often lead to distractions to the driver. The children can explore the surroudings with AR on the car side windows. The understanding of colors, shapes, utilities and actions can be put up in details.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Yes, that sounds great. In addition, kids could wear headphones through which they would hear about interesting events that happened in the area
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General comments

jnikola3 years ago
I found that the Audi e-Tron team developed a VR experience for the passengers in the back seat. When a car turns right, the spaceship you are driving while wearing VR glasses turns right, too. There will also be some games for the kids. The in-game experience is based on the car acceleration, turns, and surroundings, making it a 5D cinematic experience. The advantage of this system compared to the proposed idea is that the windows can stay the same, while the user's in-game experience can be maximally isolated and enhanced. The problem with windows would be the already-mentioned angle of view, depth of field, and the necessity to wear 3D glasses. Isn't it easier to just put on the VR glasses instead?
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
J. Nikola with AR projection on car windows passengers inside don't wear any glasses. This is very convenient
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
When all cars are equipped with augmented reality windows all around, sponsors could pay to have stuff superimposed on their buildings, etc. Though advertisement would probably be frowned upon if the cars were owned by passengers.
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Spook Louw
Spook Louw3 years ago
I love this idea, one thing I always think when addressing any ideas for screens or displays of some sort is that I imagine that these will eventually all become redundant when VR eyewear technology advances past a certain point.
There would be no use for special windows when glasses that can perform the same functions anywhere, not limited to a car, becomes more refined and affordable.
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Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
On that note, I think it would be cool if car windows could project your phone. That way, kids can play games and enjoy content on a bigger screen. Also, thinking about your Tesla comment, it would be a cool safety feature if the cameras could identify people who are armed in the vicinity. Another cool feature would be for the cameras to spot an open parking bay.
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