I think one of the main (if not the main) reasons why online surveillance has become so widespread is capitalistic society model. Maybe it's not so much the capitalism itself as the idea that you can do whatever it takes to sell the product, which has already become the norm nobody even questions. Internet and personal data collection are just very convenient tools for anyone who wants to sell whatever they want to sell. Internet wasn't built for that purpose, this came as a byproduct with more and more people using it and especially the start of widespread use of smartphones.
Sure, there might be other motivations for this and other types of people than just businesses collecting personal data, but the madness of online advertising and personalization only makes for them very easy to hide in the crowd of data collectors. After all, you'll never know when, by whom, and for what purpose your data might be used, it's all entangled. But online advertising only perpetuates this.
So unless we rethink our values and redesign the socioeconomic system accordingly, nothing might help. Maybe it would be enough to start with laws forbidding data collection for the purpose of gaining profit. Using alternative financial support methods (like donations or crowdfunding) also increases trustworthiness of that particular company when it comes to data collection because they have no motivation for abusing it. So I think promoting more of those alternative funding methods in contrast with online advertising business model is a very good way towards cleaner internet, but probably towards cleaner society as well.