How do we make people intuitively aware that every person is living a life as vivid and complex as theirs?
Image credit: Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels
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Getting masked up for a day

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How would you measure it?

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Place reminders urging people to think about others in public places

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Sonder evenings at cafes

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Another metric
[1]Grant A. M., Franklin J., Langford P. (2002). The Self-Reflection and Insight Scale: A new measure of private self-consciousness. Social Behavior and Personality, 30(8), 821–835. 10.2224/sbp.2002.30.8.821 [
[2]Private self-consciousness and the five-factor model of personality: distinguishing rumination from reflection. Trapnell PD, Campbell JD J Pers Soc Psychol. 1999 Feb; 76(2):284-304
[3]The benefits of being present: mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Brown KW, Ryan RM J Pers Soc Psychol. 2003 Apr; 84(4):822-48.
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Virtual life-mimicking video game

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A reliable metric for how well you understand other people
[1]Shaw, P., Baker, D., Baron Cohen, S., Lawrence, E. J., & David, A. S. (2004). Measuring empathy: Reliability and validity of the empathy quotient. Psychological Medicine, 34(5), 911–919. doi:10.1017/S0033291703001624
[2] Baron Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). The empathy quotient: An investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(2), 163–175. doi:10.1023/B:JADD.0000022607.19833.
[3]Baron-Cohen, S., Richler, J., Bisarya, D., Gurunathan, N., & Wheelwright, S. (2003). The systemizing quotient: An investigation of adults with asperger syndrome or high–functioning autism, and normal sex differences. The Royal Society, 358(1430), 361–374. doi:10.1098/rstb.2002.1206
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