What is the key to elevating your mood?
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My personal ways of coping: balance acceptance and distraction

[1]Johanna M. Gostner & all, Coffee Extracts Suppress Tryptophan Breakdown in Mitogen-Stimulated Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2015
[2]Joanna Rymaszewska & all, Whole-body cryotherapy – promising add-on treatment of depressive disorders, psychiatria Polska, 2019
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Bad mood as a comprehension booster

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Do we need to really 'elevate' the mood?
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"System" as a curious word

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The feelgood neurotransmitters Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins

- Dopamine - motivation to go after something
- Serotonin - the feeling of superiority over someone
- Oxytocin - the feeling of bonding with someone
- Endorphins - natural soothing after experiencing pain or stress
[1]Happy Brain Chemicals by Loretta Breuning https://youtu.be/ldPuBk7a9V4
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What makes you happy?

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Mood oriented search engine

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Write down tasks you have completed each day to increase your dopamine levels

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It's quite a personal experience for everyone.

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