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I'm building a park made of logs and branches. What are some ideas that would make this scenic place more enjoyable?

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 01, 2022
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Can you come up with some non-obvious ideas that would make this scenic place more enjoyable for people?
I've been combing Pinterest for months. Whatever you can find online, chances are I've already seen and considered it.
Some background
As a hobby, I'm building a park on top of a hill overlooking my hometown.
In the beginning, the idea was to build a chair and table where I could come to think in nature. I cleared out a patch of thick bush and replaced it with some stylish wooden furniture. After seeing how much people loved it, I gathered a bunch of friends and we started cleaning the area of bushes and building benches, loungers, swings:

Before we built anything, the area was popular for the 454 stairs leading to the top of the hill. People used the stairs for training:

So we added some calisthenics equipment near the top of the stairs.

We kept working on weekends, building cool stuff made from logs and branches. Soon, the area became a pleasant park where people enjoy watching sunsets while their children play.

Here's an aerial view of the place:

The challenge
Can you come up with something cool I could build up there? It has to be made out of logs/branches/wood. The goal is to make the place more enjoyable for people of all ages.
There is plenty of space up there for more cool stuff. I will list some of my ideas below, so that we don't repeat what I already have planned.
Creative contributions

Wooden sculptures and art installations

Povilas S
Povilas S Apr 04, 2022
Make the area more artistic by building some wooden sculptures. Maybe use the help of some artist to provide ideas, but cool sculptures could be built from simple materials, like branches and logs if you are skilled enough at building and know the techniques how to do it. Youtube could help. Branches and twigs are perfect for making hollow sculptures, the inside of which people could enter. Some examples:

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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
I would definitely need to find some artists for this. I also had a few of these saved:) Something like this could serve as a gate through which you enter the area

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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Darko Savic Looks great
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
I'm not sure if you have those kinds of celebrations, but in some countries, during some of the celebrations (e.g. midsummer), it's traditional to burn sculptures made of straw, twigs, etc. It's, perhaps, not very smart to burn near a woody area, but maybe there are some open spaces where those could be placed on sand, etc. This makes for an impressive view, especially if many sculptures are burned at once. Since the location is on the hill, such a fire show could be seen from far away.
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700m long zipine from top to bottom of the hill

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 01, 2022
In the future, I hope to get the city council involved and create some bigger projects like a 700m-long zip-line from the top of the hill to a field below.
A few possible routes are shown in the image below. We can come up with even longer, more extreme routes:)

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Life sized games for community to bond over

Aashi Agarwal
Aashi Agarwal Apr 15, 2022
I love how Darko Savic and his friends have transformed the place into something the community as a whole could enjoy. Now that the place is already attracting crowd, how about helping them socialize and bond over fun activities?
You could introduce some board games that children and adults could spend time playing on the hill top. How about a carrom board or a game of chess? To make things more interesting, you could make the games life sized and carve them out of wood.
A few ideas you can draw inspiration from:
  • Giant wooden Kerplunk
  • Life sized wooden connect 4
  • Giant chess set where chess pieces are carved out of wood
  • Giant Scrabble
  • Giant domino set for domino rally
You could start a domino rally where teams compete together to set up a giant domino run and then topple it all. This video on DIY giant Dominoes might help.
  • Roller coaster ride for kids and adults
If you are feeling very adventerous you can try making homemade rollercoasters like this that seem like a lot of fun :)

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Scenic swings where 2 people can talk and enjoy the view

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 01, 2022
Both swings will be facing the scenic view but also slightly toward each other so that 2 people can chat while enjoying the view. The swing is incomplete because the logs are not thick enough and the entire thing is wobbly. I have to replace the logs.

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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Awesome! Maybe add seat belts or some kind of fastens for kids. But definitely a great idea. This assembled on tall cliffs will fall under adventurous sports.
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Barbecue brick pits

Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic Apr 02, 2022
Firstly, well done. It already looks like it has great potential, and your suggestions would make that place 10X better.
I was thinking about how to make it a fun place for the entire family and make them stay there for several hours. People love to socialise and eat. That's the reason I think a barbecue pit would attract many people.
I couldn't find a good, royalty-free picture to demonstrate. You could have the barbecue pits by your kitchen area, where you've got the wooden roof. Within a rock or a brick wall, you fit grills. It's simple, yet it gives men something to do while the kids are playing and the women are preparing the salads.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Thai barbecue comes to mind. They have a buffet-style area where you buy whichever raw ingredients you like, then take them to your barbecue and grill them yourself.

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a swing around?

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Apr 02, 2022
Not sure if this has a name, but it was really popular when I was a kid. We used to build them when the eucalyptus trees shed their barks and the trunks were really smooth. I think the same result can be achieved by smoothening out a portion of the tree bark.
This is a basic sketch of the thing, You attatch something that can rotate around the trunk and then attatch tethers to it.
Now 4 kids attatch themselves to the tethers and on the count of 3 start running in the same direction clockwise. Their speed and mass will reach a point where if they jump they will keep "flying" around the tree due to centrifugal force.
The greater the speed and coordination, the longer the flight lasts. I would sugest helmets and some protective gear when starting off.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Sounds like something I want to try myself:) Many cool things would be illegal here because of the potential that someone could get hurt. With protective gear, it becomes a high-maintenance project. Then it needs someone to show kids how to use it, and make sure they put the gear on, etc. They need to get paid for their time.
It's a very cool idea, but a less cool environment to accept it for what it is.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
Darko Savic, I have something else that might work. Tetherball. Just tie a ball to a trunk. The goal is to kick the ball and make wrap around the tree trunk but there is someone else on the other side of the tree trying to wrap it around in the opposite direction. It's a fun game. We used to play it elimination style, if your opponent wraps it around the trunk first, you have to sit on a bench while he keeps on playing with someone else. This has got to be legal, right?
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Contrived _voice yes, this would work:)
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Ask the locals with a (wooden) QR code

Michaela D
Michaela D Apr 15, 2022
Who better to give you ideas than the people who visit the park? Make a simple online questionnaire, link it to a QR code, print it and place it somewhere visible in the area. For extra points on aesthetics and durability print the QR code on wood (laser engraved).
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Outdoor open kitchen

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 01, 2022
An outdoor kitchen that doubles as a self-service fresh food vending machine. The refrigerated lockers contain fresh food like salads, smoothies, fruit, all kinds of healthy snacks, etc. People pay to unlock individual lockers and serve themselves. They take a seat on any of the many cool benches.

The kitchen would be made from logs and branches. The refrigerated vending lockers would be dressed in wood to fit the style. The entire thing would be covered with a roof like this:

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Bushcraft hammocks

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 01, 2022
A few bushcraft-style flat-lay camping hammocks that people can relax in. They would be made from rope and small logs/sticks.

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Small forest huts and treehouses that people can rent overnight

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 01, 2022
Small forest huts that 2 people can sleep in overnight. They would be hidden in the forest so that they can't be seen from the city. People could rent them for a day via an app.

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A treehouse with a swinging bridge

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 02, 2022
Something like this:

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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
A treehouse without a bridge might be even more interesting, If you had to climb there yourself through a rope ladder, circular stairs going around the tree trunk, or something like that, for fit people who like challenges, a simple rope could be the only way up.
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Stairs made from a big log

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 02, 2022
Stairs made from a big log so that they can serve a dual purpose. People can sit on them and enjoy the view. Something like this:
Placed here:

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Attract wildlife

Spook Louw
Spook Louw Apr 03, 2022
I love community projects like this.
You could add to the experience by attracting as much wildlife to the area as possible. I don't know what animals you have in the area, but something as simple as owl houses/bird feeders/salt licks/watering holes or troughs could attract whatever animals are in the vicinity and potentially add to what seems to be an amazing view already.
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Fixed cameras

Spook Louw
Spook Louw Apr 03, 2022
This idea for fixed cameras at popular photo opportunities could also be a nice addition to your spot.
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Tree inosculation

mschiav3 Jun 22, 2022
inosculate platan trees into shapes and constructions and sculptures:
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A Weeble wobble

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Dec 02, 2022
This would be cool to build and place in the park, but probably a lawsuit waiting to happen:)

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Viewpoint binoculars on a rotating turret. When directed below the horizon people can "see" through Earth via google maps and street view

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Dec 12, 2022
Viewpoint binoculars on a turret. You strap yourself into the seat and rotate it with joysticks. When facing the ground, you see through Earth as if it was transparent via Google Maps/Street view. I described this idea in detail here.

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A shaded sitting area made of logs and sticks

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 02, 2022
Something like this

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General comments

Michaela D
Michaela D3 years ago
One more idea: a dog park!
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