Every year wildlife services kill animals like elephants and antelope to limit the strain in resources due to large populations. It's a necessary action but I think it's overkill. some animals are already endagered as is and killing them just makes things worse.
These animals exists in ecosysytems that are not entirely unique to specific countries but entire regions. A country with an excess of elephants in thier reserves should send them over to thier neighbours in a system of trade, exchange or lending.
with an increased number of endagered animals it is possible to file laws protecting forests and other ecosystems from deforrestation and encroachment
Moving animals away also slows down the efects of poaching.
more land for the animals means it's possible for thier numbers to increase.
Doing the same for other alredy endagered species could help them come back again from the brink (It should be noted however that alot of math has to be done to make sure foreign species don't multiply too fast for the local ones to keep up.)
Tourism is a really great way to boost the economies of small countries
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