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Total ban on hunting and fishing wild animals

JESUS MELERO Jul 15, 2021
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Mankind must stop fishing and hunting wild animals.

We already have a devastating impact on species with pollution, to add to the deliberate killing.

No moderating law has worked because there are poachers who break the law and illegal captures added to the legal ones prevent the species from recovering.

Only a total ban on hunting and fishing wild animals will work.
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What do you propose as the main source of food then?

jnikola Jul 16, 2021
I agree that the hunting and fishing are often reaching extreme limits and, as I read, governments keep fighting it unsuccessfuly. But animals have been eating each other for hundreds and thousands of years. We are also animals and we need food.

What do you propose as the main source of food then?
Does it mean we need more animal farms or switch to vegetables as the main source?
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Sustainable fishing/hunting is better than animal farming

Povilas S
Povilas S Jul 18, 2021
I write this contribution partly as an answer to the question raised by Juran's creative contribution. If such a ban was established, this would definitely result in a huge increase in animal farming. Switching to a plant-based diet is a good solution, but animal farming is even worse than hunting/fishing in my opinion. Firstly from an ethical standpoint - farmed animals have the worst "life" one could imagine - they are forcefully bred into existence, kept mostly in cages, offsprings are separated from their moms, the animals are often kept in very bad conditions and eventually, all of them are exploited for the products of their bodies one way or another, they are treated and killed usually very cruelly. Also, psychological health of people who work in slaughterhouses is usually affected.

In the wild animals at least have freedom and chances to survive. They are used to the "kill/get killed" survival mode, it's part of their life. Farmed animals, on the contrary, are like pets intended for abuse. Therefore sustainable use of wild resources, including hunting and fishing seems a better option in that regard. On top of the ethical concerns, animal farming also contributes a great deal to global warming and environmental pollution. Some experts speculate that meat consumption might become illegal in the future because of this ecological reason.

While an assumption that a wholesome diet has to include animal products is still mostly prevailing in society, more and more evidence from various scientific studies is piling up to debunk this. Plant-based diet has been proven to help prevent many serious health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even cancer. It's true that a few vitamins and microelements are difficult to get from a plant-only diet, but using supplements is a rather negligible price to pay compared to the disadvantages of animal farming. An alternative option is occasionally supplementing plant-based diet with animal products from sustainable fishing/hunting. But essentially I don't think we even need that, once plant-based diet would become prevailing in society, the "lack of nutrients" problem wouldn't be a problem anymore, cause mass-production would be oriented towards necessary fortification.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
JESUS MELERO I agree with sustainable hunting/ fishing more than a total ban. People have been consuming meat for a very long time to tell them to stop doing it. Conservation of species is pretty complex and meat consumption is just one of the many reasons behind their exploitation. A meat ban will not ensure conservation of all the wild species. The economies of several regions/ countries, the livelihood of the people, and their daily diet depends on animals. Before the ban, these people need to be provided other sources of income and made available other kinds of food. And as a human, do we really have control over what others choose to eat and use? Should we impose such restrictions?

However, to conserve species, regulatory bodies can be set in place that measure the daily hunted meat and fished products. They will also survey the wild population of animals and fish used in the diet. They will then only allow for a surplus amount to be hunted each day. If the wild populations start decreasing, they curtail the hunting activities.

Povilas S, the plant-based diet being healthier is not applicable to all. It may be true for the urban population of the world that indulges in minimal physical activity. There are those urban populations and several rural/ tribal populations that keep healthy instead of a high-fat or a high-meat diet. And since we are talking about a global meat ban, these populations will be affected in a major way.

References suggesting that high-fat and high-meat diets are not necessarily unhealthy in certain populations:
1. https://news.asu.edu/20170317-discoveries-despite-meat-heavy-diet-indigenous-tribe-has-world%E2%80%99s-healthiest-hearts-%E2%80%94-why?fbclid=IwAR3yAOuoEs4JMIdZTG74QS0Bae98UgpQ1PaougQnB7JzBZN3zhN1cM3fKnc
2. https://sciencenordic.com/denmark-diseases-exercise/the-maasai-keep-healthy-despite-a-high-fat-diet/1376530

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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni I agree. The worst part of this regarding the ethical side is large-scale animal farming. And it provides animal products mostly for urban populations. If the majority of urban populations would go plant-based, large-scale animal farming would disappear. Domestic animals grown in rural populations for local consumption is better. And indigenous communities such as those in the links you gave have been using wild resources for a long long time, it's part of their culture, their lifestyle, so they shouldn't be banned from it. They are not the ones responsible for devastating wild nature, in contrast - they know how to live in balance with it.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
How about using cell cultures to produce food en masse https://brainstorming.com/the-most-energy-efficient-method-to-produce-food-for-people/73

Also this https://youtu.be/LIK71UMFqw8
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