After being drawn on, tiles can switch places from time to time to give all creations equally good or bad positions and hence ensure greater visibility for each drawing overall. That is, the ones drawn up top should also go down and vice versa.
This could also make the experience interactive. You could draw something that relates to the tile on the bottom, like characters reacting to something and then view how it changes context as it changes places.
The top unreachable row could be reserved for the best of the week or best of the month. It would make some boring chores like going to the bank or the post office exciting as you'd get to see the leaderboard. It would certainly be a loyalty builder for brands, and banks sure need it.
One, a more reachable row of the tiles can be reserved for a moving slide (like a news ticker) of the drawings from past weeks and the current week in order to let the queued people to vote on them. The top five from the week get to the top of the month and so on.
Please leave the feedback on this idea