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Multi-angular displays that let you print more than two pages on a single leaf

Image credit: Francisco M Martinez-Verdú

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Jul 24, 2021
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There is a way that two or more images can be printed on one surface so that when you view the display from different angles, you see different images. This type of display can be used to compress two or more images into the amount of space that will normally contain just one image. That way, the number of pages required to convey a certain amount of information is more than halved. This means a lesser demand for paper and a lesser number of trees will be fell for the production of paper.
The kind of papers used for this type of display will have to be manufactured so that their surface is made of many tiny pyramid-like structures. The number of sides on the pyramid is the maximum number of images that the paper can accommodate. A lot of technological developments have to be made in the printing sector since every side of the little pyramids needs to be printed separately.
Readers or observers will have to read/view each of the images from a different angles to see all the details on the display. Having to read a single page from multiple angles can be stressful. An array of mirrors and lenses can be set up to view all of the images from a single point of view. The mirrors can be “tuned” to different images by using control knobs.
This type of display can be used to create illusions of motion pictures and will be heartily welcomed by comic book lovers. The concept of placing images that can be seen differently from different angles can also be extended to billboards, tattoos, and road signs.
In the case of LCD displays, hemispherical display cells can be used to display a lot of images at once. The number of images that can be displayed in this case is limited by the resolution of the display and the accuracy of the reader when it comes to monitoring angles. Spherical display can be used to generate smooth transitions which could be set to darken, brighten or enlarge the image. If this kind of display is implemented. The same movie can be played more than once and viewers will still enjoy them by watching the movies from different seats in the cinema that correspond to different angles.
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Some concerns

Povilas S
Povilas S Jul 24, 2021
If the printing of such a multiangular sheet requires sophisticated technology to produce it and the surface of the sheet has to be covered in tiny pyramid-like structures (which most likely will require using more paper than an ordinary sheet) would this approach really be economically and ecologically better?

Also, viewing the sheet from different angles is not only an additional hassle for the user, but the information displayed when viewing a sheet from an angle might be unclear. I'm judging this by the multiangular pictures that already exist, the images in them are usually not very clear, if there are two images (as is usually the case), one of them is normally way less clear. So if the same technology was used, it might be too complicated to read the text on such a sheet.

Fine-tuning a system with some mirrors and automated tilting function, as you propose, might be an option, but this further increases the cost of the technology. Also, the necessity to use a bulky device just to read some pages might discourage people from using it. Maybe it would be easier to use an entirely digital system then. Perhaps these complications are the reason why the existing multiangular pictures are used only occasionally and only for decorative/entertainment purposes.

I liked the idea of implementing the possibility of multiangular views in cinema. Maybe it would even be possible to produce movies with different versions of the plot. It reminds me of
this contribution by Shubhankar. But since around the 2000's the majority of cinema theaters are using digital technology instead of old-school photo films there's no niche to apply such technology for that purpose. Maybe some antique movie theaters still using film reels could implement this and make it into a steampunk trend, but the sophisticated technology required for this would probably not be worth it.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
I second what Povilas said
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