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Need a good name for a phone app that supports parents in raising their teens

Image credit: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/population-focused-modules/teens/

the csp world
the csp world Oct 24, 2021
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I want to create an app that supports parents in raising teens in the right way, and I would like to hear as many suggestions as possible about the name of the app
The name must combine these meanings (adolescent - education - treatment of behavioral problems)
thank you all
Creative contributions

Teen Whisperer

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Oct 25, 2021
"Teen Whisperer"
Whisperer is a person who handles or trains a specified type of animal mostly by means of gestures and has a special talent for communicating with the animal: a horse whisperer; a dog whisperer.
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Stumble. I guess if one stumbles, one can look up this app to help him/her get up and get going in every space.
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the csp world
the csp world3 years ago
thank yooooooou so much
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Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković3 years ago
I'd have to say that the "whisperer" part could get a negative interpretation as it might get memed by implying it is an app for paedophiles looking to seduce teens.
I know that "dog whisperer" is a common term but I think I know internet and youth culture and they would probably make the connection from whispering into seduction. Also, there's a stigma about people who use child leashes because they are thought of as intended for dogs, not humans, so it might happen with the app if it's named like that.
Naming an app is a lot like naming the kid and you have to be careful you don't make it an easy target for ridicule.
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Alliteration and teaching titles combined

Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković Oct 25, 2021
I do like the idea of utilizing a profession connected with teaching.
Growing up Guru
AffectionetelyAdvanceAdolesence - a bit of alliteration is always good and you can have AAA under the app icon while it's also a strong symbol for quality. It's also used in the video game industry for the best games so you might trick a teen or two into liking it.
I'll probably have more in the next 24 hours.
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the csp world
the csp world3 years ago
thank you so much
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Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković3 years ago
Teenage Mentor Ninja Tutors xD
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Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković3 years ago
TeenTutorringTherapy - precisely hits all three marks you wrote.
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Some names that have to do with the parents

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Oct 26, 2021
MinGenGap - Minimizing Generation Gap or just GenGap
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the csp world
the csp world3 years ago
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you I like MinGenGap, it's perfect
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
the csp world Glad you like it! Povilas S Yes, exactly my thought. Both parents and teens are the victims here with the situation being the only perpetrator.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
MinGenGap or GenGap I like the most from all the titles suggested so far because it targets an issue relevant for both sides - teens and parents equally, so it's neutral in that sense, most of all other titles were adapted to the parent side and I think because of that teens might feel repulsed just by hearing them - it implies they are a problem parents need to deal with, but from their perspective parents are also a problem that they need to deal with.
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General comments

Danny Weir
Danny Weir3 years ago
EducaTeen (combines the words education and teenager, two of your buzz words). EducaTeen also sounds like the word 'educating', suggesting a continuous process of learning between the parents and the teenagers/ adolescents.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
A random, somewhat related thought I had today:
Adults change at a much slower pace than kids (especially kids in puberty). People are notoriously uncomfortable with change. Maybe we are the ones that have a problem coping with the pace rather than teens needing to be "micromanaged".
So in addition to everything your program already has, maybe include a large section for adults to work on themselves so that they don't mess up their kids in the process. Adults would need to develop mechanisms/strategies to cope with the rapid change in their child's transformation, rather than pulling the child back for the sake of the adult's comfort.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Darko Savic Agreed! The traditional role of a parent assumes they know what is best for the kids (which may not be always true). Hence, the micromanagement and, hence, the conflict. The other factor of conflict is balancing between "what teenagers want" and "what they need".
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Hi the csp world
Can you briefly describe how the app works? It would help in coming up with a suitable name
Does it give parents tips on how to handle common situations?
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the csp world
the csp world3 years ago
Darko Savic The app helps parents to:
Understand how teens think
Clarify the behavioral problems that may appear in adolescents
Explain the causes of behavioral problems
Explain how to treat behavioral problems
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