A brand that sells only items with a lifetime guarantee.
The brand offers guarantees such as "If it breaks/tears - we'll simply replace it, for free" and employs slogans such as "We sell final solutions".
This applies to technology, clothing, household items, services, education, etc.
The company also takes on the task of eliminating moral wear. Updates and replacements with new versions, with the utilization of old ones - all included. A one-time payment of an sufficient amount is made, so that the person's need is closed for life. The money received is invested, interest to which makes a sufficient amount for updates, repairs, replacements and the elimination of moral wear.
This may be a part of the International Life Quality Federation, which is a one window organization for satisfaction of all human's needs.
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[1]Economic Depreciation: Definition, Vs. Accounting Depreciation, DANIEL LIBERTO, 2020, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economicdepreciation.asp
[2]Philosophy of Money and Finance, de Bruin, Boudewijn, Lisa Herzog, Martin O’Neill, and Joakim Sandberg, 2018, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/money-finance/
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