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Using an A.I to train yourself to become a chess grandmaster

Image credit: Photo by Recal Media from Pexels

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Jan 30, 2022
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I used to play chess but quit when I noticed I wasn't the best at it. However, I also wasn't the best at art but I didn't quit doing it. That got me thinking about what was the difference between the two and I came up with the following reasons.
  1. A lack of predictability in progress. Beating a person at chess doesn't mean you're better at it at them all the time. There is a factor of chance and circumstance at play. You may beat a player right now only for them to destroy you 2 hours later.
  2. Frustration. Playing chess countless times and losing doesn't mean you're not getting better at it, everyone else could just be playing at a level you haven't reached yet. Even knowing that fact doesn't stop your brain from creating a negative emotional response to the game.
  3. No precise feedback. After a game, an opponent might tell you your defense was weak or your attack was sloppy but no one really tells you how that was.
  4. Differences in cognitive functions . This here is a game changer. You may emulate a really skilled player, analyse all their games and try to mirror their play style, However, In an actual game your perception of events and judgements on choice and consequence are made by your own mind. The difference in structure ends up throwing you further off your game.
While shifting to digital art I noticed something. Using my old works for reference produced significantly greater results in significantly shorter timeframes. Then It hit me. The only way to get better at something is to know EXACTLY what you INDIVIDUALY were doing wrong to begin with. Could The same be done with chess? I found a possible solution.
At first i thought playing chess against a computer would work , so I began research on how exactlt computers play chess. Chess is played on what is called a Thinking machine , it works by tracking the positon of each piece on the board along multiple possible dimensions ,then using that data it begins the task of increasing the value of it's pieces relative to it's opponents' while simultaniously taking control of the largest areas of the board. I found a website (thinking machine 6) that let's you watch it "think" while you play against it via transparent intelligence. However, not being a machine I could not find away to impove based on just raw data.
AlphaZero. A deep learning algorithm that you can train train to play chess. It is famous for teaching itself to play chess in 4 hours and recreating Gary Kasparovs open and dynamic style of play.
As an introduction it could play watch you play a pre-agreeed number of games against a thinking machine. Using it's observations it can now play against you as you allowing you to watch yourself mess up in first person. While you are busy beating yourself ,it records your new tactics and after a while uses them against you. It could be set to rotate tacticts after a week meaning you could always be playiing against yourself from the past week. This would let you see if you patched up the holes in your gameplay as well as adress new gaps that may have began to form. As you progress and keep beating yourself , your mistakes will become obvious to you since you will become familiar with how you think.
Once the A.I recognizes your play patterns as proffesional it will integrate other tecniques from professional players into its play and repeat the process. This could continue untill you were satisfied enough with your progress to join tournaments.The A.i could lead you on this path of defeating yourself for improvement until your play patterns were on the same level as the masters.
Although Alphazero is not open source, I did find Alpha-zero-general , an open source implimentation of Alphazero based on the AlphaGozero paper . It is supposed to work with any two player game. and is written in python.
I only have basic knowledge in programming however. Could such a system be feasibly made?

[1]Human Parietal Cortex Structure Predicts Individual Differences in Perceptual Rivalry. Ryota Kanai, Bahador Bahrami and Geraint Rees in Current Biology, Vol. 20, No. 18, pages 1626–1630; August 19, 2010

[2]AlphaGo Zero paper (Silver et al)

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General comments

Povilas S
Povilas S2 years ago
Contrived _voice Maybe it's better to turn this session into an idea, what do you think? I think the essence is summarized in the "how it can work" section.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice2 years ago
Povilas S yeah, you're right
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Spook Louw
Spook Louw2 years ago
Nice idea, but I think most chess programs already do this or an equally effective version of this, the same should be true of a coach.
On chess.com, for instance, you can analyze your game move for move, see what the better options would have been and why. It also lets you play people who have a similar level of skill and it even suggests specific exercises to do based on your playing.
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jnikola2 years ago
The program doesn't sound so complex to write, but how is this faster than having an equal number of training hours with a Chessmaster, or joining the club and gradually beating better opponents by learning new tactics? If you joined a club and your "chess teacher" picked the right opponents for you, I think the time invested to reach the pro level would be pretty much the same, right?
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice2 years ago
J. Nikola I did a study on that. The most anyone can teach you is how to win at chess. But it's not very effective, all you get is tactics and play-style but no one holds your hand through it. You don't develop your own style unless you had an affinity for the game to begin with. I think this tactic of letting you create your own style is better.
What I'm thinking of is if someone held your hand through everything. This could allow anyone to better themselves at it without having to bother anyone by asking for help all the time. I think people would appreciate that, I know a lot of people love chess but don't play because they got frustrated after trying to improve and failing. Trying to play the way someone else plays is hard.
Also attending a chess class requires scheduling, no? wouldn't a personal instructor always at your request be more convenient.
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