Recently, @Matt Colbe started a session dealing with the usage of blockchain technology in the music industry. I described a potential solution by introducing the AUDIO token that could help artists to gain better control of the distribution and streaming of their music, making their profits significantly higher, too.
A similar problem exists in science. Many people work on specific problems for years and by collaborative effort, move step by step towards the solution (better efficiency of the solar panels, a better understanding of the disease, possible mechanisms of chemotherapeutic resistance in cancer, etc.). The solution sometimes reaches the pharma industry or a start-up, which launches the product on the market (really cool, more efficient solar panels, a new drug against ovarian cancer, etc.). That way, the collaborative effort of many scientists and enthusiasts results in a product that brings millions to the lucky "inventor". But what about everyone in the contribution chain that invested a lot of effort to make it happen? Should they receive a piece of cake?
I offer a solution to the above mention problem - a decentralized platform for publishing, patenting and tracking the citation with the support of a blockchain-based token.
The idea is to develop a fully equipped toolset for scientists and other researchers.
The toolset would comprise of:
To become relevant in scientific community, publishing should be previously peer-reviewed. Reviewing would be based on blockchain technology to be transparent and up-to-date. A person should be able to patent his/her product via the same service, which would be the mediator between the legal institutions and the person. Everything would be kept in a integrated blockchain system.
Everytime a person cite somebody, smart algorithm determines the importance factor for the cited paper in the context of the paper topic/field. That way, cited papers gain visibility and become "contributors" to a certain topic. When the patent or the prize is won, a certain amount of money gets distributed among the contributors in the most adequate portions.
Researchers can support research of other authors or receivetheir "portion" of the prize via integrated wallet with unique token.
Do you think the idea would be viable in this shape?
How could we attract researchers to use the platform? What would be our strongest argument?
How to deal with previously published papers and patents?
Do we need a more intelligent citing system? For example, could we group citations into groups with different ratings (1 - citation presents the key finding that inspired us, 2 - citation presents the important finding that helped us shape our research, 3 - citation presents background knowledge needed for the topic, 4 - citation presents basic concepts of the field). That way papers would not be judged just by the impact factor of the journal and the number of citations, but the "citation score".
What do you think?
The platform would be a great playground to train algorithms that would do what
@Darko Savic proposed:AI-generated articles comprised only of quotations from scientific papers and based on what you want to convey
A platform where crowdfunded bounties are paid to people who translate scientific papers for general public
Please leave the feedback on this idea
Please leave the feedback on this idea
Please leave the feedback on this idea